Thread: Sprint TelNAV
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Old 03-20-2009, 12:12 PM
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Re: Sprint TelNAV

I have been noticing, that some devices now have a 5.2 version of Telenav. So I call Telenav support last night and asked them what is the latest version for my Sprint HTC Touch Pro. They said the latest is Sprint Navigation version 3.6. I told them I only have Sprint Navigation version 2.1 (I didn't tell them about the Telenav 5.1.16 version mentioned in the comment above, although I've been using that I thought it best not to mention it.) They said I should contact Sprint about getting Sprint Navigation version 3.6.

I did ask would it be possible to use Telenav without the Sprint branding on the Sprint Touch Pro, just to have the latest. They advised that I only use Sprint Navigation and claimed that trying Telenav apart from the Sprint Navigation versions of it would not work as well.

So then I called Sprint CS and was basically given the latest Sprint Touch (not Touch Pro) version of Telenav, that can be found here. That is Telenav version 5.2.60 (and it does not have Sprint branding either), but given it's for the Touch, the sizing is just awful for the Touch Pro. Nothing on that page is for a device with VGA resolution.

So I figure maybe there is a VGA sized 3.6 version of Sprint Navigation somewhere, or just maybe a 5.2 version of Telenav for VGA somewhere.

I'm going to try Sprint e-care and see if I get any better results. Now that Telenav has told me I should have a newer version of Sprint Navigation, I don't want to give up .
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