Ok Guys There is also another way to flash your phone wich most of us probly know but for those who dont know or have vista this may be easyer
1. Format your MicroSD card to FAT32 2. Extract the .NBH you desire to flash from the exe or zip or w/e put it on the microsd card rename it from RUU_signed.nbh to VOGUIMG.NBH 3.Put the MicroSD card in your phone and Get To the BOOTLOADER screen (camer+power+reset) it should then start updating with the .NBH on the SD card you can also use this procedure to unlock your phone by flashing the .nbh from Cokemans unlocker just extract it and rename it VOGUIMG.NBH or if your stuck at that HTC screen and cant sync because your phone wont boot up hope this helps someone it helped me maybe add to first post? |
a kitchen is basically how/where you put together what you want in a rom. it is how you make custom roms. try downloading blee0125's vogue kitchen, and give it a shot. make sure and put no2chem's sys/oem folders in so that it is for wm6.1 (at least i thinik thats how you do it! :S i really really do NOT know myself, so if you're nervous, dont do it! that is just what i would speculate.) if you screw up, you can always do a camera power reset, and reflash ![]() Quote:
Last edited by jim2561; 02-21-2008 at 10:48 PM. |
its automatic |
just stick in the card and youre good to go? it starts on its own?
well thanks a lot for your great contribution! will update first post accordingly. |
Re: Flashing How To
At the end of running the update utility I'm always getting the:
Error [270] Update Error Image is corrupted |
Re: Flashing How To
Thanks for what looks to be a great tutorial. Like many people here I'm still a complete n00b when it comes to this stuff and there will be much terrified gnashing of teeth when I try this later tonight...
A couple things. To whoever was looking for a stock Bell ROM for the Vogue, check out this post: http://www.howardforums.com/showthread.php?t=1301200 Or alternately, here are the download links for the official instructions .doc and the updater .exe (Windows XP only, Vista apparently not supported) respectively: http://www.utstarcom.com/pcd/downloads/MP6900BM%20Bell%20Aliant%20Update%20Instructions.d oc http://www.utstarcom.com/pcd/downloa...31398_Ship.exe This looks to be the version I'm running currently, the most recent official Bell ROM afaik, which is version 1.17.666.1 Now, a quick question, and perhaps a stupid one, but I want to be sure. When I bought this phone and it was first turned on, the salesguy had to go through this whole rigamarole typing codes into the phone to activate it.. Programming the ESN or something. Whatever he was doing, I'm sure it was something critical to activating it. Now is flashing different ROMs going to mess any of that up, or will my phone just work normally? Oh, and is there anything I should be concerned with flashing a Bell phone with a Sprint-based ROM? I know they're both CDMA phones so no problems there, but are there any settings that would need to be changed in order to use the internet, text messaging, and such? Different gateways or whatever? Or is this something else I just don't have to worry about? Thanks a ton, A grateful n00b. |
Re: Flashing How To
the other day i flashed my little bro's titan, and the next day all he could do was get on the internet--no texting/calling or anything like that. when he tried to call, all we got was "your account is not valid..." bla bla. i worked on it and read around for about 2 hours ( ugh ) wondering if it was a problem with the radio only to find out that all i had to do was go into the phone settings using ##778# and put his phone # in a few places. now keep in mind, this was with a titan, and i was screwing around with different roms, bootloaders, AND radios so...it got a bit messy. so my hard and fast answer would be...99% sure that you wouldnt run into problems with that, and 100% sure that we could get you going again if you did. as for flashing a sprint rom to a bell vogue, i really dont think you would have any problems there as the only thing you are changing are the included apps and version of wm6.1 -- not the bootloader, or esn, or radio or anything.
jim256 = jim2561
Don't forget to donate or say thanks! Flashing How To for Vogue Super cheap phones: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=39267 HD or iPhone http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=44839 Android on Vogue (by dzo): http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=23244 |
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