I am assuming you're talking about the white bubble that pops up containing "Incoming call" and the call info. Is so give this a shot - worked quite well for me.
Ok everyone, I've looked into the offending regs of 6.5 themes that result in the incoming call bubble popping up when using the HTC dialer (and the phone is on).
This reg:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Today\Bubble: BubbleBorderThemeImage
set to '\Windows\classicblue_msgboxBorder.jpg' with calcs default theme is the main problem. When this entry is deleted the bubble no longer pops up over the slide to answer screen, but there the words 'incomming call' still appear from the bubble popup.(i.e this is the big offender)
This reg:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Today\Toast:T oastBorderThemeImage
currently set to \Windows\classicblue_toastBorder.jpg
Removing this entry gets rid of the 'incomming call' text, resulting in nothing but HTC slide to answer showing up when the phone is on and you get a call.
My images listed were obviously different and will vary depending on the ROM used, but deleting the keys worked quite well to remove that pop up and doesn't seem to have any negative effect.