Originally Posted by tharris297
Thanks for the rom .. I like it a lot. I have one question though ... I was not able to use Bluetooth Transfer from my computer to the phone. I was able to send from my phone to my computer though after I paired the two. I even turned on "receive all beams" but still no luck.
I may have removed the the service for space as not many use,i believe that BTDUN Is in the rom
Originally Posted by brack21
Woop, what will be different in the PhatBoy rom. Your chicken rom is running great except for the weather update in manilla. It would be great if you could cook manilla in a rom. It seems if manilla is cooked into the rom, then the manilla weather updates without a probably for me. But like I said before this is minor issue, my major thing is the tether speed, which is super fast in this rom. I've compared it with 3 other roms and your speeds are at least 100KB faster.
iv still got interest in m2d in the rom just havent got the mentor to run it down for me yet... im just an old fart with a tenth grade education playing with my phone like a tweeker...Rock on Vikes
chages are in more registry 15 new entrys added... new font PhatBoy....added more work on gps speed and tweeks trying to get a larger lock #faster
also got to into game to post rom sry keep in i take screen shots and add after Vikings pull out a Win