Re: backing up "people" tab in manilla
Ya right-on I was just using it as a example so cats stop saying use PIM ect..
Went back to a BlackBerry..................
Re: backing up "people" tab in manilla
~John |
Re: backing up "people" tab in manilla
not entirely true, while digging through the registry to look for the people tab info for manilla3d I found the regkeys for the programs tab.
Motorola i710 -> Motorola i850 -> HTC 6700 -> HTC 6800 -> HTC 6850 (broken keyboard) -> HTC 6850
Re: backing up "people" tab in manilla
The program tab restores just fine when doing a total system restore (which restores the reg to its previous state). Since that clearly does not work for the people tab, I think that is must be impossible to restore the people tab (as other posters have already stated) ~John |
Re: backing up "people" tab in manilla
By the way, if anybody ever DOES figure out a way to do this I will be the first to admit I'm wrong & would love to have the info on how to do it.
I does kinda bug me that you can't restore this correctly when EVERYTHING else restores perfectly (I use Photo Contacct Pro as my main address book & that restores just fine with all the contact pics etc) ~John |
Re: backing up "people" tab in manilla
THanks guys for the quick responses....yea i know about PIM backup and use it when i rest my phone to restore my info...like previously stated i meant to store my peoples tab in manilla since i pretty much have everything else able to restore upon hard reset (which i find myself doing fairly often). With all the things we can do with this phone u would have thought it would be possible...
Re: backing up "people" tab in manilla
I still haven't found a solution (I'm at work and and have reports that have to go out on time) but there has to be SOMEWHERE that this data is saved. If it is saved somewhere, there has to be a way to back it up. It might not be as easy as copying a regkey/file, but there HAS to be a way to accomplish this.
Hopefully today is slow at work and I'll get some time to toy around. |
Re: backing up "people" tab in manilla
I've read that the Manila favorite contacts are stored inside PIM.vol (a hidden file on your device's root folder), but I haven't tried restoring that particular file after a hard reset or ROM flash, so I can't say if it will or will not work, the only thing that I'm certain, is that the favs are not stored in the registry.
Re: backing up "people" tab in manilla
~John |
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