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  #131 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2008, 01:40 PM
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I have noticed an increase in speed, as hoped for with the reg tweak- Thanks Primenall!!

PMAClean- I was unable to do the reg edits via CERegEditor, however using Total Commander (on device) I was able to make the changes.

**EDIT** info on getting your MSL

I found this, (posted by a PPCgeeks fellow I believe) at another forum, and it might work w/ our HTC Vogues although I HAVE NOT TESTED it at this time

Originally Posted by hpnasik
I was playing about with my Sprint Mogul and found a couple of ways to get your MSL... They basically both get it the same way, just take different routes to get there.

Two different ways to get MSL:

Method A:

* Change the following registry entries in:
Enable: 1
LogMode: 1
* Wait a reasonable amount of time and soft-reset (I have noticed that it seems to take longer for this value to take affect, so if you reboot and the registry values are not changed, then you need to do it again and wait longer)
* Check to see that the file \Temp\ATDbg0.txt has been created.
* Return the values back to what they were (most likely 0) waiting the same amount of time as above.
* Look in the ATDbg0.txt file and you should see a log of commands sent to the CDMA radio and there should be something like this somewhere in the file:


11:9:3 Tx:AT+HTC_RMSL=0\r
11:9:3 Rx:+HTC_RMSL: 354201\r\n0\r
11:9:3 Tx:AT+HTC_ROTKSL=0\r
11:9:3 Rx:+HTC_ROTKSL: 216112\r\n0\r

* The numbers next to the Rx: +HTC_RMSL line should be your MSL... I do not know what the ROTKSL is for, but included it in the snippet incase someone knows.

Method B:

* Start your favorite pocket-pc terminal program (like pocketPutty - http://www.pocketputty.net/)
* Connect to com9 (Putty used default speed of 9600)
* type in AT+HTC_RMSL=0 and hit enter, your MSL will be displayed.
* Soft reset to restore phone functionality

Let me know if it works for you...



__________________________________________________ _______________

I used pocketputty to open a connection on com9 (serial) and was able to querry the msl with the string at+htc_rmsl=0 (input using the PASSWORD keybord, then I switched to the standard wm6 keyboard to hit enter)
~Touched for the very first time~

Last edited by tspinning; 01-10-2008 at 02:17 PM.
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  #132 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2008, 03:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Doc1131 View Post
How can I change my default KB to TouchPal
use the attached file to set your default kb.
Attached Files
File Type: zip sipchange_175.zip (93.0 KB, 233 views) Click for barcode!
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  #133 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2008, 04:29 PM
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Hi. Does anyone know what Sprint Touch registry values show whether the ringer is on mute, or whether the ringer is on vibrate? Thanks, I needs these for a MortScript I am writing for repeating reminders.

Edit: RegRead ("HKCU", "ControlPanel\Volume\","Volume" ) returns 0 if on Vibrate or Mute, or a non-zero if the volume is set.

Still have not figured out how to find if in Mute.

Last edited by abward; 01-10-2008 at 05:58 PM.
  #134 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2008, 04:42 PM
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Originally Posted by pmaclean View Post

I tried your suggestion to make my Touch faster, but unfortunately access to these two changes was denied! Do you know if there is a work-around for this?

I used Resco Registry Editor to make the changes without any problems.
  #135 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2008, 05:51 PM
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Originally Posted by tspinning View Post

Two different ways to get MSL:

Method A:

* Change the following registry entries in:
Enable: 1
LogMode: 1
* Wait a reasonable amount of time and soft-reset (I have noticed that it seems to take longer for this value to take affect, so if you reboot and the registry values are not changed, then you need to do it again and wait longer)
* Check to see that the file \Temp\ATDbg0.txt has been created.
* Return the values back to what they were (most likely 0) waiting the same amount of time as above.
* Look in the ATDbg0.txt file and you should see a log of commands sent to the CDMA radio and there should be something like this somewhere in the file:


11:9:3 Tx:AT+HTC_RMSL=0\r
11:9:3 Rx:+HTC_RMSL: 354201\r\n0\r
11:9:3 Tx:AT+HTC_ROTKSL=0\r
11:9:3 Rx:+HTC_ROTKSL: 216112\r\n0\r

* The numbers next to the Rx: +HTC_RMSL line should be your MSL... I do not know what the ROTKSL is for, but included it in the snippet incase someone knows.

Thanks, this worked for me! Except one difference is that the file was not place in a Temp directory, instead it was placed in \Atlog. This was on a Sprint Touch.
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  #136 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2008, 06:03 PM
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Awesome nsievers, thanks for testing that method!
  #137 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2008, 08:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Primenall View Post
Let's speed up My Internet

Change your DNS server to OpenDNS

Does this affect every aspect of the phone that uses data? (i.e. programs other than IE)
  #138 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2008, 09:59 PM
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Great Tip

Works awesome on Sprint Touch. Doesn't harm streaming radio, seems to load and cache faster. Also doesn't harm sprint tv, or BT music, radio, or tv. Great Tip Primenall, thanks a lot!!!! BTW internet speeds seem even faster than my desktop.
  #139 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2008, 02:12 AM
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Originally Posted by Primenall View Post
Let's speed up My Internet

Change your DNS server to OpenDNS

Do at your own risk, in the first hack you would normally delete the HTC_CM_Guardian.lnk from the Startup folder so HTC_CM_Guardian.exe won't start. Normally upon startup it will start and change back your DNS settings that we are going to change. HTC_CM_Guardian.exe sets your internet settings back to Sprints settings constantly. It starts everytime the Touch starts.

I couldn't find the HTC_CM_Guardian.lnk startup link in the \windows\startup folder on my Touch as it is on the Mogul so the Touch is starting the
HTC_CM_Guardian.exe from somewhere else, upon startup.

So since I couldn't stop it from starting I had to overwrite it with a inert file.

We are first going to copy the original HTC_CM_Guardian.exe file from \device\windows to a safe place for future use if ever needed. If you ever have trouble just copy the original back to \device\windows and soft reset or just execute it from wherever you saved it.

Next we are going to take a small inert file on our device and rename it to HTC_CM_Guardian.exe and then move it to the \device\windows folder on our touch and confirm overwrite (use Resco or similar to overwrite) so the real HTC_cm_guardian won't start.

Soft reset

Now for the actual settings change to Speed up browsing with OpenDNS:

Go to Start>Settings>Connections>Manage existing connections

Select SprintPCS, then Edit...

Hit Next and Next again, then click Advanced...

Under Servers tab select Use specific server address

Enter the following:


Alt DNS:

Hit OK then Finish

Soft reset

When you first reconnect to the internet it will ask you for name\pass......well just leave the name and pass blank and check the box to remember.

Next are a few other Edits that I got from another website and they seem to have made a very noticeable difference, without any side effects for me.
The first ones are just changed values and then the others you create an entry, just "create a new DWORD value"

TcpMaxConnectRetransmissions = dword: 6
TcpWindowSize = dword: 256960

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Int ernet Settings
MaxConnectionsPerServer = dword: 00000010

Create the following DWORD value in this directory (the 0 in "0server" is a number)

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Int ernet Settings
MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server = dword: 00000020

In the following directory create all 3 DWORD values

Tcp1323Opts = dword: 1 (O before pts is the capital letter o)
TcpMaxDupAcks = dword: 2
EnablePMTUDiscovery = dword: 1

My Internet is sooooooooooo Frickin Fast now, really

I have included a "fake" HTC_CM_Guardian file to put on your phone in the windows file, it's just the PPST.dll file from Getspc renamed.

i don't see manage existing connections in my setup. all i see is...

my isp name
add a new modem connection
setup my proxey server

my work network
add a new modem
add a new VPM server connection
set up my proxy server

  #140 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2008, 08:43 AM
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HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Int ernet Settings
MaxConnectionsPerServer = dword: 00000010

Is that a binary or decimal # ? (dword: 00000010)
I'm a flashing junkie. (the first step is admitting you have a problem)
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