Re: Offered a Treo Pro as a replacement. yay or nay?
You can't really push for a treo pre. The stores use a list that is set up to show what phones are comparable to other phones. That is the reason you are being offered a touch pro, not because they don't have a touch pro in stock. They are both windows based devices with touchscreens and a hardware keyboard (the main features that make them comparable). Stores are not able to deviate from the list unless there were persistent problems and the store manager has to make the decision to do so, the consumer doesn't really have a say. If you choose to take the treo pro, you won't be able to swap it for a tp2 when it comes out. If the treo pro has problems they would replace it with the treo pro until it is no longer available and then you would go to the next comparable model regardless of what it is.