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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 02-22-2009, 01:48 AM
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Re: pros of the touch pro

I went Pro the moment it came out & have never looked back. I loved tweaking & flashing my Titan so I looked forward to this model. As mentioned before this phone is an "acquired taste". If you're looking for something specific or simple then choose another. If you really into making this into "your" phone & willing to try things out then go for it!

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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 02-22-2009, 04:44 AM
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Re: pros of the touch pro

I paid full price as well. The initial price shock wears off within the first 30 seconds of having the phone in your hands.

With that said, great phone! Thanks HTC. You rock tacos.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 02-22-2009, 05:13 AM
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Re: pros of the touch pro

i don't know why you would spend 500+ dollars on a phone for a contract you are unsure of keeping. why make the investment on a phone if you aren't sure if you're keeping the carrier. that's kind of backwards. if you are willing to spend 500 bucks on a phone, you should know whether or not you plan on staying with the company. if you're on the fence about the phone and the company, you should really be shopping around for another carrier and getting a deal on the phone you want on the carrier you want, rather than shelling out the money for a phone that may be virtually useless to you in the future. that's just my common sense logic talking though, so... i dunno. i like the touch pro, i got it for free from sprint for renewing my contract. i would have paid for it though, and i would have renewed my contract, because i know that in 2 years i'm still gonna be with sprint, otherwise i probably wouldn't be buying their phone.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 02-22-2009, 09:54 AM
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Re: pros of the touch pro

Originally Posted by ahiggins24 View Post
He has the xv 6800 and likes it, but it is getting flaky. He loves the keyboard better on this and that is why he's looking at the TP. Thanks again.

If he's on verizon, and he gets the verizon version of the TP, he'll be getting the memory crippled version. The Sprint 288mb ram version is wonderful, and would be a great step up from the 6800. The Verizon 192mb version is horrible - you'll feel like you're still on the 6800 with all its memory issues.

So yeah, other then that, it's good.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 02-22-2009, 10:30 AM
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Re: pros of the touch pro

He switched to a corp account and lost his new every two w/verizon. That is why it is a full purchase. Can't switch-verizon gives the best coverage-and the corp account thing. He will have this phone for a few years, as he has the 6800 since it came out. He was just looking for some advice from people who use it in real life. Not just the vz employees. This research has been going on since Dec for us, so it isn't anything we take lightly. It was just a thought to ask here. Thank you. Nice to know about the memory issue. That is how vz rolls.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 02-22-2009, 01:02 PM
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Re: pros of the touch pro

Its a very nice phone. Only issue it has for me is the lacking a the graphic drivers. It has drivers but not the optimized drivers that would make this phone into a very good phone. A good example of this issue is to google ibeer for the iphone. Then google ibeer for the Touch pro. Once you see the difference you will understand the missing driver thing. But if you dont car for smooth flowing , fast rendering pages then its a great phone. I vowed never to buy another HTC phone until they fix the qualcomm/HTC license issue.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 02-22-2009, 02:22 PM
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Re: pros of the touch pro

Originally Posted by ahiggins24 View Post
He switched to a corp account and lost his new every two w/verizon. That is why it is a full purchase. Can't switch-verizon gives the best coverage-and the corp account thing. .
I would never switch from Verizon to any other carrier at this point. I had Sprint for two years & it was horrible.

If you have to pay full price for the phone however, you should definitely do what I did & buy a Sprint TouchPro off ebay for just over $300 & port it over to Verizon.

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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 02-22-2009, 03:13 PM
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Re: pros of the touch pro

yeah, if you are stuck with paying full price for phones, definitely consider using a sprint touch pro. you get the extra memory, and a keyboard that makes sense.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 02-22-2009, 07:15 PM
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Re: pros of the touch pro

My advice to you would be just to order the Verizon Touch Pro, come with free overnight shipping online so you'll have it the next day, and try it out. Verizon has a 30 day test drive policy and within 30 days if your husband doesnt like it you can just send it back and pursue a different route then. Verizon is very good to deal with in that manner and have always been willing to accomodate my requests.

I just had the Omnia a few weeks ago I paid full retail for , used the hell out of it for a couple weeks and decided the Touch Pro was the better investment , and sent back the Omnia with the included FED EX 2 day labels and recieved a FULL refund in a few days flat. It is a painless process , you dont even have to explain anything beyond that you just simply changed your mind.

Something else you might want to consider is adding a line to get the promotional price and then paying the ETF a month later and you still get that 30 day window in case you change your mind. For instance I paid 559.99 + tax for the Omnia totalling $594 full retail. However the price of the Omnia just dropped on a 2 year contract to $99. So you buy the Omnia for $99 get free overnight shipping and use it for 31 days then call and cancel that line. You will be charged a 175 ETF but that makes you only into the Omnia a total of $274 vs the $594 full retail that I paid.

The Verizon Touch Pro is still not near as good of a deal but you can still save a nice chunk of change. Full retail for the Verizon TP after tax for me is also $594 same as the Omnia. But on a 2 year add a line its only $269.99 (what I paid) wait 31 days and cancel the line giving you an ETF of $175 totalling $444 which is still $150 saved minus the original sales tax. All depends on how much money you want to spend or save for that matter.

Good luck with your decision!

Last edited by GrandMasterB; 02-22-2009 at 07:17 PM.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 02-22-2009, 07:59 PM
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Re: pros of the touch pro

Originally Posted by Exil3d View Post
Its a very nice phone. Only issue it has for me is the lacking a the graphic drivers. It has drivers but not the optimized drivers that would make this phone into a very good phone. A good example of this issue is to google ibeer for the iphone. Then google ibeer for the Touch pro. Once you see the difference you will understand the missing driver thing. But if you dont car for smooth flowing , fast rendering pages then its a great phone. I vowed never to buy another HTC phone until they fix the qualcomm/HTC license issue.
Just about every post you've made recently is complaining about the lack of drivers. I think we've all heard enough about this already.

Also, perhaps you can point to me to the exact links you're talking about regarding iBeer, because all I'm able to find is two entirely different apps (DiamondBeer2 and iBeer on the iPhone) - they're obviously not going to look the same.


As far as advice to the OP - I really don't think your husband should bother paying full price for the Verizon Touch Pro. The actual, uncrippled Touch Pro is miles ahead of that device. Check on eBay for a Sprint Touch Pro, and you'll probably end up paying less. Use info on this forum to have it work on Verizon's network, and you're all set.
HTC Touch Pro || Sprint
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