Originally Posted by xgm541
Ok, after searching numerous topics on various forums, i am still confused. Does the HTC Fuze GPS actually work or is the chip locked to only ATT? Or does it simply suck?
I read so many "fixes" for ATT GPS telling me to use a program called GPS Test to get a lock to satellites, but the program just sits there on "GPS Starting Up" even when configured properly.
Has anyone gotten the GPS to work with the HTC Fuze and ATT?
It works great on my Fuze, but it just takes a bit longer to initially lock. Mine took me running the program "QuickGPS" (it's in your programs) and allowing it to download the satellite data. I then went into MENU and OPTIONS and selected all three checkboxes so I wouldn't have to do that again. I then exited out and soft-reset.
When I started the stock AT&T Fuze back up, I opened TomTom7 (although Google Maps should be similar), and took a short drive in the car. Within about 5 minutes, it had finally secured a lock on 8 satellites. Each time I've started up a GPS program since (even after soft-resets), it locks on in approximately 30 seconds.
Really hope this helps....
P.S. Also, use COM 4 and a baud of 4800. That was default and seems to work great for me...