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  #441 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2009, 11:11 AM
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Talking Re: Nu Quad Pod Mode 4TH Dimension {The Ultimate YouTube Player} 6.5/WM7 Customizatio

Originally Posted by molitar View Post
No so I tried the Google Youtube app and it worked fine. So I than tried installing your ultimate Youtube right over the Google one.. results... no go cannot play this video. I do not know what is wrong with this version.. I will try your older versions and see. I can't even get the stock version to run only the downloaded version from Google. Merdin released his final no longer beta today so I grabbed it.. the beta had known YT bug.
You can overwrite the Google version, it's the worst YouTube video player on the planet, man, get that mess off your phone... Molitar, why with the cooked ROM's, something always got be wrong with it...
Yet To Be Technology....!
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  #442 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2009, 11:13 AM
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Re: Nu Quad Pod Mode 4TH Dimension {The Ultimate YouTube Player} 6.5/WM7 Customizatio

Originally Posted by Technology1 View Post
You can overwrite the Google version, it's the worst YouTube video player on the planet, man, get that mess off your phone... Molitar, why with the cooked ROM's, something always got be wrong with it...
Yeah something has to be with the cooked ROM. I am going to try a hard reset again and see if the stock one will work but even it hasn't worked after the flash. Wonder what Merdin done to the Youtube to break it. Anybody else having same issue with Merdin's ROM? I just can't understand why this player has so many damn issues.. seems everyone keeps breaking it in all their roms.. what the HELL is up with this program! Can't someone take the method Google uses and just modify and fix it! no matter what ROM I install the google Youtube app it works! So I guess I am stuck with the crappy google app and pray someone can take what google has done and just modify it to work better since it ALWAYS works!

Last edited by molitar; 05-11-2009 at 12:10 PM.
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  #443 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2009, 12:46 PM
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Talking Re: Nu Quad Pod Mode 4TH Dimension {The Ultimate YouTube Player} 6.5/WM7 Customizatio

Originally Posted by molitar View Post
Yeah something has to be with the cooked ROM. I am going to try a hard reset again and see if the stock one will work but even it hasn't worked after the flash. Wonder what Merdin done to the Youtube to break it. Anybody else having same issue with Merdin's ROM? I just can't understand why this player has so many damn issues.. seems everyone keeps breaking it in all their roms.. what the HELL is up with this program! Can't someone take the method Google uses and just modify and fix it! no matter what ROM I install the google Youtube app it works! So I guess I am stuck with the crappy google app and pray someone can take what google has done and just modify it to work better since it ALWAYS works!
This is the deal with Google YouTube, they put the locked on a certain dll file, but I unlocked it anyway, and made the chages... when went to install in back in the files it would not work correctly... Personally, I don't like the Google YouTube app, the video resolution quality does not fit my standard, it's just too poor of a quality.... When it comes YouTube, I only the {WVD}, all web video player, the best on the market for the TP and I use the "Ultimate YouTube Player in post #3.... Now I will explain the StocK ROM Xweather Tri Pod Mode in my next post c0ming up now....
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  #444 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2009, 01:08 PM
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Re: Nu Quad Pod Mode 4TH Dimension {The Ultimate YouTube Player} 6.5/WM7 Customizatio

The Xweather Stock ROM Tri Pod Mode Set Up Instructions:

Install the three files in the Essentials.Zip inthia order

1. Mortscript-4.11b7-PPC.cab

2. HomeScreen_PlusPlus_UI.cab

3. SecondToday.CAB

4. TFDetacher.CAB

5. TFDeteacher wm6.5+TF3D2.cab

6. tf deteacher.xml

7. Soft reset your TP

8. XWeather.cab, soft Reset your TP

Installation for XWeather With The TRI Pod Mode THIRD Dimension:
1* weatherEssentials.zip below has cab files for Mortscript, HS++UI, and SecondToday, TFdeteacher and TFDetacher wm6.5+TF3D2.cab. Download it, This time you must check mark Windows Default in the "Items" area and install the cab files.
2* Download xweather cab below and install it, soft reset after installation.
3* After reboot, your left soft key will be set to launch SecondToday/Xweather, press it now.
4* When SecondToday starts, choose Homescreen PlusPlus as today plugin.
5* When HS++ loads, it will have battery monitor in top left of screen. Tap and Hold on it to bring up HS++ options. Go to the Advanced menu and choose XWeather as the theme and click OK.
6* You should now have xweather loaded, fourth button is for xweather setup options. Run it now and set all the options, when finished, run update and exit. It uses accuweather, so city code is same as for tf3d, if you don't know your code then use this link: http://hadle.accu-weather.com/widget...ocation=london, just change location name to your city instead of London.
7* Left soft key will take you back to tf3d

Thanks to Showaco

Last edited by Technology1; 05-11-2009 at 01:21 PM.
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  #445 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2009, 02:08 PM
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Re: Nu Quad Pod Mode 4TH Dimension {The Ultimate YouTube Player} 6.5/WM7 Customizatio

Originally Posted by Technology1 View Post
This is the deal with Google YouTube, they put the locked on a certain dll file, but I unlocked it anyway, and made the chages... when went to install in back in the files it would not work correctly... Personally, I don't like the Google YouTube app, the video resolution quality does not fit my standard, it's just too poor of a quality.... When it comes YouTube, I only the {WVD}, all web video player, the best on the market for the TP and I use the "Ultimate YouTube Player in post #3.... Now I will explain the StocK ROM Xweather Tri Pod Mode in my next post c0ming up now....
I agree with you there but until Merdin fixes Youtube in his latest ROM I am stuck with the horrible Google Youtube app. WVD takes too long just for a quick stream of a video because it is more for saving and it's not as easy to scroll down to find video looking for since they just show big thumbnails with no real description. I hope Merdin fixes it soon.. it will be the perfect ROM for me when he does.. not going to bother with the modes until it's fixed since I will have to reflash soon anyways.
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  #446 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2009, 02:20 PM
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Talking Re: Nu Quad Pod Mode 4TH Dimension {The Ultimate YouTube Player} 6.5/WM7 Customizatio

Originally Posted by molitar View Post
I agree with you there but until Merdin fixes Youtube in his latest ROM I am stuck with the horrible Google Youtube app. WVD takes too long just for a quick stream of a video because it is more for saving and it's not as easy to scroll down to find video looking for since they just show big thumbnails with no real description. I hope Merdin fixes it soon.. it will be the perfect ROM for me when he does.. not going to bother with the modes until it's fixed since I will have to reflash soon anyways.
Just install the "Ultimate YouTube Video Player in post #3 and overwrite the YouTube player in merdinh's ROM, easy to do...
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  #447 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2009, 02:24 PM
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Talking Re: Stock ROM XWeather Tri Pod Mode {The Ultimate YouTube Player} 6.5/WM7 Customizati

The new Stock ROM XWeather Tri Pod Mode Set Up with instructions, details and the ALL downloads are now in post #2, works like a charm, enjoy....
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  #448 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2009, 02:47 PM
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Re: Stock ROM XWeather Tri Pod Mode {The Ultimate YouTube Player} 6.5/WM7 Customizati

Molitar, did you tset the YouTube fix....?
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  #449 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2009, 04:13 PM
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Re: Stock ROM XWeather Tri Pod Mode {The Ultimate YouTube Player} 6.5/WM7 Customizati

Originally Posted by Technology1 View Post
Molitar, did you tset the YouTube fix....?
The Youtube fix? I tried installing the stock youtube by you and the ultimate and Youtube still will not function even overwriting the Google app one.
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  #450 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2009, 04:49 PM
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Talking Re: Stock ROM XWeather Tri Pod Mode {The Ultimate YouTube Player} 6.5/WM7 Customizati

Originally Posted by molitar View Post
The Youtube fix? I tried installing the stock youtube by you and the ultimate and Youtube still will not function even overwriting the Google app one.
Merdinh has a ROM Problem, right now, I'm on stock ROM with the XWeather Tri Pod mode, everything works like a charm.....
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