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RobNyc 03-28-2008 02:50 AM

Re: Stock rom links for cdma touch
Hello everyone I' have 1 week with my Sprint HTC Touch aka Vogue.
I managed to Unlock it already with the Vogue Unlocker
So both ROMs here for SPrint are both Stock ?

PapaDocta 03-28-2008 03:47 AM

Re: Stock rom links for cdma touch
ok i download the dumped version of Hutch and now i can send sms in Arabic which i weren't able to do with Sprint ROM.... ok now the question... can i download the stock Hutch rom (the shipped one) and just take the OS file by itself and flash it?

PapaDocta 03-30-2008 10:18 AM

Re: Stock rom links for cdma touch
another question guys.. can extract the OS from and NBH image (using NBHextract.exe) and then convert the OS.NB to NBH and flash it??

ImCoKeMaN 03-30-2008 12:57 PM

Re: Stock rom links for cdma touch
you can, but it will be the same thing as the one that was dumped so there isn't really any benefit if your device is unlocked. The one i have posted will save you about 10mb of storage and has exactly the same files.

PapaDocta 03-31-2008 01:38 AM

Re: Stock rom links for cdma touch

thanks bro for the reply ;)

dan-htc-touch 04-05-2008 10:41 AM

Re: Stock rom links for cdma touch
does anyone know if I can flash the spl only from a different carrier if I have the dumped rom from my carrier installed, I need my phone to appear to be stock, although I am sure the dumped telus rom is probably compressed different. does the spl have to be unlocked just to flash, or is it also nessesary for it to be unlocked to run the custom roms as well.

I am guessing that with the spl of a different carrier, the guy I am giving it to would not be able to use telus updates, so I must beg imcokeman for another version of his spl, that is still unlocked, but displays in the bootloader as if it is stock. I would be very appreciative if you would help me out with this.

ImCoKeMaN 04-05-2008 04:57 PM

Re: Stock rom links for cdma touch
Ok, good questions here's some SPL info:
Dumped roms: They are not signed so they do need custom loaders to flash. They do not need custom loaders to run though.

SPLs are not carrier specific. If you were to flash an SPL from another carrier they could still flash a stock telus update as it checks the CID on the phone itself. That is not something that comes with the SPL, just something that is compared between the phone and rom by the bootloader during the RUU.

Additionally, if you hard reset the phone and have the dumped telus rom i think 99% of all techs would believe it was stock even if it has a CoKe bootloader =)

AttractiveApe 04-07-2008 02:05 PM

Re: Stock rom links for cdma touch
How do we relock a Telus phone for warranty work if no exe has been released?

tornadog 04-07-2008 04:39 PM

Re: Stock rom links for cdma touch
Using the sprint exe locks it just like it was from factory right? I want to go back to locked state getting too many errors with all custom roms....

analli 04-07-2008 10:05 PM

Re: Stock rom links for cdma touch
I've just recieved another replacement Touch for Bell. Interestingly enough the radio is already 1.59.10a but the really interesting thing is the ROM version is 1.19 as opposed to 1.17.

Does anyone have any information on a Bell stock ROM numbered 1.19?


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