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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 03-20-2009, 12:12 PM
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Re: Sprint TelNAV

I have been noticing, that some devices now have a 5.2 version of Telenav. So I call Telenav support last night and asked them what is the latest version for my Sprint HTC Touch Pro. They said the latest is Sprint Navigation version 3.6. I told them I only have Sprint Navigation version 2.1 (I didn't tell them about the Telenav 5.1.16 version mentioned in the comment above, although I've been using that I thought it best not to mention it.) They said I should contact Sprint about getting Sprint Navigation version 3.6.

I did ask would it be possible to use Telenav without the Sprint branding on the Sprint Touch Pro, just to have the latest. They advised that I only use Sprint Navigation and claimed that trying Telenav apart from the Sprint Navigation versions of it would not work as well.

So then I called Sprint CS and was basically given the latest Sprint Touch (not Touch Pro) version of Telenav, that can be found here. That is Telenav version 5.2.60 (and it does not have Sprint branding either), but given it's for the Touch, the sizing is just awful for the Touch Pro. Nothing on that page is for a device with VGA resolution.

So I figure maybe there is a VGA sized 3.6 version of Sprint Navigation somewhere, or just maybe a 5.2 version of Telenav for VGA somewhere.

I'm going to try Sprint e-care and see if I get any better results. Now that Telenav has told me I should have a newer version of Sprint Navigation, I don't want to give up .
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 03-21-2009, 11:12 PM
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It seems for now, that Telenav 5.1.16 is as good as it gets

So I got a response from Sprint e-care. They put me through to advanced device tech support. (I was surprised such a simple question required advanced support.) Nobody I spoke with has any knowledge of there being a newer version of Sprint Navigation for the Touch Pro than version 2.1. They are not saying anything about using Telenav minus their branding either. The person I spoke with in advanced support, once I mentioned that Telenav said there is a 3.6 version of Sprint Navigation, started looking to see if they could find it. Then they said "I'm on google.com searching for it", which almost made me laugh out loud! I'm not sure why Sprint does not have an answer for a question like this handy. Finally, I was directed to this page. (I guess they do keep this sort of thing listed somewhere after all.) Which shows Sprint Navigation 2.1 is the latest Sprint claims to have available for the Touch Pro. The advanced support representative said they "don't know" why Tenelav support said there is a 3.6 version of Sprint Navigation available for the Sprint Touch Pro.

So for now, Telenav 5.1.16 is as good as it gets for us.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2009, 02:26 AM
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Re: Sprint TelNAV

Use Amaze GPS instead. Does voice turn by turn and has a VGA version and is even free!
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2009, 02:36 AM
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Re: Sprint TelNAV

let me clarify a few things....

ive run my own sprint store for 2 yrs now....so anyways telenav will always b 9.99 no matter what...i have a free version that is given to reps to demo 4 cust...now that being said what ur looking for is sprint navigation...that is free with the newer plans im on sero and its free for me i even get a credit back each month for all my downloads...i dwnload music all month long and its free for me....i hope i helped lol

oh and i never call sprit tech support...ppl on ppc know way more lol go PPCGEEKS!!!! LOL
HIT THANKS IF I HELPED!!! twitter.com/xxxorion

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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2009, 09:45 AM
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Re: Sprint TelNAV

I used to work for Sprint Tech support before I got laid off... Sprint Nav (TeleNav) on the SERO plan is NOT free, you will be charged $10 a month. If you were on the Everything Data Plan for $69.99 or the Simply Everything Plan for $99.99 then it would be free. I'm on the SERO plan, I don't even use Sprint Nav... I actually use Mapquest Navigator which you pay $50 a year for - it's a actually better IMO


Last edited by chino331; 03-22-2009 at 09:50 AM.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2009, 10:00 AM
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Re: Sprint TelNAV

+1 for Mapquest Nav
Da Believer....
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2009, 10:11 AM
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Re: Sprint TelNAV

Mapquest Nav looks cool but it says it doesnt support the Touch Pro- yet it does support the Fuze and Diamond... Strange.

Did you guys just choose the diamond trial?
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2009, 10:22 AM
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Re: Sprint TelNAV

Originally Posted by Scoob View Post
Mapquest Nav looks cool but it says it doesnt support the Touch Pro- yet it does support the Fuze and Diamond... Strange.

Did you guys just choose the diamond trial?
Yeah just choose the Diamond Trial - Mapquest will then send a link to your phone to download the program... In that link you will see the option for the Touch Pro. That link is http://mapquestdtc.telmap.com/ota - you can actually go there to download the CAB - you will still need to register for the trial tho to get your activation code.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2009, 10:35 AM
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Re: Sprint TelNAV


Is Telenav 5.1.16 better/worse than the stock Sprint Nav. program I'm using on my Touch Pro? I've tried aMaze GPS but wasn't really amazed.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2009, 01:25 PM
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Re: Sprint TelNAV

Originally Posted by ItsDon View Post

Is Telenav 5.1.16 better/worse than the stock Sprint Nav. program I'm using on my Touch Pro? I've tried aMaze GPS but wasn't really amazed.
I prefer Telenav 5.1.16, because its graphics look better on the Touch Pro IMHO. The one issue with Telenav 5.1.16, is that the "Drive to" and "Map it" options in Contacts don't work with it. They work flawlessly with Sprint Navigation 2.1. So if you use those options a lot, you might want to stick with Sprint Navigation.
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