Originally Posted by dereknjenny04
The process isn't as bad as it seems.
It's probably not technically
difficult, but very, very tedious.
Originally Posted by dereknjenny04
I have only seperated and created OEMS for the programs that I may or may not use in a build. The programs I know that I will keep, I just left in OEMAPPS, because they all end installed anyways.
Sorry if I was clear on that point.
No apologies necessary ... I appreciate your having shared your insight. I asked, because I wanted to be sure that a) I had expressed myself clearly and b) what I was seeing (when comparing the decomposed *.nbh files) was accurate ... i.e. I hadn't messed something up.
Originally Posted by dereknjenny04
I noticed a lot of the OEMS just remove the files and don't do anything with the registry entries.
If you open up the .RGU in OEMAPPS you should be able to see the commented entries where I have removed items to a package.
Oh, this is sweet; you didn't just rip the entries out, you commented them to mark your tracks. Very nice ...
Originally Posted by dereknjenny04
I think the important part is to make sure registry entries are removed for programs that are no longer installed instead of just deleted the files.
I see what you mean. I believe I have seen some instances, where BioTouch and TouchFlo may not have been installed, but an error gets thrown that appears to reflect that some of the registry entries were still created.
Thank you again, Derek.
Best regards,