Originally Posted by mikledw
i tried that and i got it to cook properly but the only thing it does is creates the folders for the shortcuts to go into but moves no shortcuts
Doesn't surprise me ... this is very, very difficult to get working.
In the end, to get it to process, I broke the provxml into sections and ran each section as a cab file or, if you have the tool in your rom, you can apply provxml via Advanced Configuration.
Frankly, this isn't worth the effort. Go over to xda and read through the mortscript thread(s) and look at the examples compilation. You might invest two or three hours trying to track down the offending provxml in your current file, and that solution will be good until you change just one thing in your ROM folder structure. On the other hand, with the if/then structure available in mortscript, if in the furutre the source location of a shortcut changes, that one single call in the script will fail and everything else will execute as you expect. Then you don't change the existing (non-executing) mortscript call, you just add a new section to account for the change.
Best regards,