Originally Posted by kamikazyemt
Omj I like your roms and am looking forward to the new one with manilla, but I accidentally ran the sprint customization the first time I ran one. Every since this time I have been unable to log onto the internet, and have changed username and password and talked with customer service. I have found someone that has the customization for my small carrier but I have no idea how to use the carier customizations with a new rom. I was wondering if you could help me. I searched the forums but have been able to understand what I need to do now.
Hello everybody, this is my first post so I'll begin to thanks all people who worked so hard to find solutions and tips and who share this knowledge with others. I read a lot and OMJ, you're my man! Hope you'll keep your Vogue a couple of months and we'll all enjoy our phones as long as you will own a Vogue!

... And allright for the QM's Return!
Kamikazyemt, I already experienced this problem and solved it by doing these simple steps:
1-##786#, Menu/Reset/Yes, reboot.
2-Flash with your OEM carrier's rom, let the customization runs.
3-Test your data connection, should work.
4-If you reflash with another carrier's rom, NEVER let the cust. runs!
Hope this will help you, otherwise you're welcome to talk about this in private to not bring/flood the forum with a side subject. Ciao!