Ok Guys There is also another way to flash your phone wich most of us probly know but for those who dont know or have vista this may be easyer
1. Format your MicroSD card to FAT32
2. Extract the .NBH you desire to flash from the exe or zip or w/e put it on the microsd card rename it from RUU_signed.nbh to VOGUIMG.NBH
3.Put the MicroSD card in your phone and Get To the BOOTLOADER screen (camer+power+reset) it should then start updating with the .NBH on the SD card
you can also use this procedure to unlock your phone by flashing the .nbh from Cokemans unlocker just extract it and rename it VOGUIMG.NBH or if your stuck at that HTC screen and cant sync because your phone wont boot up
hope this helps someone it helped me maybe add to first post?