Re: dnj04 v18 6.0 ROM
I'm bringing a discussion over from the Q&A thread ... if you prefer to go to PM, please let me know.
... This might sound rediculous, but what if ...
I didn't want to mix and match between SYS and XIP ...
I only wanted to separate the OEMs out of the default Sprint OEM ROM ... and maybe create OEM folders for each of the components, so that when BuildOS.exe fired up, each of the OEM componenets (dialer, touchflo, biotouch, skins, etc.) were separately selectable via check-boxes ... (in BuildOS ... i.e. The Kitchen)
For example, I have the Sprint OEM RUU_signed.nbh (OS Only) decomposed into the vogue_kitchen_tools directory structure.
Now I have OEMAPPS with about 350 items and a single *.rgu file with >3200 lines of registry entries.
Is the process as painstaking and manually sifting through the *.rgu file and moving files to their separate application folder, along with a new *.rgu file with the necessary registry entries? ... and then, for each folder that you create (for each OEM Application) you then create a unique option.xml so it will show up in The Kitchen?
The reason I posted in your thread, Derek, is that it seemed that you felt that this work had already been done for your V.17 ROM. So, I downloaded and used PrepIt.bat to decompose the ROM, but the resulting folder structure is, at least on first glance, very much the same as the decomposed folder structure of the Sprint OEM ROM.
Now, I think I also need to state that I am not trying to (in ANY way) reverse engineer the HARD work of anybody else and promote it as my own. I just want an EXTREMELY clean baseline to use (including User Customization) so that I can park all of my installable *.CAB files on to my SD card.
Thanks for listening.
Best regards,