Re: Got to love alltel/verizon
the alltel and VZN phones dont seem to have the keyboard issues that the sprint version has. at least thats the way it looks on here. 90% or more of the keyboard issues are sprint. there is the occasional VZN issue but they are few and far between.
Re: Got to love alltel/verizon
Actually I know several people with the Alltel TP that have had the keyboard issue, on my third phone from it. A coworker went through 3 then got the Verizon TP, which is a lightly different design than the Alltel, no issues yet.
Re: Got to love alltel/verizon
The alltel and verizon designs are actually a lot different, alltels mirros the sprint ones as far as I know. I think Verizon focused a bit more on build quality since they heavily market to business users not enthusiasts. If they worried about enthusiasts so much they'd probably have left the RAM.
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Re: Got to love alltel/verizon
I just want to make the touch pro last until the next gen of phones come out. I don't want to upgrade to the tp2 because i don't see it being a bog enough improvement. I want a snapdragon
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Re: Got to love alltel/verizon
just watch your bill vzw might give you a charge for that fru they sent you if they dont get a phoen back in return
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