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-   -   Stock rom links for cdma touch (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=19071)

ImCoKeMaN 02-23-2008 06:27 PM

Stock rom links for cdma touch
I have dumped a couple OS roms for people with the touch and there are a few carriers that already came out with an EXE update. This thread is to list which are available and where to get them.

RUU for nbh roms:

Unlocker thread:

Dumped versions (OS only, generally nbh format to use with RUU):
Use these with the original unlocker 0.40.CoKe

Alltel (dump from chadsock):

Telus (dump from mustan-tech):

Sprint (exe format, but OS only just packaged with RUU ):
Original unlocking test rom, included incase someone wants to remain unlocked with a stock sprint rom.

Verizon (dump from nemanracing):
(sorry for rapidshare, but the ftp wasn't working for me when I uploaded this one)

TNZ (dump from Silk):

Hutch (Thailand dump from nathawoots):

Belize (dump from visions):
Awaiting testing.

Shipped versions (exe format):
* Only use these for going back to stock on your own carrier and you will be fine and have a relocked phone ready for warranty work ;)
WARNING: These carrier shipped EXE roms will include a stock bootloader and "relock" the phone if using the 0.40.CoKe SPL. I suggest nobody should use shipped carrier exe roms from a different carrier with the 0.40 unlocker as if it gets interrupted and your carrier doesn't have a shipped exe you might not be able to flash ANY rom.



http://handsets.utstar.com/downloads/MP6900BM%20Maintanence%20Release%204-18-08.zip (ver 1.19.666.1 Radio 1.59.10a)
Original Bell:

Hutch: (Thanks to PDAMobiz.com and nathawoots)

GPS Capable Shipped roms:
(Same concept as titan, parts of radio won't be over written if you try to downgrade and you must have 2.31 SPL to run)

Alltel: .37.10_Alltel_NV2.00_PRL30008_0331_Ship_withSpecia lNBH.exe

ftp://up.ppcgeeks.com/Vogue/Users/dh..._2.04_Ship.exe (newer)


Have a stock rom that isn't listed?
Post here, PM me, find me in chat etc. If it needs to be dumped from the device I can help with the dump, package the parts to an nbh and post it.

Thanks everyone and enjoy!

wpt2005 02-29-2008 12:34 PM

Re: Stock rom links for cdma touch
so wich one is the one comes with the phone from day one and witch is this one ?????

Dumped versions (OS only, generally nbh format to use with RUU):

im lost ty

ImCoKeMaN 02-29-2008 02:28 PM

Re: Stock rom links for cdma touch
Some carriers haven't released the roms that are shipped on phones so those were dumped from devices and reassembled so they can be flashed. All of these stock roms are ones that would have come on a phone when it comes from the carrier.

narodk 03-01-2008 09:28 PM

Re: Stock rom links for cdma touch
the sprint link doesn't work

ImCoKeMaN 03-01-2008 09:50 PM

Re: Stock rom links for cdma touch
the FTP directory was deleted, i just re-uploaded all of them

MattOktaNZ 03-03-2008 02:43 AM

Re: Stock rom links for cdma touch

Originally Posted by ImCoKeMaN (Post 191607)

Have a stock rom that isn't listed?
Post here, PM me, find me in chat etc. If it needs to be dumped from the device I can help with the dump, package the parts to an nbh and post it.

Thanks everyone and enjoy!

Hi ... I have a HTC Vogue on Telecom NZ network.. can you please tell me how to dump the rom? I'd like to try the GPS rom update when/if it comes out but would like to go back to stock if needed

Cheers =D>

Silk 03-03-2008 08:42 AM

Re: Stock rom links for cdma touch

Originally Posted by ImCoKeMaN (Post 191607)
Have a stock rom that isn't listed?
Post here, PM me, find me in chat etc. If it needs to be dumped from the device I can help with the dump, package the parts to an nbh and post it.

Thanks everyone and enjoy!

Hi, I have a Telecom New Zealand Vogue and would be keen to dump the ROM if you tell me how.

I also would like to be able to go back to the stock ROM after trying one of the other roms here, if things didn't go well.

(I am running windows XP not vista)

Moekind 03-04-2008 04:51 AM

Re: Stock rom links for cdma touch
can u extract the radios as well from the stock roms
i want to know what version of the vogue radio is the latest

ImCoKeMaN 03-04-2008 07:42 AM

Re: Stock rom links for cdma touch
I have not yet extracted a radio from the device and made it flashable. It is a totally different area to access and the normal process and tools do not access the radio section at all. My thoughts on radios is still don't upgrade them just for a higher number, only upgrade when there are either problems with what you have or there are new features that you need. For example the only radio upgrade i did for the titan is the GPS/Rev A one. Now grabbing it from a shipped carrier exe on the other hand that's easy.

Edit: TNZ stock rom has been added now. Thanks Silk!

dcharbour 03-13-2008 11:10 PM

Re: Stock rom links for cdma touch
Hi ImCoKeMan, I just got my HTC Touch last night from Sprint. And I rush over here to nab the appropriate file but none of your links are working. Did they delete them again?

htcuser 03-14-2008 02:56 AM

Original Sprint ROM
Where can I get this? The links provided here on this site are all dead. Thxs.

SBR_L3GION 03-14-2008 02:57 AM

Re: Original Sprint ROM
here is what you are looking for. just download the one that says shipped.


SBR_L3GION 03-14-2008 03:16 AM

Re: Original Sprint ROM
bump jus to make sure you know i got you the link.

htcuser 03-14-2008 03:28 AM

Re: Original Sprint ROM
thxs.... but I did try that. Dead link. thxs anyways.:scratch:

SBR_L3GION 03-14-2008 03:46 AM

Re: Original Sprint ROM
try this one.

or this one.


htcuser 03-14-2008 03:50 AM

Re: Original Sprint ROM
sbr.......... TTHXSS. eXCELLENT JOB.

SBR_L3GION 03-14-2008 03:57 AM

Re: Original Sprint ROM
the first link took some skill to get but i did it.

Silk 03-14-2008 04:45 AM

Re: Stock rom links for cdma touch
no problem ImCoKeMaN, happy to help. Was educational lol.

ImCoKeMaN 03-14-2008 07:35 PM

Re: Original Sprint ROM

Originally Posted by htcuser (Post 217324)
Where can I get this? The links provided here on this site are all dead. Thxs.

The FTP was switched to anonymous. Here's the new link for the sprint one:

I also updated all the links in the first post.

PapaDocta 03-27-2008 01:58 PM

Re: Stock rom links for cdma touch
guys i have Sprint HTC Touch with the stock rom.. i would like to flash it to Hutch... can i do that?? and if i want to go back to sprint stock would it be possible? i want to do that to test if i can send sms as unicode!


RobNyc 03-28-2008 02:50 AM

Re: Stock rom links for cdma touch
Hello everyone I' have 1 week with my Sprint HTC Touch aka Vogue.
I managed to Unlock it already with the Vogue Unlocker
So both ROMs here for SPrint are both Stock ?

PapaDocta 03-28-2008 03:47 AM

Re: Stock rom links for cdma touch
ok i download the dumped version of Hutch and now i can send sms in Arabic which i weren't able to do with Sprint ROM.... ok now the question... can i download the stock Hutch rom (the shipped one) and just take the OS file by itself and flash it?

PapaDocta 03-30-2008 10:18 AM

Re: Stock rom links for cdma touch
another question guys.. can extract the OS from and NBH image (using NBHextract.exe) and then convert the OS.NB to NBH and flash it??

ImCoKeMaN 03-30-2008 12:57 PM

Re: Stock rom links for cdma touch
you can, but it will be the same thing as the one that was dumped so there isn't really any benefit if your device is unlocked. The one i have posted will save you about 10mb of storage and has exactly the same files.

PapaDocta 03-31-2008 01:38 AM

Re: Stock rom links for cdma touch

thanks bro for the reply ;)

dan-htc-touch 04-05-2008 10:41 AM

Re: Stock rom links for cdma touch
does anyone know if I can flash the spl only from a different carrier if I have the dumped rom from my carrier installed, I need my phone to appear to be stock, although I am sure the dumped telus rom is probably compressed different. does the spl have to be unlocked just to flash, or is it also nessesary for it to be unlocked to run the custom roms as well.

I am guessing that with the spl of a different carrier, the guy I am giving it to would not be able to use telus updates, so I must beg imcokeman for another version of his spl, that is still unlocked, but displays in the bootloader as if it is stock. I would be very appreciative if you would help me out with this.

ImCoKeMaN 04-05-2008 04:57 PM

Re: Stock rom links for cdma touch
Ok, good questions here's some SPL info:
Dumped roms: They are not signed so they do need custom loaders to flash. They do not need custom loaders to run though.

SPLs are not carrier specific. If you were to flash an SPL from another carrier they could still flash a stock telus update as it checks the CID on the phone itself. That is not something that comes with the SPL, just something that is compared between the phone and rom by the bootloader during the RUU.

Additionally, if you hard reset the phone and have the dumped telus rom i think 99% of all techs would believe it was stock even if it has a CoKe bootloader =)

AttractiveApe 04-07-2008 02:05 PM

Re: Stock rom links for cdma touch
How do we relock a Telus phone for warranty work if no exe has been released?

tornadog 04-07-2008 04:39 PM

Re: Stock rom links for cdma touch
Using the sprint exe locks it just like it was from factory right? I want to go back to locked state getting too many errors with all custom roms....

analli 04-07-2008 10:05 PM

Re: Stock rom links for cdma touch
I've just recieved another replacement Touch for Bell. Interestingly enough the radio is already 1.59.10a but the really interesting thing is the ROM version is 1.19 as opposed to 1.17.

Does anyone have any information on a Bell stock ROM numbered 1.19?


PapaDocta 04-08-2008 11:56 AM

Re: Stock rom links for cdma touch
guys is the call reordering ability on the Touch is limited by the hardware itself or the Radio ROM? i was thinking if it was by the radio rom i would try flashing my phone with hutch's radio since it was meant to be used in Asia which they don't have strict rules like the US!

ImCoKeMaN 04-15-2008 08:40 AM

Re: Stock rom links for cdma touch
xv6900 verizon stock rom (from nemanracing dump) is now available, see first post.

PapaDocta 04-15-2008 10:00 AM

Re: Stock rom links for cdma touch
thanks ImCoKeMaN... i'm downloading it now and will try it..


flashed and so far looks good..

imneveral0ne 04-18-2008 11:45 AM

Re: Stock rom links for cdma touch
well, nothing i did wrong to my phone, but all of a sudden even though i have the brightness on phones battery, and when its plugged in, when its on battery power its barely visible. Also, i bought a 4 GB micro SD card from sprint about a month or 2 ago, and ever since this lighting problem has started, the memory card has started messing up. I turned the phone off for one night a week and a half ago and it didnt even recognize the card. it was REALLY hot. so i called the service center and told them i wanted to come in. so im on my way now and im hoping you guys can fix it. thank you.


Originally Posted by ImCoKeMaN (Post 191607)
I have dumped a couple OS roms for people with the touch and there are a few carriers that already came out with an EXE update. This thread is to list which are available and where to get them.

RUU for nbh roms:

Dumped versions (OS only, generally nbh format to use with RUU):

Alltel (dump from chadsock):

Telus (dump from mustan-tech):

Sprint (exe format, but OS only just packaged with RUU ):
Original unlocking test rom, included incase someone wants to remain unlocked with a stock sprint rom.

Verizon (dump from nemanracing):
(sorry for rapidshare, but the ftp wasn't working for me when I uploaded this one)

TNZ (dump from Silk):

Hutch (Thailand dump from nathawoots):

Shipped versions (exe format):
* Only use these for going back to stock on your own carrier and you will be fine and have a relocked phone ready for warranty work ;)
WARNING: These carrier shipped EXE roms will include a stock bootloader and "relock" the phone. I suggest nobody should use shipped carrier exe roms from a different carrier as if it gets interrupted and your carrier doesn't have a shipped exe you might not be able to flash ANY rom.



Hutch: (Thanks to PDAMobiz.com and nathawoots)

Have a stock rom that isn't listed?
Post here, PM me, find me in chat etc. If it needs to be dumped from the device I can help with the dump, package the parts to an nbh and post it.

Thanks everyone and enjoy!

ImCoKeMaN 04-22-2008 04:16 PM

Re: Stock rom links for cdma touch
New alltel release out, be aware it will most likely brick non alltel users (see sig hehe)

hetaldp 04-23-2008 03:10 PM

Re: Stock rom links for cdma touch
I dont Understand what is that Special_4350.nbh i have Extracted Alltel ROM using WinRAR and can see it in Dump Direcoty

ImCokeman Please Clarify

and is this the First Released Shipped ROM for Alltel from HTC

capthr 04-25-2008 11:11 PM

Re: Stock rom links for cdma touch
trying to go back to Sprint Rom after flashing Alltel room Tried Shipped Version above won't flash? How do I lock phone first?

tekie99 04-26-2008 12:45 AM

Re: Stock rom links for cdma touch

Originally Posted by capthr (Post 261159)
trying to go back to Sprint Rom after flashing Alltel room Tried Shipped Version above won't flash? How do I lock phone first?

I am having the same problem, also have the same question... tried to run RUU_Vogue_SPRINT_WWE_1.12.651.1_2.13.00_SPC_NV133_ Ship.exe with no success... so what needs to be done in order to flash the stock rom back onto my vogue... I currently have the Alltell rom on it..

OpenWave 04-26-2008 11:11 PM

Re: Stock rom links for cdma touch
*major leagued PO'ed*
I know it's my fault but after putting an Alltell ROM on my Bell Mobility HTC Touch it is now bricked, what do I do now?

ImCoKeMaN 04-26-2008 11:27 PM

Re: Stock rom links for cdma touch
You aren't bricked, just extract the BM exe file and use the ruu_signed.nbh and rename it to VOGUIMG.nbh and flash from SD card. See the unbricking thread for more details

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