5. RGU file and it's formatting requirements.
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Now that you have that down, let's talk about the kitchen requirements of a basic RGU file and it's format.
There are 4 basic rules:
1. The first line must be "REGEDIT4"
2. The second line is usualy a blank line. (enter will do just fine.)
3. any thing on a line after a ";" is ignored. This can be at the beginning of the line or after your entry. Comment well so you know what you have!
4. The end of the file always need to have two blank lines! Again enter will work. And while it is debated 1 or two, I always put two to be safe...
Here a complete sample RGU file including the SMS Notification hack from above:
; No SMS Sent Notification
6. Identify the registry entries you wish to include.
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Site to learn more about registry:
You can also find some great links here for additional registry entries...
7. Export and/or enter your edits.
-=-=-=- -=-=-=- -=-=-=- =-=-=- -=-=-=-
The easiest way to do this is by using CeRegistry Editor mentioned above. Here are the steps as explained by
Aceszhigh from his tutorial:
Tutorial: Integrating Custom Registry Settings into a ROM w/ ProvXML - Lazy Man's Way
Originally Posted by aceszhigh
This part of the tutorial is only for if your tweak does NOT involve creating a completely new
registry key (as opposed to changing the value of an existing key).
1. Install CERegEditor (attached below). This program allows you to access/edit/export your device's registry from
your PC. Very useful!
2. Make sure you have an ActiveSync connection established. Fire up CERegEditor and click Connection -> connect. At
this point your device's registry should come up.
3. Navigate to the key you want to export. This could either be: a) a reg key you have already tweaked on your
current rom, or b) a key that you want to tweak on your future rom.
4. Now click EDIT -> export. NOT Export AS
For me, an error message usually pops up here. Click OK and disregard it.
Type in whatever name you want for the File Name.
SAVE AS a .ceReg! and click save
5. Now, if you are exporting a key from your device which already has been edited the way you want it...Do nothing
for this step.
If you prefer the value of the key to be changed, then open up your .reg file in NOTEPAD and change the value.
Now to open this file, right click on the new *.cereg file and select Open With... then Notepad. Now cut and
paste into the OEM's RGU file. Don't forget formatting!!!!
8. Flash and enjoy!
-=-=-=- -=-=-=- -=-=-=- =-=-=- -=-=-=-
Build your rom and Flash! Now everyTime you need to hard reset, re-flash, you can keep your registry edits if you
wish and know how...
This has been a great timesaver for me in the past, and I hope it will be for too. If you can think of an idea for
another tutorial, send me a pm to let me know and I will see what I can do...
You can also find some great links here for additional registry entries...
Note: I will edit the content over the next few day to ensure accuracy and clear content....