Re: Returning my Verizon Touch Pro but will not relock
I do believe that you are suppose to run the relocker from windows, not the phone. I've had to do this twice. If i remember correctly it's a self extracting installer, meaning that when you run the .exe it will create a folder that contains the relocker to flash.
Re: Returning my Verizon Touch Pro but will not relock
run the relocker on your computer with your phone plugged in, in bootloader |
Re: Returning my Verizon Touch Pro but will not relock
As long as you have the VZW stock rom you should have no worries. The fufillment center that processes those returns does not check if the phone has been unlocked.
Re: Returning my Verizon Touch Pro but will not relock
At least, in bootloader mode it showed SPL-0.35.0000 |
Re: Returning my Verizon Touch Pro but will not relock
there's no way to relock it using sd card? active sync just doesn't work anymore but it still charges fine with cable though ...
Re: Returning my Verizon Touch Pro but will not relock
but make sure you uncheck enable advanced data transfer start>settings>connections>usbtopc ^ |
Re: Returning my Verizon Touch Pro but will not relock
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Re: Returning my Verizon Touch Pro but will not relock
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