Originally Posted by Procter
From the commercial, it seems that with iphone, you don't need to click any button to switch the screen layout between portrait mode and standard mode. You can simply rotate the phone and the screen mode will switch with it.
Are there any apps out to simulate this function on Touch or any PPC?
The iPhone's screen rotation is hardware based - accelerometer.
Originally Posted by Zyphlin
The thread basically said that in theory you could make a program that would use the camera attached to the Touch to check for changes in the field of vision and adjust the screen based on that, but it would be incredibly battery draining as your camera would need to be running at all times.
Whereever that thread is - anything is possible in "theory". The practicality of using the camera for that kind of operation is (I'd say) non-existent. Not only would the camera have to be on at all times, but it would also have to be able to constantly recognize the environment and check whether an object is sideways. If I were to turn my entire body, the image would blur, just like if I were to rotate the phone..... oh there's so much wrong with this...too much to say....