Re: ProvXML Reference for Developers
i've been using XMLtoReg.exe by AlexVallat over @ xda. I attached the file since their server's flaky right now.
it will only do reg entries, so file ops and certs will need to be manully dealt with. I make the reg, then convert it back to xml for easy comparison to the original provxml.
7 windows to rule them all, 7 windows to find them,
7 windows to bring them all, and in the network bind them. Navizon CM&ResProxyKiller nueRom SuspendResume777 Last edited by shaggylive; 05-16-2009 at 05:58 PM. |
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Re: ProvXML Reference for Developers
Im digging the verizon issues (too many posts with complains in vogue section).I converted vzw carriers provxmls into rgu and found this
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\OEM\MASD\VZW Customization] "Version"="Vogue-VZW-071112" Im with sprint and I dont have this entry at all.Anybody knows whats that for and is it safe to remove it? and 1 more question,not sure where should I post it..... [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\OEM] "ROMVersion"="3.08.666.1" "PhoneCDMAType"=dword:00000001 "ModelID"="VOGU200" why my model is vogu200 in reg,but when I go to start/settings/system/device info -its showing vogu100 ? Last edited by vin255764; 05-17-2009 at 12:37 PM. |
Re: ProvXML Reference for Developers
i am having some issues with provxml. The problem is i have this code written to rearrange my startm menu shortcuts and put them in different folders. Now this works when i have it in a cab but when i have it in its own OEM file all it does when i re-flash the rom with it is create the folders but nothing else? Does anyone have a clew of what might be happening and how i can fix it?
Re: ProvXML Reference for Developers
When you are executing the cab file, you know exactly ... exactly where every shortcut is located, because you stage the cab file to execute a precise point in the post-flash process. you do this either manually, via SDconfig or sashimi. The same cannot be said of the provxml execution. It is entirely possible, and likely, that you are trying to move items via provxml, that don't exist yet in their source location. One thing to consider is that other provxml is also executing to do exactly the same thing that you are doing. The creation of Microsoft Office shortcuts are a perfect example as they are copied via provxml. Your provxml is trying to move them, when the Microsoft Office provxml hasn't copied them to thier source location, yet. So in order to avoid this with provxml, you need to give your provxml oem file a name which helps to ensure that it will execute as the last provxml in your flash process. However, if you are looking for a less painful approach, I can tell you that after working on this for a long, long time, I have come to learn that doing this particular task is so much easier via mortscript. One of the very nice things about mortscirpt, is that each copy/move can be setup as a elseif statement, whereby if the items doesn't exist, the script just proceeds to the next command. As you are learning, provxml is very unforgiving. If one statement for a copy or move cannot be executed, the script will die. Best regards, -boggsie
Re: ProvXML Reference for Developers
Re: ProvXML Reference for Developers
I'd try leaving the OEM alone and then use this as your file name for the provxml:
mxipupdate_zzzOrganizeStartMenu_100.provxml Best regards, -boggsie |
Re: ProvXML Reference for Developers
In this case, it is fine if the dsm file to be a blank, empty, or null identifier for the package.
Now as I say that, I probably should add that DSM files created through oemizer or other package creation tools are a binary file which includes the package contents (list of files). Best regards, -boggsie |
Re: ProvXML Reference for Developers