Originally Posted by Spencer-Scott
con, take down the kitchen from your ftp it has all of your owner info in it... just thought i'd warn you
Thanks I will look into it. I just deleate every cab file I had in there, Once I have time I will get everything organized and put them back up.
Originally Posted by gsmooth08
Hey any word on how to get .qcp files to play on windows media player?
I am not sure because I dont really use windows media player, and I dont use the stock rom, I am sure it has something to do with dshow drivers or mhub drivers that i use in my roms, since they are the latest drivers from htc.
Originally Posted by 2007Screw
Hey Con - just wanted to let you know that somehow along the way my bluetooth will activesync now. The only thing that I can remember that I've changed was I installed all the Alltel files you posted previously except for the Alltel Nav program. Could one of those files possibly made it start working again? I also did ShawdowTechs gps mod this morning and WOW what a difference that makes!!
Just wanted to let you know about the bluetooth working. The RevA in the new rom - what are the beeifits? I thought Alltel already had reva?
okay thanks for letting me know that it is working now. I am glad to hear that. and yeah shadow-tech gps hack is amazing, if anyone would like gps, and does not do that is just crazy, the results are amazing.
Alltel has had revA in the past, it was not that consistant though, in the new rom there is now a setting to turn off revA by dialing ##778. Also there is a new RevA icon that will show. So no big change. but now you will see that icon, that is about it.