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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2008, 05:31 AM
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Re: Dangers of downgrading after installing GPS radio (and a little on signing)

me thinks imcokeman is head software engineer at htc... or sprint
or at least he should be.
  #22 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2008, 11:17 AM
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Re: Dangers of downgrading after installing GPS radio (and a little on signing)

i'm exchaning my mogul for a touch, you're saying there is no good way to get it back to stock rom before I send it in? Pre custom rom upgrade, I had a Sprint GPS rom 3.35 I believe. It froze all the time and was garbate, the custom rom made it much better.
  #23 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2008, 11:24 AM
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Re: Dangers of downgrading after installing GPS radio (and a little on signing)

Originally Posted by SpoiledK View Post
Ok, this is definitely not good... I have one that needs work, repair or exchange... The screen does not align correctly, even after a screen alignment it would crap out after a few minutes... Any suggestions as to what to do..? I currently have a GPS rom on it...

Not to piss anyone off or anything, but, IMHO, when you start flashing custom ROMS, you pretty much accept the fact that you're not going to get warranty repair service.

Just buy a new lcd/touch panel and be done with it.

  #24 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2008, 11:58 AM
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Re: Dangers of downgrading after installing GPS radio (and a little on signing)

I'm trying to get a little more details of what state people are in after different flash steps to help make my warnings more precise rather than the general "don't do it" so if anyone has an MFG bootloader, already did radio flashes, and knows anything about MTTY please check out this thread:

(PS: don't ask questions in there, i reserve the right to moderate that thread as per the first post)
Note: 3 Color screen is stuck in bootloader NOT "bricked"; just flash a stock rom exe
Touch Custom rom unlocker
Undoing advances in Mogul's since 2007. Titan ReLocker, WM5 roms (don't use w/ gps radio): Telus, TNZ
  #25 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2008, 12:32 PM
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Re: Dangers of downgrading after installing GPS radio (and a little on signing)


Fear not people, I got impatient while waiting for an answer to the question I posed earlier. So I just did it.

Good news is, my phone works fine. I ended up extracting the signed nbh file out of the latest HTC update. I then ran the rom update utility. All seams to be running as needed for Sprint exchange.

I did not re-lock the phone however.

I took it into Sprint and they checked it out. i will get my replacement sometime next week.

Last edited by datapusher; 05-10-2008 at 06:13 PM.
  #26 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2008, 07:06 PM
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Re: Dangers of downgrading after installing GPS radio (and a little on signing)

uhm datapusher you flashed from a no2chem rom to the stock 3.35.04 radio.. obviously, this was going to work fine, both are gps radios. In fact, the no2chem rom you had probably ran on the 3.35 radio (or potentially 3.37 or 3.39.)

What you can not do is overwrite your 3.35 radio with a 2.xx radio, eg the one that comes with the sprint 2.17 rom, or the vzw 2.09 one, which is the problem we vzw users have when we need to send ours in for exchange.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 05-14-2008, 01:04 PM
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Re: Dangers of downgrading after installing GPS radio (and a little on signing)

[quote=ImCoKeMaN;276445]Ok there is a TON of confusion here, let my try to clear things up.

0.40 will be overwritten by a flash if an nbh includes an SPL
2.31 will not be overwritten by an nbh (only via OS aka unlocker 0.40)

1.xx radios/non-GPS work with 0.40 SPL only
3.xx radios/GPS work with 2.31 only

Okay, here goes. I have bricked my phone and I think I can now figure out why. I believe that I may have mistakenly loaded SPL 2.31 BEFORE upgrading my radio to 3.xx. I then flashed the new 3.05 ROM (w/ GPS). My device is now inoperable. It gets stuck at the HTC splash screen when I reboot OR, if I enter bootloader mode (take out battery, put battery back in, hold camera + power) I get the red/green/blue/white stripes and it reads "VOGU100 MFG, SPL-2.31.CoKe, CPLD-3".

I have tried the unbricking process and but every Sprint original signed ROM I download won't work (i.e., I get an RUU Error message telling me that the file is corrupted - this happens with every link I have tried). Any thoughts on how to unbrick? I appreciate all suggestions.
  #28 (permalink)  
Old 05-14-2008, 02:05 PM
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Re: Dangers of downgrading after installing GPS radio (and a little on signing)

Originally Posted by OffUrRcker View Post
uhm datapusher you flashed from a no2chem rom to the stock 3.35.04 radio.. obviously, this was going to work fine, both are gps radios. In fact, the no2chem rom you had probably ran on the 3.35 radio (or potentially 3.37 or 3.39.)

What you can not do is overwrite your 3.35 radio with a 2.xx radio, eg the one that comes with the sprint 2.17 rom, or the vzw 2.09 one, which is the problem we vzw users have when we need to send ours in for exchange.
uhm OffUrRocker I know this. This was for all the people who are afraid to flash back to stock for repairs or exchanges on their device. It can be done.
  #29 (permalink)  
Old 05-14-2008, 07:19 PM
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Re: Dangers of downgrading after installing GPS radio (and a little on signing)

lol why would somebody be afraid to flash from no2chem to the 3.35 rom that no2chem's is based on..
Nobody in the existence of this thread has provided any caveats about that. Thanks, though..
  #30 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2008, 12:08 AM
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Re: Dangers of downgrading after installing GPS radio (and a little on signing)

i had a quick question. I started experiencing some problems with my touch today and i might have to send it in for repair/replacement. I have a Bell Touch and im guessing their phones are handled by UTStar and there was an official update from them. Though I understand these dangers and risks with downgrading, I think it would be very smart for me to restore the phone to its original state before returning it.

My question is, do you think it would be alright if i downgraded via utstars update for bell vogues, would it be just as risky,


would i have to downgrade to the 0.40 spl before doing it?

and lastly, would u guys advice against it?
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Guide to Downgrading/Reverting ROM for Warranty/Repair/Replacement

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