Completely bricked my phone. HELP!!!
So I had Energy Rom but it developed this problem where every time I restarted it, it would redo the "run for the first time setup" and I'd have to reinstall all my programs and settings (which required a restart thereby creating an endless loop) every time or it would reflash itself. So I figured I needed to relock, though I had never done so before. Well, I flashed Psyki via sd card and then tried to run relocker by flashing the same way (putting the RAPHIMG.nbh in the sd card root directory) and it bricked my phone.
I'm trying to flash the unlocker using the RUU, or the HArdSPL, and getting nothing either way. I have tried with the SD card and the raphimg for the rom, with the sd card and the raphimg for the unlocker, without the card, via the computer sync way, everything. Most I can get is tricolor screen with SPL800 on the top and an "error in rom code," or it'll bring up the progress bar like it's going to update and not move from 0, or just say "Loading..." and nothing happens.
How do I get it back to... something? If you want to IM me on AIM I'm bigdawgdl v2. I need to get it back operational asap