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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 09-09-2009, 09:58 AM
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Re: Problems syncing TP and Windows Mobile Device Center (WMDC)

I'm running almost every OS you could imagine but my main OS in Windows 7. I do all my upgrading on XP just for safety sake, but i still have no problems syncing the touch pro with windows mobile device center.

Can you please post us some more information about your problems?

What do you mean it doesn't want to install correctly on Windows 7? Are you talking about WMDC or just syncing your TP to your computer?

Try using a different USB port

You don't need to upgrade your .net to a beta version if you already have a stable one.

Give me a little more information and i know i can figure out the problem.

Originally Posted by asuh View Post
Can I get a replacement TP for this syncing issue?? That would be awesome!

I'll have to try hooking it up to other computers and see what happens.
I doubt they will swap out the phone unless you can prove that it's the phone and not your computer. If you really think it's the phone your best option would be to call Sprint and tell them that problem and say the phone keeps dropping calls, say you brought it to a store, they reflashed it and it still drops calls when you are talking on the phone
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Last edited by tripflex; 09-09-2009 at 10:02 AM.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 09-09-2009, 11:26 AM
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Thumbs up Re: Problems syncing TP and Windows Mobile Device Center (WMDC)

Originally Posted by asuh View Post
Can I get a replacement TP for this syncing issue?? That would be awesome!

I'll have to try hooking it up to other computers and see what happens.

If you have TEP $7 with Sprint you can get a replacement. The whole point of TEP is to get a replacement when your phone stops functioning out of the ordinary (keyboard issues, d-pad issues, constant freezing, usb not syncing, etc)

1. Put the official stock ROM back via SD card and test your phone to see if it syncs with Windows Seven.
a. Yes, your phone is fine, just modded ROM issues.
b. No continue to step 2.

2. Test to see if your stock ROM syncs with XP (don't forget to first install activesync from cd or download it. then plug phone to your XP machine)

If still DOES NOT sync take it to a Sprint store to see if they can fix the issue, they will test to see if usb port is damaged. They will also try to sync it with their computers which are more than likely running XP.

If they say yes they can sync, ask to see your phone syncing in their computers.

Finally if they can't sync either after doing their own troubleshooting they will issue you a replacement in the store if they have it, or order you another one to pick up at store 2-3 business days.

They might ask was it dropped or water damaged, answer is NO unless it's obvious that it was dropped, or water sticker is smudged/pink.

PUT BACK official stock ROM, they might use the modded ROM as an excuse to deny your claim, and say "you are out of warranty, only thing you can do is call insurance now."

Last edited by Rippa_MD; 09-09-2009 at 11:30 AM.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 09-09-2009, 01:53 PM
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Re: Problems syncing TP and Windows Mobile Device Center (WMDC)

I found the answer. I was running Windows Security Essentials beta. It was suggested to me to uninstall this software and then try hooking it up to Windows. Guess what? It worked!

I'm disappointed it took me this long to find the answer and surprised the answer was so simple. Now I need to figure out if I can go back to running WSE or if I need to find another AV solution.

There you go, kids. Hope this helps someone else out.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 09-26-2009, 04:03 PM
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Re: Problems syncing TP and Windows Mobile Device Center (WMDC)

Just a quick follow up.

WSE was kind of the problem. I uninstalled it, got my TP to start syncing, reinstalled it, then after a couple of reboots was right back where I started. However, this time, I don't have WSE installed again and can't get it work at all.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 06-16-2010, 01:21 PM
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Re: Problems syncing TP and Windows Mobile Device Center (WMDC)

I found a work around for this problem!!! The problem is in the initial sync. Once you establish the first sync it will install the correct drivers. I connected to Windows Mobile Device Center via Bluetooth Activesync and was able to complete the initial sync setup. After that it recognized my Touch Pro 2 via USB.
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  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > WM HTC Devices > HTC Touch Pro

device center, install, installation, windows 7, wmdc

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