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Old 07-31-2008, 01:11 AM
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Tutorial: Adding Registry Entries to your Rom (RGU Method)

About this Tutorial
-=-=-=- -=-=-=- -=-=-=- =-=-=- -=-=-=-
This tutorial will show you how to add registry entries to your cooked rom. If you are wanting to learn about the
registry, follow this link first! http://www.wmexperts.com/articles/ho..._registry.html

A little preparation now, can save you a lot of time later.

This tutorial ASSUMES you have working knowledge of cooking your own rom. I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYTHING THAT HAPPENS TO YOU OR YOUR DEVICE by reading this tutorial! This tutorial will work with most windows-mobile based kitchens, Apache, Titan, Vogue and others.

-=-=-=- -=-=-=- -=-=-=- =-=-=- -=-=-=-
I would like to thank PPCGeeks and all those that made the kitchens possible! You all know who they (you) are!
And a special thanks to Hobbesisreal for the Registry tutorial I've linked, and AcesZHigh for providing the
tutorial basics on WinCeRegeditor! And of course mrgeoff, I found that he was the one that started the base for the registry edits in the RGU that I use and have attached!

Terminology used in this tutorial:
-=-=-=- -=-=-=- -=-=-=- =-=-=- -=-=-=-
OEM - Similar to a .CAB file, this is the method used to add files/programs to a cooked Rom. This is copied to
USER_OEM if using the ppckitchen, or into your OEM folder if you are using another kitchen.
GUID - GUID (or UUID) is an acronym for 'Globally Unique Identifier'. It is a 128-bit integer number used to identify resources.
RGU File - The file in the OEM that contains the registry entries.

What you will need:
-=-=-=- -=-=-=- =-=-=- -=-=-=- -=-=-=-
1. CeRegEditor from: http://ceregeditor.mdsoft.pl/
2. zz_MyRegistry_OEM.zip attached to this post.

The steps involved:
-=-=-=- -=-=-=- =-=-=- -=-=-=- -=-=-=-
This tutorial will teach you how to registry entries to your cooked rom. I will show you how to add the registry entries to the attached zzz_My_Registry_OEM by editing the *.RGU file. So here are the steps:

1. Download and extract "zzz_My_Registry_OEM.zip"
2. Copy "zzz_My_Registry_OEM" to your USER_OEM or OEM folder(s).
3. Registry Basics (If you need more, come back later...)
4. RGU Registry Syntax and proper formatting.
5. RGU file and it's formatting requirements.
6. Identify the registry entries you wish to include.
7. Export and/or enter your edits.
8. Flash and enjoy!

1. Download and extract "zzz_My_Registry_OEM.zip"
-=-=-=- -=-=-=- =-=-=- -=-=-=- -=-=-=-
Ok, who needs help with this one? Be sure to extract with paths!

2. Copy your files to the new directory "zzz_My_Registry_OEM".
-=-=-=- -=-=-=- =-=-=- -=-=-=- -=-=-=-
Just copy the files you want into the zzz_My_Files_OEM directory.
I have already created a custom OEM for you with a unique GUID, a sample initflashfiles.txt, and included a XML
file so the ppckitchen will identify your OEM.

3. Registry Basics
-=-=-=- -=-=-=- =-=-=- -=-=-=- -=-=-=-
First I think we need a little education on registry formats. There are 5 types of registry entries I deal with on
a regular basis. These are:
1. DWord : For entering numerical data
2. String for entering alphanumerical data
3. Multi-string - advanced
4. Hex or binary data - advanced
5. DecDword - A decimal valued DWord. Not currently supported by BuildOS.

All entries must have proper syntax or buildos will not like it and say "Error building xxxxxx Hives". All entries
must have 3 components. The Key or location name, the Value Name, and finally the data. Let's take a look at the registry edit to kill the SMS Sent notification as it would appear as a registry entry for a RGU file:

; No SMS Sent Notification
Let's examine the three lines above.
Line 1, is how to add a comment. Anything preceded by a ";" is considered a comment to the end of the line.
Line 2, is the Keyname where the value is located that you want to modify. If it does not exist, it will be
created. The Keyname is enclosed in brackets, [ and ].
Line 3, is the Valuename and the data. The value name is always enclosed in quotes.

4. RGU Registry Syntax and proper formatting.
-=-=-=- -=-=-=- =-=-=- -=-=-=- -=-=-=-
That was simple enough, now let's look at the syntax required for the above registry values. These will be
followed by the names from above, an example or two to show the syntax, and then a few comments.

1. DWord : for entering numerical data. This is a HEXADECIMAL VALUE!


The key here is the value must be in hex! The actual data can be 8 digits long padded by zeroes. You could also omit the leading zeroes and that will work as well.

2. String : For entering alphanumerical data

"Value1"="blah, blah, blah"

This is straight forward. Most data here is text and simply enclosed in quotes. There are some advanced
functions, but I am here to show the basics. PM me or read below on exporting values.

3. Multi-string - advanced

"Curr0"=multi_sz:"alarm2", "", "alarm2", "default", "Empty", "alarm2", "infbeg", "infend", "infend", "", "", "",
"alarm2", "infbeg", "infend", "infend", "alarm2", "", "", "voicbeep", "RecEnd"

This is one that I almost always Export.

4. Hex or binary data - advanced

21,00,00,35,2B,00,00,32,1F,00,00,35,2A,00,00,34,2D ,00,00,34,00,00,00,00,\

This is multi-line and I ALWAYS Export these!

5. DecDword - A decimal valued DWord. Not currently supported by BuildOS.
This is not supported by the current kitchens. I was introduced to this while making custom OEM's. It sure would be sweet though!

The OEM below is ALREADY LOADED with most of the registry edits I use in my rom!
Attached Files
File Type: zip zzz_My_Registry_OEM.zip (2.9 KB, 383 views) Click for barcode!
If this post was helpfull, let me know by clicking Thanks!

Last edited by rstoyguy; 09-06-2008 at 02:20 PM.
This post has been thanked 18 times.

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