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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 09-24-2008, 12:16 PM
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Re: OMJ's 3.03, 3.09, M2D WM6.1 Custom Touch ROMs w/ User Customization! Updated 9/21

Originally Posted by Sailrace View Post
This is probably a stupid question, but oddly enough, i haven't found it yet. Where can get the original dark blue manilla theme?

taken from: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=425974
end of the first topic

Have a great day =D
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 09-24-2008, 12:21 PM
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Re: OMJ's 3.03, 3.09, M2D WM6.1 Custom Touch ROMs w/ User Customization! Updated 9/21

Originally Posted by kamikazyemt
Omj I like your roms and am looking forward to the new one with manilla, but I accidentally ran the sprint customization the first time I ran one. Every since this time I have been unable to log onto the internet, and have changed username and password and talked with customer service. I have found someone that has the customization for my small carrier but I have no idea how to use the carier customizations with a new rom. I was wondering if you could help me. I searched the forums but have been able to understand what I need to do now.
need some more info.....who is your carrier? how long has this been going on? zip up the carrier customization and either attach or upload to the ftp & i'll take a look at it.

I have cellular south and I will upload the zip file they are in
  #23 (permalink)  
Old 09-24-2008, 12:36 PM
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Re: OMJ's 3.03, 3.09, M2D WM6.1 Custom Touch ROMs w/ User Customization! Updated 9/21

Originally Posted by Archius View Post
Unfortunately, i don't think this is the theme files. All this contains is the original icons, etc.
  #24 (permalink)  
Old 09-24-2008, 12:49 PM
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Re: OMJ's 3.03, 3.09, M2D WM6.1 Custom Touch ROMs w/ User Customization! Updated 9/21

The link with cellular south files

  #25 (permalink)  
Old 09-24-2008, 03:35 PM
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Re: OMJ's 3.03, 3.09, M2D WM6.1 Custom Touch ROMs w/ User Customization! Updated 9/21

OK OK, next release QM will be back

Originally Posted by PlainShane View Post
@OMJ: I installed your M2D rom and love it although there are some questions I have. After messing around with it all day I can not figure out how to put the Sprint apps on there.. I looked the /windows folder up and down for a SprintTV/NAV cabs but can't find anything or online. Sprint TV stuff is banned from forums it seems so what the hell do I do to get all of those carrier customizations on here!? I did the DCD cab thing and nothing happened except a horrid yellow theme came about.

The GPSNAV program does not work for some reason.. Takes forever during "getting GPS..." and never completes. Help please. Why no QuickMenu in the M2D rom? Also, my task manager has disappeared after installing the neon icon set for M2D; how do I get it back?
Those apps are not included because the rom is based on the 3.09 bell rom, plus I want to keep it as generic as possible....though I left GPSNAV included, it is a Bell app.

I have uploaded the SprintTV & Nav cabs for you to install:



Originally Posted by capthr View Post
Originally Posted by capthr View Post
i am running the Rom w/o loading the Sprint DCD cab. Everything works great, EXCEPT Internet Sharing it connects but I only get a "local" connection. any suggestions?


I'm not sure what u mean by local connection.

Thats what the network connection on my laptop says should say local and internet. In other words it connects but not to the internet
still not 100% what ya mean, but when connect to your laptop, it's suppose the say "Local connection"......it recognises it like a LAN connection.

Originally Posted by sun-drop View Post
yeh, just like in your last rom before this one even ... it's there, you just tap the brightness icon and the screen cycles through the levels of brightness each time you tap. was really handy. and same goes for the screen orentation.

i see in this new rom at least there are screen and backlight settings under 'settings' but i can't add these ..maybe they work differently now? or should they show up in the program list when i want to add them to a launcher tile?
yeah, that was QM, it will be in version 2

Originally Posted by Sailrace View Post
Unfortunately, i don't think this is the theme files. All this contains is the original icons, etc.
themes are mainly just a bunch of images.....I downloaded the file to check....yes, it's the original blue.

you have to 1st go into today settings & disable/uncheck TouchFLO, then copy all the files to \windows, then enable TouchFLO in today settings.

Originally Posted by kamikazyemt View Post
The link with cellular south files

I'll check it out
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 09-24-2008, 03:52 PM
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Re: OMJ's 3.03, 3.09, M2D WM6.1 Custom Touch ROMs w/ User Customization! Updated 9/21

Re: OMJ's 3.03, 3.09, M2D WM6.1 Custom Touch ROMs w/ User Customization! Updated 9/21
Originally Posted by Sailrace
Okay, i'm getting nowhere with this. Is there a way of making IE the default browser when using the Internet Tab.

Quote OMJ:
I'm sure there's a way...I changed opera to not be the default browser but it still opens from the m2d internet tab.

Hey OMJ,
Maybe you can help me out, Im trying to correct this issue currently and I have got it to work with Skyfire, but Im looking for IExplore.exe from Windows Mobile (should be approximately 16K in size) If you have access to that file and can pass it my way I can try out a couple things and see if it works out to set the internet page to IE (or even Skyfire if that is your preference as well as MiniMo (mobile firefox))


Detroit Doug
Did any info I supplied help? take a moment and grant a "Thanks" then

  #27 (permalink)  
Old 09-24-2008, 03:56 PM
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Re: OMJ's 3.03, 3.09, M2D WM6.1 Custom Touch ROMs w/ User Customization! Updated 9/21

Hey Doug if you can post that fix that'd be great.

Did you end up doing the renaming trick?

In the next Beta of SkyFire, it'll have the option to set itself as the default browser. This should fix the issue.
  #28 (permalink)  
Old 09-24-2008, 04:06 PM
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Re: OMJ's 3.03, 3.09, M2D WM6.1 Custom Touch ROMs w/ User Customization! Updated 9/21

Originally Posted by happytang View Post
Hey Doug if you can post that fix that'd be great.

Did you end up doing the renaming trick?

In the next Beta of SkyFire, it'll have the option to set itself as the default browser. This should fix the issue.

Yes its the renaming trick - the problem faced with the renaming trick with IExplore.exe though is first, its a protected system file with read-only attributes that it resets and wont allow a change to (at least no way I found yet) and secondly while the rename trick will be great for the Internet page, ANY other app will be unable to find a file called IExplore.exe should it send out a call to that file

Hence the reason I put out the call to find a copy of Windows Mobile IExplore.exe so I can rename the file OperaL.exe and then copy that into the \windows directory overwriting OperaL originally there and causing the Internet page to make a call and recieve the app IE instead and as the calls out to any associated files from IE come from within the exe itself and not related to the naming conventions so it should (in theory) work like a champ

Detroit Doug
  #29 (permalink)  
Old 09-24-2008, 04:36 PM
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Re: OMJ's 3.03, 3.09, M2D WM6.1 Custom Touch ROMs w/ User Customization! Updated 9/21

Hey OMJ are you making a full Sprint M2D rom? If so do you have an ETA or an idea of what apps will be included, I really hope the Sprint Music Store and TCPMP with Flash Plugin will be there. I realise that with the new Opal YouTube Player that it seems kind of redundant, but I like watching videos from the other sites too. Thanks for all your hard work!
  #30 (permalink)  
Old 09-24-2008, 05:02 PM
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Re: OMJ's 3.03, 3.09, M2D WM6.1 Custom Touch ROMs w/ User Customization! Updated 9/21

Originally Posted by kamikazyemt View Post
Omj I like your roms and am looking forward to the new one with manilla, but I accidentally ran the sprint customization the first time I ran one. Every since this time I have been unable to log onto the internet, and have changed username and password and talked with customer service. I have found someone that has the customization for my small carrier but I have no idea how to use the carier customizations with a new rom. I was wondering if you could help me. I searched the forums but have been able to understand what I need to do now.
Hello everybody, this is my first post so I'll begin to thanks all people who worked so hard to find solutions and tips and who share this knowledge with others. I read a lot and OMJ, you're my man! Hope you'll keep your Vogue a couple of months and we'll all enjoy our phones as long as you will own a Vogue! ... And allright for the QM's Return!

Kamikazyemt, I already experienced this problem and solved it by doing these simple steps:
1-##786#, Menu/Reset/Yes, reboot.
2-Flash with your OEM carrier's rom, let the customization runs.
3-Test your data connection, should work.
4-If you reflash with another carrier's rom, NEVER let the cust. runs!

Hope this will help you, otherwise you're welcome to talk about this in private to not bring/flood the forum with a side subject. Ciao!
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