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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-15-2007, 01:44 AM
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Debating on going with the Touch or iPhone

Hello all! My contract with Sprint is almost up, and although I've had my ups and downs with my 6700, I have really liked the phone. However, I did get to play around with an iPhone the other day, and was pretty impressed. Guess my question is, does/would Sprint be willing to give me any discounts on the Touch to keep me from "defecting" to ATT? Has anyone had any experience with them doing this? I haven't had any problems with Sprints service, but I found out that through my union, I can get a pretty good discount with ATT. That, and the iPhone has me thinking about jumping ship. Thanks!

  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-15-2007, 01:49 AM
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The iPhone crushes the Touch is almost every way but the internet will be slower and you need to be sure that ATT has good coverage where you are.
  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-15-2007, 02:08 AM
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u should be able to get $150 credit to upgrade your phone to touch.

As for touch vs. iphone, touch is more suitable for business use: outlook, office, push email, etc.

Originally Posted by hippity.hoppity View Post
The iPhone crushes the Touch is almost every way but the internet will be slower and you need to be sure that ATT has good coverage where you are.
  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-15-2007, 02:16 AM
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First of all mate watch out you may catch heat from some in the anti apple camp around here. Just giving u a heads up.

I would agree with hippity except for the fact that because the safari browser destroys all PPC browsers it seems to make up for the lost speed. I can surf the web faster on my buddies Iphone then on my touch.

As for deals with sprint I would encourage you to check out this website
I have heard the email code savings@sprintemi.com works, or atleast it did for me.

Once you get the number you will need to call in and ask to speak to someone in retentions.

Once there explain to them that someone who works for sprint told you about the sero program and while you dont want to cancel the Iphone is looking good. Retentions will be able to sign you up on a sero plan and get you the phone keeping your number even though they say it cant be done. I and many others have done this.
For more info you may want to check out www.howardsforum.com then go to the sprint forum then the sero sub forum.

My wife and I now pay 30.00 each a month for 500 anytime, unlimited data, texting, mobile to mobile, frre nights and weekends. I dont care who the carrier it is the best deal going in my opinion. It was why I didnt buy the iphone and become one of the aleged sheepel who use them. The monthly bill on an Iphone approaches 100.00 so over the course of a year I am saving 60.00 a month times 12. Over 2 years thats a lot of scratch in my pocket. I can suffer with a smaller phone with more capabilities but a worse browser for that much money. Also the browser situation will be fixed eventually I hope. You cannot slingbox an Iphone and there are million and one 3rd party apps for WM, I phone has squat. As with everything else in life its given and take mate. Check out the sero program and sign up before 12-31-07
  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12-15-2007, 02:56 AM
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First of all The Iphone is probably a better toy than the touch... And has a better creen resolution, camera, browser....Again a cool toy. I like the little things like being able to go directly to the person that left you a message vs the standard listen to your messages andd see who did. and of course wifi. But to me and many iphone users...believe it sucks as a phone.

The touch is a good phone that can be tweaked to have a number of cool things CLOSE to an iphone. Also its smaller.

Of course the comparison is way more detailed and go deeper, but..

Bottom line
iphone great toy
touch great phone and more business oriented
  #6 (permalink)  
Old 12-15-2007, 03:22 AM
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iPhone: advance multi-media device (video, music, youtube, browsing, EDGE-old internet technology)

Touch: business tool/pocket PC (outlook, push email, Tons of 3rd party apps, flexible, streaming media, MMC, instant messaging, EVDO- latest internet technology, Rev A. upgradeable)

figure out whats more important to you and the answer should be easy.

But, if you pick the iPhone... I would wait to see what the iPhone v2 has in store. Thats what I'm doing.
"You'll always lose money chasing women,
But you can never lose women chasing money"

Last edited by sj808; 12-15-2007 at 03:25 AM.
  #7 (permalink)  
Old 12-15-2007, 04:37 AM
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iPhone is nice, but its SET TO WHAT IT COMES WITH... for now at least...
the touch has a million freaking windows mobile apps you can run on it...
but the iphone, in the same sense as a blackberry, runs great BECAUSE its
so locked down to its well written stock software...
Id say iphone is cool but limited.... and edge can suck my balls, nice 10KPS shaft

Last edited by divxrippimp; 12-15-2007 at 07:29 AM.
  #8 (permalink)  
Old 12-15-2007, 10:24 AM
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agreed klurf8881. lets just say i am surrounded by iphone all my work days. but i LOVE ppc's.
  #9 (permalink)  
Old 12-15-2007, 11:02 AM
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hee hee at iphone GPS:

Creator of:
WP7 Launcher, SoundPlug, MusicFlo, MacFlo, The iCube

Spread the thanks! Click http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/images/but...ost_thanks.gif if someone helps you!
  #10 (permalink)  
Old 12-15-2007, 11:12 AM
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I Bought a Mogul, returned it bought iPhone, went back to Mogul then Touch and could not be happier.

iPhone does some things really well and some really bad.

iPhone pros (mostly because of the great screen):

Picture viewing
Music player

iPhone cons (with respect to Sprint Touch)

Using Blue Tooth headset was a Joke (NO Voice Comand like ability)
Like was stated above NO means of doing GPS Navagation (internal or external)
Syncing to PC was a Joke very limited
Still no official support for thirdparty apps
No tethering (I think a hack exists, but with slow network who cares even if you could)
Slow network speed
You may be spoiled with CDMA performance from Sprint, because AT&T (in Northeast anyway) was a joke (tons of drop calls an poor clarity in weak signal areas).
The GSM buzz drove me insane. Used to buzz car radio and computer speakers at work.
No insurance plan, you drop it, you own it.
Cost of ownership. After finding SERO plans it was a no brainer going back to Sprint. I currently pay $60.00 for two PDA phones (with nights at 7 and unlimited text). On AT&T that would cost something like $140.00. The SERO plans are so cheap phone costs ar in the noise. Turned out with all the rebates I ended up getting TWO PDA phones (Mogul and Q) for like $120.00. Then Sprint swapped Touch for free. There is no wireless company on the planet that would come close to doing that for it's customers.
EVO 4G, Stock Sprint ROM, ProClip in Car, Sony HBH-300.
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