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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 08-09-2009, 10:43 AM
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Re: Yay 4 Juggs ROM may have bricked my phone..

Originally Posted by Sootah View Post
I had the MightyROM installed on my Verizon phone and quite liked it, the phone was FAR more responsive and much easier to navigate with the new WinMo 6.5 start menu interface, but I decided to try the Yay 4 Juggs ROM as it was recommended by IsYouGeekedUp and came with very little pre-installed. I like nice squeaky clean ROMs.

I flashed the ROM that I downloaded from here, and the flash itself went smoothly, but after the phone reset it just sits on the Verizon Wireless startup screen and doesn't go past the "Please wait, phone is starting up" phase.

Perhaps I wasn't paying enough attention and the ROM is a Sprint one, or I somehow flashed it incorrectly, but regardless of how I've screwed this up my phone won't boot and I'm unable to flash the MightyROM back onto it as the flashing util won't see the phone as active since an ActiveSync connection can't be established with it.

Is there any way of rectifying this, or am I hosed?

Thanks in advance for your help,

I am hoping you got this worked out and i am very sorry that my rom "bricked" your phone but i did clearly indicate that it was a sprint only rom...what caused your issue was the pagepool of the rom being higher than your phone can handle so to speak. I have had a very busy week but this coming week i will be releasing a verizon specific version of my rom to accomodate the darkside. again i do appologize for this minor setback and hope that when it is ready that you will give my rom another shot.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 08-09-2009, 05:16 PM
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Re: Yay 4 Juggs ROM may have bricked my phone..

i think it was just a user error, not y4j's fault, it's clearly labeled as a sprint only rom and another version for altel

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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 08-09-2009, 08:12 PM
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Re: Yay 4 Juggs ROM may have bricked my phone..

Some of you seem kind of harsh on the guy. He never insulted anyone and just thought that his phone was bricked as a result of the rom. Bricking your phone is a scary thing considering that if it isnt fixable, you either have a $200 paperweight or you pay $100 for a replacement that is usually refurbished (unless the store you return your phone at decides to be nice and give you a new phone like they did with me when my tp got wet). As far as the rom saying "Sprint" on it, I dont blame Sootah for downloading it because in many roms, the carrier name on it doesnt matter. Ive flashed so many roms to my Alltel tp that say "Sprint specific rom" or "Verizon specific rom" and they run fine on my phone.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 08-09-2009, 08:35 PM
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Re: Yay 4 Juggs ROM may have bricked my phone..

Wow! way to scare off the newcomer.
As several people have stated - read his ENTIRE first post! he didn't blame juggs he asked what he could do to fix it! although some of you may only look at the title and see a potential blame, reading an extra 30 seconds would have fixed that.
based on the flfactat that your quick to blame and don't read entire posts, i'm sure most of you have done similar things - flashing a rom without reading the instructions etc..
/end rant
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MordyT is right.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 08-11-2009, 06:03 AM
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Re: Yay 4 Juggs ROM may have bricked my phone..

First: I would definitely like to thank t0mmyr for showing me how to reflash my phone even though it wouldn't boot. I put the MightyROM back on it and it worked splendidly.

Second: While I definitely could have worded my thread title better, I have nothing to apologize for. I made it quite clear in my posting that it was likely me that screwed up the flashing, so unless absolutely nobody but t0mmyr and leighton86 even read the thread itself then I don't see why everybody's panties got so bunched up. Again, thank you Tommy and Leighton for reading through my problem and responding appropriately.

Now that we have that out of the way, is it possible to use the Yay 4 Juggs ROM with a Verizon phone? If not, what is the fastest and most lightweight ROM out there that will function with a VZW phone? My absolute main concern is speed, I'd like the phone to be as snappy as possible. I liked my HTC G1 well enough when I had it, but it felt like the GooglePhone got rushed to market just for the sake of having it out in a hurry. It being slightly half-baked aside, that phone was fast. I had no problems with lag on that bad-boy EVER. I'm hoping that there's a ROM out there that'll work with my Verizon Touch Pro that'll come close to the responsiveness I had with the G1.

My secondary concern is having the least amount of pre-installed software as possible. I figure if I need an app then I can download it myself; which also means I can uninstall it as well as the fact that I can choose to install it to my 8GB MicroSD card in order to keep the phone's built-in memory as free as possible.

Third: I would like to apologize to everyone for this misunderstanding. While I do feel that many of the responses were far too hostile I didn't join this forum to cause problems or make enemies. So, again, I apologize.

Any help ya'll can give me in finding a ROM that'll suit my needs as described above would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again,

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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 08-11-2009, 06:08 AM
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Unhappy Re: Yay 4 Juggs ROM may have bricked my phone..

Originally Posted by Yay 4 Juggs View Post
I am hoping you got this worked out and i am very sorry that my rom "bricked" your phone but i did clearly indicate that it was a sprint only rom...what caused your issue was the pagepool of the rom being higher than your phone can handle so to speak. I have had a very busy week but this coming week i will be releasing a verizon specific version of my rom to accomodate the darkside. again i do appologize for this minor setback and hope that when it is ready that you will give my rom another shot.
Most of all, I'd like to apologize to you Y4J. The wording of my title was poor at best, and I didn't mean to imply that it was your fault at all. Again, I am sorry.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 08-11-2009, 06:12 AM
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Re: Yay 4 Juggs ROM may have bricked my phone..

most roms will work on vzw touch pro, makes sure you read to see, my rom is made for all touch pro's, but i have a verizon one so i make sure everything is running fine on mine, and make sure it doesnt use too much ram. Also ssk makes his for verizon touch pro.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 08-11-2009, 06:17 AM
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Thumbs up Re: Yay 4 Juggs ROM may have bricked my phone..

Originally Posted by bikeandestroyx View Post
most roms will work on vzw touch pro, makes sure you read to see, my rom is made for all touch pro's, but i have a verizon one so i make sure everything is running fine on mine, and make sure it doesnt use too much ram. Also ssk makes his for verizon touch pro.
Suggestion on who has the most lightweight ROM? The real issue I have with having a ton of pre-installed apps is it simply makes locating anything a pain in the butt. Generally speaking the only things I use on my phone are the calendar, text messaging, email, the phone itself (duh ) and the Notes app. Everything else is just a sea of icons to wade through to get to what I want.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 08-11-2009, 06:20 AM
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Re: Yay 4 Juggs ROM may have bricked my phone..

Originally Posted by Sootah View Post
Suggestion on who has the most lightweight ROM? The real issue I have with having a ton of pre-installed apps is it simply makes locating anything a pain in the butt. Generally speaking the only things I use on my phone are the calendar, text messaging, email, the phone itself (duh ) and the Notes app. Everything else is just a sea of icons to wade through to get to what I want.
i have my start menu fully customized, everything is in folders. Much easier to find stuff!
While mine isnt the most lightweight rom, it still is lite and doesnt use much ram at all.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 08-11-2009, 06:34 AM
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Talking Re: Yay 4 Juggs ROM may have bricked my phone..

Originally Posted by bikeandestroyx View Post
i have my start menu fully customized, everything is in folders. Much easier to find stuff!
While mine isnt the most lightweight rom, it still is lite and doesnt use much ram at all.
Okey doke then, I shall give it a shot and report back!

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  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > WM HTC Devices > HTC Touch Pro

bricked, htc touch pro, mightyrom, yay 4 juggs rom

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