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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2009, 10:41 PM
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Cool Harware HOME button??

I've had my TP for a lil over a month or so and the Home button is sticking out way too much. Is this happenin to anyone else? If so were you able top get a new one or at least a Refurb. I mean its I guess a manufacturers deffect no? I really like my phone but this button or if you dont know what I mean,the side that is sticking out is the the one with the HOME and TALK functions. Im really bugged about this. Thank you for all your answers. Im on Alltel and dont know the way they take on things like this.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2009, 10:49 PM
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Re: Harware HOME button??

Originally Posted by KillAByteZ View Post
I've had my TP for a lil over a month or so and the Home button is sticking out way too much. Is this happenin to anyone else? If so were you able top get a new one or at least a Refurb. I mean its I guess a manufacturers deffect no? I really like my phone but this button or if you dont know what I mean,the side that is sticking out is the the one with the HOME and TALK functions. Im really bugged about this. Thank you for all your answers. Im on Alltel and dont know the way they take on things like this.
Some people had this issue. However, not all of them got it replaced for free.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2009, 10:56 PM
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Re: Harware HOME button??

If you bought it new you should have a 1 year warranty - one option is to take it to a Sprint repair store and tell them the home key does not function all of the time.

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 03-13-2009, 06:09 AM
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Re: Harware HOME button??

I've had mine since Nov. 1 and it was flush. Now, it sticks up and is getting worse. So far it still works. I do though, have a mirrored screen protector that covers the screen and the hardware button area so it's not noticable to anyone but me.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 03-13-2009, 06:28 AM
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Re: Harware HOME button??

This is a pretty well known issue... as you can see here.

I've since had my phone replaced twice, the first replacements didn't have the same issue, nether did the second replacement.
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