Originally Posted by rose1
I figured that you were with Verizon. Only they FORCE you to get a data plan with the TP2. Those crooks! Did you hear that they are raising their etf to $350? I don't know how they are the largest cell phone company? I'd never sign with them.
Yep but I also know why they raised it. The price of the phones has skyrocketed and they need to make sure they are going to get thier subsidy back. Doesn't really matter to me it's a company phone and they pay for everything. At least I know I'll have coverage pretty much anywhere I go!
If she does not have a data plan half the features of the phone will not work. but as long as she is knows that then I say it was a fair deal. The phone new is $500-600 even with a plan it's $99 unless you get that shack deal.