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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-20-2009, 01:09 PM
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Thumbs up Arcsoft MMS From Sprint With Threading MMS

Here is Arcsoft MMS This Version ported from Sprint's Treo PRO. Works on the Diamond and Touch Pro. This version does threaded Picturemails too!!!! It has all the server settings that the sprint servers expect. The servers will think your phone is a Treo, but that makes no diff I also added the nice icons from gadgetfreak (Here is the Thread)*

Special thanks to MrHawaii For the files, and Reg entries This wouldn't of happened without his help

This will work on the Stock Rom too. It might work with ROMs that have Picturemail cooked in them.

Here are the Steps:

1. If you Have a version of Arcsoft MMS installed, Uninstall it. Also, Go to Settings, System, Text Messaging. Then make sure "Text message layout" is set to Threaded.

2. Run the Remove PictureMail & Arcsoft.cab to remove Sprints PictureMail or Remove Arcsoft registry entries. This is not Req on a clean ROM. It is REQ for a stock ROM. You might want to Soft Reset after this. I would like thank KillerQ. He inspired me to make the code that uninstalls Sprint Picturemail.
Note: If you have to run this again, it will try to uninstall this, and fail, then install it again. That is normal and don't worry about it

3. Install Sprint Arcsoft MMS and Soft Reset. Then you should be done...
Note: On forst soft reset, your phone might be unresponcive for 10-20 seconds. That is normal, and it will boot up fine after that

The default is 512k sending limit, and 10 meg d/l limit. I removed the limit for editing the server setting. Now you can edit the sprint server, and change the limit there in the app without having to do any regedits. You can select 512k (For compatibility with other carriers), 1 meg, and 5 meg.

* If you don't like the Fancy Notification icons, you can install this Arcsoft Generic Icons-new.cab, and it will make them generic, like the stock ROM.

Update 1 - Replaced the generic Notification icons... They arent VGA, so it isn't as pretty, but it will allow you to recieve pics since there were complants that the other one broke it. this is the file that came with this version of arcsoft.

Update 2 - After installing on my friends stock diamond, I found out that Text Messages need to be in threaded mode to install Arcsoft.

Last edited by jaminmc; 03-28-2009 at 11:29 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 03-20-2009, 01:11 PM
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Re: Arcsoft MMS From Sprint With Threading MMS

Works Great on stock ROM. Just make sure you run the removal CAB.

Last edited by jaminmc; 03-29-2009 at 03:38 AM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2009, 03:45 AM
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Re: Arcsoft MMS From Sprint With Threading MMS

Originally Posted by jaminmc View Post
I haven't tested on a Stock Rom yet. Let me know if MMS threading works correctly on a stock ROM. On, it didn't link sent with received.
Don't know if this has been answered or not, but sent does not thread on stock rom.

Don't really know why you would need the sent folder to thread though, seeing as if the inbox threads, it includes the sent messages. I actually prefer them not threading in the sent.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2009, 07:36 AM
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Re: Arcsoft MMS From Sprint With Threading MMS

Originally Posted by coolwhip1220 View Post
Don't know if this has been answered or not, but sent does not thread on stock rom.

Don't really know why you would need the sent folder to thread though, seeing as if the inbox threads, it includes the sent messages. I actually prefer them not threading in the sent.
Yeah, it had been answered but that inbox part is what was being asked. In the previous version, on the Stock ROM, sent messages weren't threaded as in the messages you sent weren't in the inbox thread. No one meant the sent folder being threaded, heheh... that'd be weird.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2009, 01:56 PM
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Re: Arcsoft MMS From Sprint With Threading MMS

Originally Posted by DrSuSE View Post
Yeah, it had been answered but that inbox part is what was being asked. In the previous version, on the Stock ROM, sent messages weren't threaded as in the messages you sent weren't in the inbox thread. No one meant the sent folder being threaded, heheh... that'd be weird.

Oh. Well then it works.......lol
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2009, 01:57 PM
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Re: Arcsoft MMS From Sprint With Threading MMS

Originally Posted by coolwhip1220 View Post
Oh. Well then it works.......lol
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 03-20-2009, 01:22 PM
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Re: Arcsoft MMS From Sprint With Threading MMS

What's the difference from the last version you posted? Any performance improvements or anything?

If I installed the last version, is it worth the hassle to try and install this version? Initially i installed 69.44 but then that never fully removed from my system, so I would rather not attempt a removal of the 70.24 and then have the same resultl...

what do you think? worth it?

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 03-20-2009, 01:33 PM
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Re: Arcsoft MMS From Sprint With Threading MMS

Originally Posted by chronster View Post
What's the difference from the last version you posted? Any performance improvements or anything?

If I installed the last version, is it worth the hassle to try and install this version? Initially i installed 69.44 but then that never fully removed from my system, so I would rather not attempt a removal of the 70.24 and then have the same resultl...

what do you think? worth it?
Well, It is the True Sprint version. Released on the Treo Pro. I then Ported it over to my Touch Pro. Should work on the Diamond too. Threaded SMS works the same as 70.24. In fact you don't notice much of a diff... The Emotion icons work in this version

Attempt to remove Arcsoft. If it fails, no biggie. Run Remove PictureMail & Arcsoft.cab anyway, and install the new one.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 03-20-2009, 01:41 PM
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Re: Arcsoft MMS From Sprint With Threading MMS

Originally Posted by jaminmc View Post
Well, It is the True Sprint version. Released on the Treo Pro. I then Ported it over to my Touch Pro. Should work on the Diamond too. Threaded SMS works the same as 70.24. In fact you don't notice much of a diff... The Emotion icons work in this version

Attempt to remove Arcsoft. If it fails, no biggie. Run Remove PictureMail & Arcsoft.cab anyway, and install the new one.
so, the only immediate difference you've found is support for emoticons? If I ever hard reset I'll install this one right away, but if that's the only difference i can wait.

Thanks for your efforts
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 03-20-2009, 01:48 PM
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Re: Arcsoft MMS From Sprint With Threading MMS

Originally Posted by chronster View Post
so, the only immediate difference you've found is support for emoticons? If I ever hard reset I'll install this one right away, but if that's the only difference i can wait.

Thanks for your efforts
No need to hard reset. I didn't hard reset to update this from previous versions.... Just run the remover, and install the new one... Couldn't be easier...
If you are worried about it, just install Sprite backup, backup your phone. Then update your arcsoft... If it hoses something, restore the backup.. It will be like you never did anything. Sprite has a free trial of like 30 days or something.
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