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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-01-2009, 12:21 AM
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Pocket PC: HTC Touch Pro (Sprint)
Carrier: TBaytel
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Exclamation DataPlan Wont Dial/connect

Hello im fairly new at this as well, i have a Sprint HTC touch pro CDMA, correctly unlocked , running latest version of mightyrom. The phone itself works correctly (txting, all phone apps, phone, wireless, beam) its the data plan thats not. I have tbaytel as my provider and know my correct username/password, when inputed into connection settings it still fails to connect.

Username: xxxxxxxxxx@1xtbaytel.net

Can anyone help me out, i do apologize in advance if this has been answered before. I've done alot of searching and cannot find a solution relavent to my phone. Its been 5 days now and my provider wont assist me over the phone or in person. Theyd like to send the phone in to have it re-programmed back to locked stock wm. This defeats the purpose of modding the phone and is why im despretly searching for a solution. This issue is not relavent to non-pay bills , or canceled data connection. I do have a valid connection and my provider is unaware of the modding.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-01-2009, 12:33 AM
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Re: DataPlan Wont Dial/connect

with sprint, this problem has occured to many, and usually presents itself as an unable to connect #777 error. The solution is to go to the dialer, enter ##DATA#, enter your MSL, click restore at the bottom, and then let the phone reset and self program. I dont know if this is relevant to your carrier or not, but its a valid fix on the sprint network.
My phone is like my genitals. Id cry if i lost it, and i like to use it everyday.
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  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > WM HTC Devices > HTC Touch Pro

connection, data, htc, sprint, tbaytel

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