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  #161 (permalink)  
Old 12-26-2007, 07:12 PM
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I just used getdataback, it is for any windows file system. I did nothing special.
It is fairly expensive. It found all my stuff but I wanted to know was what was on it so I could scrouge around and rebuild it from scratch. I didn't want to recover using getdataback but it looked like it would work (I just used it to browse).

You can see that the Root FAT index table is corrupt (no files are lost).

I tried doing chkdsk repair on it for grins before I formatted and it failed.

There is another program floating around that is free (called FreeUpdate) or something like that.
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  #162 (permalink)  
Old 12-26-2007, 07:35 PM
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Originally Posted by agentmikeyd View Post
It seems that s2u2 may be the culprit. I, and apparently several others, are not using s2u2 and have not had problems with 6gb and other sd cards...maybe a coincidence.
I don't use s2u2 and have had the problem twice.
  #163 (permalink)  
Old 12-26-2007, 07:41 PM
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Originally Posted by mikeinstlouis View Post
so, the only way to recover and reformat is to buy a micro SD card adaptor or reader?
You could copy your good folders back to the device, and use PocketMechanic or SKTools to format the card, and copy your good folders back.
  #164 (permalink)  
Old 12-30-2007, 07:48 PM
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After a week of ownership, I experienced my first data corruption on the standard 512 card. However, the only main problem was the 100MEDIA folder in DCIM was gone (along with all my photos). I believe I had the camera album open when the device went to sleep. I

Now, every week random programs stored on my card won't run and File explorer shows the files aren't on the card anymore. After a soft reset, they're always back.

So I wiped everything clean and stated fresh, with only the problem applications i suspected writing to the card. These are the camera album and outlook. Although i only reproduced it twice, I did identify a cause. When I have an outlook email attachment open and the phone goes to sleep/wakes up and i close the file, it appears that i loose everythign on my card. However, if I take the card out and replace, it becomes "Storage Card 2." Opening this folder shows only Outlook email attachments. I can also open the "Storage Card" folder which shows the original files. I then just rename the folders and delete "Storage Card 2"

So i've slowly added more programs to the storage card and cannot identify any of them causing the problem. These include HTC audio manager, HTC home customizer, pocket mechanic, IM, google maps, yahoo go 2, TCPMP, and spb backup.

Oddly, the only problem has been that I cannot run the programs from the start menu since the shortcuts in the start menu folder don't work randomly. The shortcut and program files are still there and named correctly, but the shortcut just don't do anything. After a soft reset they're sometimes back, but i usually need to make a new shortcut and replace the existing one... works fine then.
I do have all my themes and ringones on the root folder, btw. No problems with those.

I also miss about 3 calls a week and miss a bunch of emails from the stupid thing locking up and not coming out of sleep. I always close all applicarions except ActiveSync. I installed s2u2 tonight to see what happens.

This is very frustrating. Fortunately i always keep everything important syncd with the exchange server at work.
  #165 (permalink)  
Old 01-03-2008, 12:48 AM
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Happened to me for the first time today. Several folders, including Program Files, were crapped up and unreadable/unusable. THANK GOD this stuff was already backed up via Sunnysoft BackupManager on the card. I just did a restore and everything is back to normal. However, I am unable to get rid of the crapped folders/files. So I have saved everything onto a folder on my hard drive and re-format the card. Perhaps this time format it the RIGHT way, as most manufacturers just crank these things out with a basic FAT format (as opposed to FAT 32, 64kb).
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  #166 (permalink)  
Old 01-04-2008, 11:54 PM
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I had my touch for 3 weeks and had no problems with my memory card, but all I had on it were some pictures. I then got a 4 gb and loaded it with music and it was fine for 2 days, then on the 3rd day I was in the gym trying it listen to music and the card was only showing a dcim folder nothing else, even though it showed that over 3 gb was in use. I tried a soft reset with no luck, so when I got home I tried getdataback and I was able to recover all the files, but I ended up just formatting that card and refilling the card with the same files that I already had on my pc before I recovered them using getdataback. Now to see how long it lasts before it happens again.
  #167 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2008, 01:34 PM
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Originally Posted by mcw View Post
Well, it finally happened to me... I lost the files on my SD card - previously, all I had to do was eject the card and re-insert, and my files would show up... But not last night.

So, I decided to figure out what had happened... Since data recovery is just one of the things we handle at work, I fired up some applications to figure out where my data went. I assumed that the data was still there, but just no longer visible - similar to when, with Windows 98, if you powered off improperly, your drive would think you had less data than you did, and a scandisk fixed it...

Ran the utils, and all 350MB of files I had thought were gone were sitting right there - the recovery apps said they were right there - I should see them. Until I looked at the PATH... Turns out that something is going wrong with the path structure, the files that were missing were in the "." path... Confused?

Let's say the root of my SD is the "I:" drive... So
I:\Blah.file is where my files were...
But now, they were here:

Still there, just in "." - and of course, you can't access that! So I simply had it move the data back to the root, and viola - all my files, no corruption, no lost data.

I decided to do a chkdsk on the card, to see if anything had gone wrong other than the data (it was 5AM and I didn't want to do a full byte scan with the recovery apps). XP's chkdsk reported that the path structure was invalid, and even noted that "." and ".." were wrong, so it corrected them! WARNING - DO NOT DO THIS IF YOU HAVE DATA, XP/VISTA CHKDSK WILL NOT RESTORE YOUR FILES THIS WAY, IT WILL ONLY CORRECT THE BAD PATH, BUT YOUR FILES WILL NOT COME BACK. And, funny thing, it said I had CROSSLINKED FILES! Now that's weird - and the only time that really happens is when write processes are interrupted...

Anyway, for people that have important files that they think they have lost, they can probably be easily recovered... Just do NOT use standard operating system tools to fix it, since they probably won't...

I read your post about 2 days too late. I had no problems with my 2gb card for about 1 month, then one day my entire cabs folder was gone [430mb worth of cabs]. I popped the card out into my card reader and used winxp and ran chkdsk and it created a new directory "found.000" with over 4000 "FILExxxx.chk" files. I tried using some utilities i found online to recover and restore them but could not piece together all the individual files in the cabs back together. I ultimately reformatted the card and replaced it with copies of the cabs.

I do not and have never ran S2U2. I think my problem occurred when spb backup was trying to create a scheduled backup overnight. I have it to write to a "\storagecard\backup" folder that already contained several existing backup files. When i noticed that the cabs directory was missing, i also checked in the backup dir and all my prior backups were gone, except for the latest one. ???

Last edited by rycelover; 01-05-2008 at 02:07 PM.
  #168 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2008, 03:32 PM
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This has got to be a firmware / OS Software issue with the HTC Touch and WM6... I wonder if the upcoming (rumored) rom from sprint will have any effect on it.
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  #169 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2008, 05:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Shaska View Post
This has got to be a firmware / OS Software issue with the HTC Touch and WM6... I wonder if the upcoming (rumored) rom from sprint will have any effect on it.
i would tend to agree - there are too many posts here where people say "I don't have a problem" and then one day "holy crap! every thing's gone on my storage card!"
  #170 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2008, 05:41 PM
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One thing I think people could try and report the results of is formatting their cards to FAT32 if they are not already in that format... most memory makers take the cheap route and do FAT16...

This way we could rule out some kind of possible bug with WM6 or the Touch and FAT16 filesystems. (Although Id probably have to side with some of the other people who think its just an issue with Read+Write operations when the device enters a low power state, Which would be a firmware issue)
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