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  #41 (permalink)  
Old 02-19-2009, 02:21 AM
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Re: Unofficial PPCK Build Updates 20954, 210xx, 21015

Originally Posted by drellisdee View Post
gguruusa Can you implement this reloc tool that works with WM6.5 into PPCK syntax is "WMReloc.exe -gtemp\dump"

Tutorial is here http://babelfish.yahoo.com/translate...rUrl=Translate
Already done. Find me in chat.
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old 02-19-2009, 03:56 AM
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Re: Unofficial PPCK Build Updates 20954, 210xx, 21015

thanks for the 21015 build. just a few questions:

when typing out a sms the annoying grey box appears with the words. i tried going to the xt9 settings and turning everything off but the box still comes on. is there anyway to turn it off completely without selecting abc in the menu?
  #43 (permalink)  
Old 02-19-2009, 08:45 AM
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Re: Unofficial PPCK Build Updates 20954, 210xx, 21015

Originally Posted by cg83 View Post
thanks for the 21015 build. just a few questions:

when typing out a sms the annoying grey box appears with the words. i tried going to the xt9 settings and turning everything off but the box still comes on. is there anyway to turn it off completely without selecting abc in the menu?
This is my oem to kill it for vogue
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Old 02-19-2009, 09:23 AM
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Re: Unofficial PPCK Build Updates 20954, 210xx, 21015

Originally Posted by gguruusa View Post
WMreloc is a replacement for g'reloc. Usage is a little different, but similar. It has it's own self-explanatory usage output.
I figured it was something like this. I see that you can specify VM slot 0 or 1 - but I'm not sure why you would want to - I'm not sure why it would matter. But a log output would be nice - right now to check on G'Reloc I have to dump the resulting ROM to get the memory map and make sure the modules don't overlap the XIP (which they haven't as long as I have the .VM file correct in SYS) and that they leave sufficient room for non-moduled DLLs and EXEs. I've been playing around with turning some of the OEM apps into modules - so-far so-good but haven't tried WM6.5 yet.

Also, will it automagically process all modules in a dump directory like G'Reloc.exe -dump -doit? Or do you have to have something else process the dump directory and call WMReloc.exe for each module? If the latter, I'm sure someone has written a utility to do this (I saw a "small G'Reloc.exe over at XDA that supposedly calls WMReloc.exe - wonder if that is it...?)
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old 02-19-2009, 09:54 AM
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Re: Unofficial PPCK Build Updates 20954, 210xx, 21015

Originally Posted by drellisdee View Post
This is my oem to kill it for vogue
Off topic-- Are you from Maryland?

  #46 (permalink)  
Old 02-19-2009, 10:08 AM
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Re: Unofficial PPCK Build Updates 20954, 210xx, 21015

Originally Posted by FormerPalmOS View Post
right now to check on G'Reloc I have to dump the resulting ROM to get the memory map and make sure the modules don't overlap the XIP (which they haven't as long as I have the .VM file correct in SYS) and that they leave sufficient room for non-moduled DLLs and EXEs.
G'reloc uses .VM to determine where to put stuff, hence you never have an overlap if it's correct.

Also, will it automagically process all modules in a dump directory like G'Reloc.exe -dump -doit? Or do you have to have something else process the dump directory and call WMReloc.exe for each module? If the latter, I'm sure someone has written a utility to do this (I saw a "small G'Reloc.exe over at XDA that supposedly calls WMReloc.exe - wonder if that is it...?)
Yes, WMreloc processes all modules. The "small G'reloc" is a stub replacement that calls WMreloc. It's used to trick apps that want g'reloc into using wmreloc. Of course, there are limitations to using wmreloc that way, so it's better to use WMreloc directly.
  #47 (permalink)  
Old 02-19-2009, 12:01 PM
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Re: Unofficial PPCK Build Updates 20954, 210xx, 21015

Originally Posted by gguruusa View Post
Yes, WMreloc processes all modules. The "small G'reloc" is a stub replacement that calls WMreloc. It's used to trick apps that want g'reloc into using wmreloc. Of course, there are limitations to using wmreloc that way, so it's better to use WMreloc directly.
OK - that's good. Am I correct in assuming that if you give a -g [module dir] command line option it processes only that module - otherwise it processes all modules in the current working directory? Is there a command line option like -dump required (g'reloc requires -dump to operate on a dump directory vs. on SYS, OEM and EXT directories individually).

Sorry for the questions - if this is detailed in some other thread, I'm happy to ask there instead.
  #48 (permalink)  
Old 02-19-2009, 12:05 PM
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Re: Unofficial PPCK Build Updates 20954, 210xx, 21015

Originally Posted by vin255764 View Post
Here is a backlight fix.U probably have manila in your user OEM folder,if so,then overwright that dll.Im also attaching txt doc with my selections, it will give u an idea to start with.I can upload my user oem folder if somebody want one,its messed up a little,but works with that selection txt
Thanks Vin. Im not using Manilla, but I did use HTC Util oem.
  #49 (permalink)  
Old 02-19-2009, 12:59 PM
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Re: Unofficial PPCK Build Updates 20954, 210xx, 21015

Originally Posted by gguruusa View Post
Already done. Find me in chat.

does that mean a 6.5 base will work now?
  #50 (permalink)  
Old 02-19-2009, 01:12 PM
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Re: Unofficial PPCK Build Updates 20954, 210xx, 21015

Originally Posted by 1loudsvt View Post
does that mean a 6.5 base will work now?
It did before, but now without as much conversion effort.
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