Considering coming back again, thumb pain has returned, question?
I think the handwriting is on the wall for me. I had thumb pain very badly before I switched to the Touch Pro. It's combination of many things. For starters I was hit by a car while on my bike in August. The bike I purchased to replace it had index thumb shifters until I switched them out for road hand shifters. Also I'm a software engineer. So my career puts overuse on my thumbs. Finally I'm a gamer and an iPod user.
A few months ago I traded in my Centro for a Touch Pro. The Touch Pro was okay, overall, but much too slow for my liking, so it went back and I got a Centro again.
Now, as goofy as it seems, I'm looking at the Touch Pro again. I've stopped gaming. I've stopped using my iPod. I've basically stopped doing anything that could cause a problem, potentially. My bike is better. My thumbs should be getting better.
But they're not. They still ache and hurt and they seem to ache and hurt worse when I use the hard buttons on the Centro. So I'm getting a Touch Pro again. Just buying it outright as my contract is not renewable after all that.
My question is this, I've heard people speak of a ROM or a ROM kit that can make the touch pro faster. What's this I hear about the radio, though? What is the fix for the radio and how does it improve battery life? Should I install a custom ROM or wait for this rumored "official" ROM. Thanks.
PDA/Smartphone History: Casio Cassiopeia A-10 -> HP Jornada 430 -> HP Jornada 720 -> HP Joranda 545 -> HP Jornada 720 -> Compaq iPaq 3760 -> Palm m130 -> Palm Zire 31 -> Sharp Zaurus SL-5500 -> Palm m130 -> Palm Centro -> HTC Touch Pro -> T-Mobile G1 -> HTC Touch Pro -> Palm Centro -> HTC Touch Pro