for those with the phone app popping up problem
I thought it might be a good idea to start a new thread so we can figure out why the phone app seems to pop up for some people. For myself I can make it happen every time by doing the following:
1. From home screen, tap sms icon in home plugin to go to sms app.
2. Select sms message I want to reply to.
3. Tap screen to bring up keyboard and then try to select new keyboard to use by tapping and holding arrow. Once I select the keyboard I want to use (this doesn't work at all for me by the way), I minimize the keyboard.
4. Close out of sms app without sending a reply.
5. Phone app pops up.
I'm sure there are other ways to make it pop up to but I can make it happen this way 100% of the time.
Anyway, I think it makes sense for everyone who has this problem to list what programs they have installed - if there's one that we all have in common, it's probably a safe bet that the program in question is the culprit. I guess it could be the Palm threaded sms app itself (we all know there are some issues with it), but I'll start with my list and we can take it from there:
AC IMSelector
Arcsoft MMS
Spb Full Screen Keyboard (I know some people think spb could be causing the problem but I tried uninstalling this app and the problem remained)
Zenyee SIP Select
codyppc wm6_threaded
Treo Alert Pro8.2
ValkSoft Space Reclaimer
Wie's Soft Reset
SlingPlayer Mobile
Resco Explorer
PHM Registry Editor PocketWeather
PocketCM Keyboard 0.11b
SwartB SmartDeviceCab1 (markallasread)
Emunutz HTC Home Customizer
Skunkworks FlashVideo Bundle
Device Lock
AE Button Plus
June Fabrics PdaNet