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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 04-16-2008, 10:17 AM
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dnj04 v18 6.0 ROM

This ROM is basically the same as my 6.1 ROM, but built with 6.0 for those that want it.
Version 18 Beta

HTML Code:
Windows Version

CE OS Version

Factory Boot Splash Screen ( Black with HTC Logo )
*Esmertec JBed 0_0_20080222_3_1
HTC Bluetooth Explorer
*HTC Comm Manager Blue Icons
*HTC Cube Blue Icons
HTC Home
*HTC Home Icons changed from Digital to Segoe Bold White
HTC Keyboard
HTC Large Start menu
HTC Long endkey press
*HTC Microphone Gain Adjustment
HTC Streaming Media Player
HTC Task Manager
HTC Touch keyboard
MS Voicecommand
Office OneNote
Remote Desktop
Sprint Voicemail
Tone Manager
Touch Skin for Windows Media Player
Touch Skin for Calculator
Vist Dialer and Keyboard Skin
Windows Live Messenger

* Denotes changes from v17

Windows Changes
Removed SQM
Modified mx_ipnotify.vol to remove sqm alerts
black welcomehead.96.png ( windows boot splash )
disable error reporting
enable cleartype text
remove customer feedback


Browse my FTP directory: ftp://up.ppcgeeks.com/Vogue/Users/dereknjenny04/ROMS

or download file here.

Here is a CAB to install the "Touch" keyboard and Dialer skins if you don't like the Vista skins from Polen.
Spread the rep! If someone helps, click the rep icon () to the right of the Post # .

like my work: donate a buck

Last edited by dereknjenny04; 04-16-2008 at 10:21 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 04-16-2008, 11:40 AM
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Re: dnj04 v18 6.0 ROM


I'm bringing a discussion over from the Q&A thread ... if you prefer to go to PM, please let me know.

... This might sound rediculous, but what if ...

I didn't want to mix and match between SYS and XIP ...

I only wanted to separate the OEMs out of the default Sprint OEM ROM ... and maybe create OEM folders for each of the components, so that when BuildOS.exe fired up, each of the OEM componenets (dialer, touchflo, biotouch, skins, etc.) were separately selectable via check-boxes ... (in BuildOS ... i.e. The Kitchen)

For example, I have the Sprint OEM RUU_signed.nbh (OS Only) decomposed into the vogue_kitchen_tools directory structure.

Now I have OEMAPPS with about 350 items and a single *.rgu file with >3200 lines of registry entries.

Is the process as painstaking and manually sifting through the *.rgu file and moving files to their separate application folder, along with a new *.rgu file with the necessary registry entries? ... and then, for each folder that you create (for each OEM Application) you then create a unique option.xml so it will show up in The Kitchen?

The reason I posted in your thread, Derek, is that it seemed that you felt that this work had already been done for your V.17 ROM. So, I downloaded and used PrepIt.bat to decompose the ROM, but the resulting folder structure is, at least on first glance, very much the same as the decomposed folder structure of the Sprint OEM ROM.

Now, I think I also need to state that I am not trying to (in ANY way) reverse engineer the HARD work of anybody else and promote it as my own. I just want an EXTREMELY clean baseline to use (including User Customization) so that I can park all of my installable *.CAB files on to my SD card.

Thanks for listening.

Best regards,
  #3 (permalink)  
Old 04-16-2008, 11:50 AM
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Re: dnj04 v18 6.0 ROM

The process isn't as bad as it seems.

I have only seperated and created OEMS for the programs that I may or may not use in a build. The programs I know that I will keep, I just left in OEMAPPS, because they all end installed anyways.

Sorry if I was clear on that point. I noticed a lot of the OEMS just remove the files and don't do anything with the registry entries.
If you open up the .RGU in OEMAPPS you should be able to see the commented entries where I have removed items to a package.

Eventually I will get to the point where each program from OEMAPPS is in its own package, but that will take much more time.

I think the important part is to make sure registry entries are removed for programs that are no longer installed instead of just deleted the files.

Last edited by dereknjenny04; 04-16-2008 at 11:54 AM.
  #4 (permalink)  
Old 04-16-2008, 12:03 PM
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Re: dnj04 v18 6.0 ROM

Originally Posted by dereknjenny04 View Post
The process isn't as bad as it seems.
It's probably not technically difficult, but very, very tedious.

Originally Posted by dereknjenny04 View Post
I have only seperated and created OEMS for the programs that I may or may not use in a build. The programs I know that I will keep, I just left in OEMAPPS, because they all end installed anyways.

Sorry if I was clear on that point.
No apologies necessary ... I appreciate your having shared your insight. I asked, because I wanted to be sure that a) I had expressed myself clearly and b) what I was seeing (when comparing the decomposed *.nbh files) was accurate ... i.e. I hadn't messed something up.

Originally Posted by dereknjenny04 View Post
I noticed a lot of the OEMS just remove the files and don't do anything with the registry entries.
If you open up the .RGU in OEMAPPS you should be able to see the commented entries where I have removed items to a package.
Oh, this is sweet; you didn't just rip the entries out, you commented them to mark your tracks. Very nice ...

Originally Posted by dereknjenny04 View Post
I think the important part is to make sure registry entries are removed for programs that are no longer installed instead of just deleted the files.
I see what you mean. I believe I have seen some instances, where BioTouch and TouchFlo may not have been installed, but an error gets thrown that appears to reflect that some of the registry entries were still created.

Thank you again, Derek.

Best regards,

Last edited by boggsie; 04-16-2008 at 12:10 PM.
  #5 (permalink)  
Old 04-17-2008, 08:50 AM
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Wink Re: dnj04 v18 6.0 ROM

This is a really good rom. I think it's perfect. I like how it is very clean. I have been cooking my own but am not skilled enough to get it that clean. Very nice and stable. Is the only difference the cube colors and stuff like that. Thanks for the hard work.
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Old 04-17-2008, 09:20 AM
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Re: dnj04 v18 6.0 ROM

im currently running your no cube version.. and im worn out on flashing roms right now so if theres any lockups or whatever.. oh well.. imma stick with this for a while..

i like how you incorporated the latest esmertec that allows fullscreen!!!
thanks buddy and thanks for listening to our wishes about removing touchflo crap.

have you thought about incorporating poorlyducks complete vista theme??
  #7 (permalink)  
Old 04-18-2008, 08:50 AM
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Red face Re: dnj04 v18 6.0 ROM

I have started experiencing tons of lock ups.... Almost every time my phone goes into standby it won't come out and needs to be reset. Once in awhile I would says is "Normal" but all the time is strange. I had no problems at all yesterday. But starting last night and this morning I am in lock up central.....Any advice
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Old 04-19-2008, 09:04 AM
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Re: dnj04 v18 6.0 ROM

Originally Posted by ptfdmedic View Post
I have started experiencing tons of lock ups.... Almost every time my phone goes into standby it won't come out and needs to be reset. Once in awhile I would says is "Normal" but all the time is strange. I had no problems at all yesterday. But starting last night and this morning I am in lock up central.....Any advice
Did you install anything new? I don't use this ROM, so won't put a ton of energy into it, but if you have a reproduceable issue, I will certainly look into it.
  #9 (permalink)  
Old 04-19-2008, 09:09 AM
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Re: dnj04 v18 6.0 ROM

2days. no lockups, no resets.. imma stick with this for a while.. FINNALLY!!!!

without biotouch and all that crap running in the background i got a solid 80mb free after my first reset on day one... pretty awesome.. and thats with voice command off and other tweaks
  #10 (permalink)  
Old 04-19-2008, 09:11 AM
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Red face Re: dnj04 v18 6.0 ROM

Thanks... I really, really love the rom. The lock up seem to be random... Everything seems to work correctly.... The only ting I have been using recently was memmaid. But I don't think I tweaked anything...Are there known issues with memmaid that you are aware of... If I can repo anything I will let you know.....
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