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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 02-20-2009, 09:08 AM
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Re: BestSkinsEver $7.99

I may have to try this out.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 02-20-2009, 12:41 PM
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Re: BestSkinsEver $7.99

Originally Posted by TheAccuser View Post
For those that ordered, please provide a review after installation.

Install takes about 20 minutes if you're tedious and good at it. ;o) Do it in a steamy bathroom for best results (takes the dust out of the air). Peasized drop of baby shampoo in a bowl of water and you're ready to go. The hardest part is making sure you don't move the first few pieces while installing the last few. Constantly recheck the placement after you apply each piece and smooth out any bubbles asap while the water/soap layer is still there. Blot any excess water that squirts out the side with the edge of a papertowel, making sure you don't leave any stray fibers. Just don't get frustrated if it's your first time (thats what she said?)
If you jack up a piece you have a few minutes to peel it up slowly, redip, and reapply. Oh, I also use a pair of nitrile gloves (cause latex is stinky) to prevent any rogue fingerprints during application.

I put this exact skin on my wife's brand new TP, looks great. She just throws it in her purse with her keys, etc, so it needs protection. Coverage is very good, and the skin provides more grip (no it doesn't ruin using the stylus). I've been using BSEs for 3 years, and NO they do not yellow. My wife's ipod nano fat is has been skinned for a year, sits in the sun in her car, and is still clear, scratch free, intact, and not peeling off or anything. These are a bargain and very robust skins.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 02-20-2009, 01:00 PM
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Re: BestSkinsEver $7.99

I have this skin and I like it. As someone else said, it provides good grip and covers almost all of the phone.

I do not recommend using the screen protector portion of the skin, however. As it has a "grip," your fingernail or finger will not slide over the screen easily. I used it with my Mogul and found this to be very annoying. Combine the skin with a screen protector like the one that came with the phone, or a Boxwave one, and it's awesome.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 02-20-2009, 01:09 PM
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Re: BestSkinsEver $7.99

I've had bestskinsever for about a month, and it's better IMO than invisible shields.. and you can't beat the cost.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 02-20-2009, 01:20 PM
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Re: BestSkinsEver $7.99

Originally Posted by sparhawk6 View Post

I used it with my Mogul and found this to be very annoying. Combine the skin with a screen protector like the one that came with the phone, or a Boxwave one, and it's awesome.
I agree & the Invisible Shield is even worse in that regard. If you're using TF3D this will drive you crazy (anybody who tells you otherwise is FOS)

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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 02-20-2009, 01:42 PM
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Re: BestSkinsEver $7.99

sweet ill give it a try
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 02-24-2009, 12:40 PM
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Thumbs up Re: BestSkinsEver $7.99

Originally Posted by stanmarsh01 View Post
Install takes about 20 minutes if you're tedious and good at it. ;o) Do it in a steamy bathroom for best results (takes the dust out of the air). Peasized drop of baby shampoo in a bowl of water and you're ready to go. The hardest part is making sure you don't move the first few pieces while installing the last few. Constantly recheck the placement after you apply each piece and smooth out any bubbles asap while the water/soap layer is still there. Blot any excess water that squirts out the side with the edge of a papertowel, making sure you don't leave any stray fibers. Just don't get frustrated if it's your first time (thats what she said?)
If you jack up a piece you have a few minutes to peel it up slowly, redip, and reapply. Oh, I also use a pair of nitrile gloves (cause latex is stinky) to prevent any rogue fingerprints during application.

I put this exact skin on my wife's brand new TP, looks great. She just throws it in her purse with her keys, etc, so it needs protection. Coverage is very good, and the skin provides more grip (no it doesn't ruin using the stylus). I've been using BSEs for 3 years, and NO they do not yellow. My wife's ipod nano fat is has been skinned for a year, sits in the sun in her car, and is still clear, scratch free, intact, and not peeling off or anything. These are a bargain and very robust skins.
Well I just got mine in yesterday and I must agree. This skin fits to a tee on every part of the Touch Pro. I also followed the instructions and did it in a steamy bathroom and my results were damn near perfect. I got a few bubbles arond the capacitive round center button, but that should go away in a couple days. Screen part went on without a bubble in sight. I can barely tell that the skin is even there. I will try to take some good pics and post them soon.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 02-24-2009, 11:11 PM
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Re: BestSkinsEver $7.99

I'm a big fan of BSE and they have held up well on a heavily abused Creative Zen:Vision. I've had that for about 4 years with ZERO yellowing. When I took it off, it came off cleanly without any residue. I've yet to get a skin for my touch pro.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 02-24-2009, 11:51 PM
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Re: BestSkinsEver $7.99

Thanks for the heads up!

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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 02-25-2009, 12:00 AM
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Re: BestSkinsEver $7.99

I bought one of these still hasn't came in tho after a week, i am looking forward to it tho. Should i keep the og screen protector that came with or should i use the one supplied?
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