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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-28-2009, 10:54 PM
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Offered a Treo Pro as a replacement. yay or nay?

i went into the local sprint store because of more keyboard issues and they told me that because the touch pro was being "discontinued", they would have to get a pro on backorder, so it'd have to be shipped to them.
but here's the kicker: they said that if i wanted, they could swap it out for a treo pro right there.
so what is your opinion? should i stick to my TP, get the treo pro, or should i push for a pre?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-28-2009, 10:59 PM
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Re: Offered a Treo Pro as a replacement. yay or nay?

Originally Posted by strra View Post
i went into the local sprint store because of more keyboard issues and they told me that because the touch pro was being "discontinued", they would have to get a pro on backorder, so it'd have to be shipped to them.
but here's the kicker: they said that if i wanted, they could swap it out for a treo pro right there.
so what is your opinion? should i stick to my TP, get the treo pro, or should i push for a pre?
your best bet is to play with the treo demo in the store to see if you like it, the treo is not gonna be like the touch pro in a lot of customatization, but it do it thing different than the touch pro and is waaay more solid than the touch pro.

my opinion is get it until the tp2 comes out and wait to hear good reviews about it.

that what i'm gonna do is the tp2 is a pos ima keep my treo pro until a better treo comes out or a htc
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-28-2009, 11:09 PM
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Re: Offered a Treo Pro as a replacement. yay or nay?

NAY, if you love custom roms the treo is not for you...i just got rid of mine for a touch pro =)
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 06-28-2009, 11:16 PM
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Re: Offered a Treo Pro as a replacement. yay or nay?

You can't really push for a treo pre. The stores use a list that is set up to show what phones are comparable to other phones. That is the reason you are being offered a touch pro, not because they don't have a touch pro in stock. They are both windows based devices with touchscreens and a hardware keyboard (the main features that make them comparable). Stores are not able to deviate from the list unless there were persistent problems and the store manager has to make the decision to do so, the consumer doesn't really have a say. If you choose to take the treo pro, you won't be able to swap it for a tp2 when it comes out. If the treo pro has problems they would replace it with the treo pro until it is no longer available and then you would go to the next comparable model regardless of what it is.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 06-28-2009, 11:40 PM
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Re: Offered a Treo Pro as a replacement. yay or nay?

I own both.

I "PERSONALLY" prefer the Touch Pro. I like the slide out keyboard, bigger screen, and higher specs. Plus the ROM community, and so forth, is amazing.

The Treo Pro is nice. I used it for a little bit and considering that it has lower specs than my TP it operated very nicely. I really do like the phone, but the fact there's little to no ROM support for it at this point was a killer for me becasue I have grown to really love being able to tweak and push my phone to its limits to operate exactly as I want it to.

The things I did like on the Treo Pro though were the battery life (it does have better battery life than my Touch Pro, but on the flip side both make it through a full day for me so it dosen't matter as I charge my phone every night when I sleep), the design (it feels very sturdy and its thinner, lighter than my TP). I will revisit it later on down the line when it gets more community support as no company offers a stock ROM i'm 100% happy with.

So I say play with the Treo Pro and decide for yourself, but I chose to keep my Touch Pro given I have both available to me that says a lot for the phone. If you want to know more on the Treo Pro check out TreoCentral. Their Treo Pro section seems to be the most active out of all the ones I've found (although for applciations and my Touch Pro you wont find me anywhere but here).
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2009, 02:26 AM
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Re: Offered a Treo Pro as a replacement. yay or nay?

Originally Posted by digitard View Post
I own both.

I "PERSONALLY" prefer the Touch Pro. I like the slide out keyboard, bigger screen, and higher specs. Plus the ROM community, and so forth, is amazing.

The Treo Pro is nice. I used it for a little bit and considering that it has lower specs than my TP it operated very nicely. I really do like the phone, but the fact there's little to no ROM support for it at this point was a killer for me becasue I have grown to really love being able to tweak and push my phone to its limits to operate exactly as I want it to.

The things I did like on the Treo Pro though were the battery life (it does have better battery life than my Touch Pro, but on the flip side both make it through a full day for me so it dosen't matter as I charge my phone every night when I sleep), the design (it feels very sturdy and its thinner, lighter than my TP). I will revisit it later on down the line when it gets more community support as no company offers a stock ROM i'm 100% happy with.

So I say play with the Treo Pro and decide for yourself, but I chose to keep my Touch Pro given I have both available to me that says a lot for the phone. If you want to know more on the Treo Pro check out TreoCentral. Their Treo Pro section seems to be the most active out of all the ones I've found (although for applciations and my Touch Pro you wont find me anywhere but here).
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