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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-18-2009, 04:48 AM
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Newbie Questions...

Hello all,

I'm brand new to the world of PPC. I recently bought a HTC Touch Pro (CDMA, Sprint). I was referred to this website by a co-worker who told me about flashing my phone's ROM and how it could improve the overall performance.

Unfortunately I'm at a total loss of how to actually do this and afraid that I might "brick" my phone. So I was hoping you could answer a few questions for me and possibly provide me with some guidance.

Is there a glossary for terms used on this site?
What exactly is a kitchen?
How does a kitchen differ from a ROM?
What is currently considered the best (or most popular) ROM for my phone, or in other words, what ROM should I flash my phone with?

Thanks guys...

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-18-2009, 04:52 AM
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Re: Newbie Questions...

Originally Posted by pir8skin View Post
Hello all,

I'm brand new to the world of PPC. I recently bought a HTC Touch Pro (CDMA, Sprint). I was referred to this website by a co-worker who told me about flashing my phone's ROM and how it could improve the overall performance.

Unfortunately I'm at a total loss of how to actually do this and afraid that I might "brick" my phone. So I was hoping you could answer a few questions for me and possibly provide me with some guidance.

Is there a glossary for terms used on this site?
What exactly is a kitchen?
How does a kitchen differ from a ROM?
What is currently considered the best (or most popular) ROM for my phone, or in other words, what ROM should I flash my phone with?

Thanks guys...

1. None that i know of, but im sure that people will be able to help you out if you have questions.

2. a kitchen is a tool that is used to build your own roms

3. see above

4. In my opinion, the best rom available is Juggalo's rom

Let us know if you have anymore questions, and welcome to the forums. I hope you enjoy your Touch Pro as much as I do.
Samsung Galaxy Nexus
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-18-2009, 04:58 AM
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Re: Newbie Questions...

A kitchen is used to create ROMs. It's called a kitchen because its the software that allows you to cook up ROMs with customizations like program choices, registry edits, etc etc. They are not the place to start for someone new to flashing.

Which ROM is best is totally a matter of opinion. Hairy question around here.

ROMs, their flashing and tweaking, and etc etc are the subject of the Touch Pro Upgrade forum: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/forumdisplay.php?f=68. It's also linked at the top of this Forum.

To flash custom ROMs you have to unlock your phone first: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=42503

Then follow these steps: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=43266

Of course you'll have to pick a ROM. Just go to the upgrade forum and look at the different ROM threads for more information on the different ROMs available.

And of course, welcome to ppcgeeks. And don't be afraid to use this forum's search function. Thanks!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 01-18-2009, 05:14 AM
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Re: Newbie Questions...

Originally Posted by pir8skin View Post
Hello all,

I'm brand new to the world of PPC. I recently bought a HTC Touch Pro (CDMA, Sprint). I was referred to this website by a co-worker who told me about flashing my phone's ROM and how it could improve the overall performance.

Unfortunately I'm at a total loss of how to actually do this and afraid that I might "brick" my phone. So I was hoping you could answer a few questions for me and possibly provide me with some guidance.

Is there a glossary for terms used on this site?
What exactly is a kitchen?
How does a kitchen differ from a ROM?
What is currently considered the best (or most popular) ROM for my phone, or in other words, what ROM should I flash my phone with?

Thanks guys...

Originally Posted by imneveral0ne View Post
1. None that i know of, but im sure that people will be able to help you out if you have questions.

2. a kitchen is a tool that is used to build your own roms

3. see above

4. In my opinion, the best rom available is Juggalo's rom

Let us know if you have anymore questions, and welcome to the forums. I hope you enjoy your Touch Pro as much as I do.
1. Gloassry of terms here: http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index...ename=Glossary
More here: http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index...ename=Acronyms

2. imneveral0ne answered

3. imneveral0ne answered

4a. Asking this question is like asking a rhetorical question. No one will be able to truly answer for you. You have differnt taste then me and I have different taste than imneveral0ne. we are all differnt so different ROm's will eb the answer based on preference.

4b. But to answer the question in a more direct fashion: Yeah look at Juggalo's ROM and Conflipper's ROM. They are good to get started.

Quick two second newb guide:

1. Search before asking any question! The question has more than likely been asked. No one likes to repeat themselves nor do you. You are forgiven this time as your question was well formed and understandable. This is acceptable ;c)

2. Always hit the thanks button when someone helps you or you like answers they give to other people. We dont get anything else other than a thanks button and the occasional donation.

3. Dont get stressed out if a flash goes bad. It happens. We can fix. If you come into the board all freaking out and using ALL CAPS and using L33TSPEAK LiKe ThIs iT jU2t M@kes it harder for the dedicated people on this board to assist you. Be civil and friendly. Using proper english is not must but it is preffered.

4. Take everything with a grain of salt. Consider anything you read to be nuetral in attitude. If someone is trying to express a feeling they will do it LIKE THIS! Or LIKE THIS! Or this or this . You get the idea. I guess what I am trying to say it is too easy to add your own emotional spin on words when you read them from a forum. Dont do it unless the author is really trying to convey emotion to you otherwise your own spin may block you from understanding what the author is really trying to say.

5. Dont expect handouts from everyone. Each person is differnt and there expoectations ofyou are differnt. Some people will walk you through everystep, others will just post a link in response. You may have to work to get what youa re looking for.

6. Dont PM a question to an OP that can be answered by reading the thread. READ the thread you are using from start to finish. Yeah, it can be combersome but it the long run it will make you a smarter person.

7. Have fun and learn something new! There is more info on this forum than can be possibly quanitified. You will need to read posts and try things to get the most out of it.

If you have any further questions please feel to ask. Make sure you apply the above rules all the time and you wll get the maximum benefit and enjoyment from this place. We are all here to help. We dont get paid to do this. We do this because we like to share our knowledge and even like to show off our skills everyone once in a while.

Thanks for reading my ramble... If it was any benefgit to you.... Hit the thanks button! ;c)

- Scott

Donations always accepted but never expected!

Last edited by scrosler; 01-18-2009 at 05:16 AM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-18-2009, 05:19 AM
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Re: Newbie Questions...

Thanks for the replies...

I was also wondering before flashing do I need to back up all my contacts, etc. And if I wanted to flash back to my original stock rom how would I do this? Do i need to backup my current rom before flashing?

Thanks again.

Edit: Sorry guys, will use the search function from now on.

Last edited by pir8skin; 01-18-2009 at 05:27 AM. Reason: Apology
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-18-2009, 05:21 AM
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Re: Newbie Questions...

Originally Posted by pir8skin View Post
Thanks for the replies...

I was also wondering before flashing do I need to back up all my contacts, etc. And if I wanted to flash back to my original stock rom how would I do this? Do i need to backup my current rom before flashing?

Thanks again.
Now might be one of those times to acquaint your self with the search function in the menu bar up there ^.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 01-18-2009, 05:22 AM
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Re: Newbie Questions...

Originally Posted by pir8skin View Post
Thanks for the replies...

I was also wondering before flashing do I need to back up all my contacts, etc. And if I wanted to flash back to my original stock rom how would I do this? Do i need to backup my current rom before flashing?

Thanks again.
I just took all this time to tell you not do that and you did it anyways.... Ughhh.... And you still didint hit the thanks button for anyone although you said thanks in the thread.

EDIT: Ok I see you did now. I jumped the gun... My bad!

EDIT #2: Promptly admit when you are wrong ;c)

Originally Posted by akijikan View Post
Now might be one of those times to acquaint your self with the search function in the menu bar up there ^.
Thank yoU!

Last edited by scrosler; 01-18-2009 at 05:27 AM.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 01-18-2009, 05:28 AM
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Re: Newbie Questions...

Originally Posted by pir8skin View Post
Edit: Sorry guys, will use the search function from now on.
I appreciate your willingness!
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 01-18-2009, 05:30 AM
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Re: Newbie Questions...

Originally Posted by pir8skin View Post
Thanks for the replies...

I was also wondering before flashing do I need to back up all my contacts, etc. And if I wanted to flash back to my original stock rom how would I do this? Do i need to backup my current rom before flashing?

Thanks again.

Edit: Sorry guys, will use the search function from now on.

Here is the skinny:
Going from one ROM to another may cause issues with the restore. Going from the same ROM to the same ROM again should be fine. Backing up from one ROM to another can be difficult based upon the old ROM and the new ROM. Variations in the CE OS can cause problems as well when swapping ROM's and back-ups.

If your concerned about your data / contacts sync with OUTLOOK / Active Sync FIRST. This will trasnfer you calendar, appoitnments, contacts o the PC so you can sync again when you flash and you wont need to worry about back ups.

EDIT: this will not however back up your installed apps and the settings, nor will it back up the standard default settings. Does that make sense?
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 01-18-2009, 05:33 AM
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Re: Newbie Questions...

Originally Posted by scrosler View Post
1. Gloassry of terms here: http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index...ename=Glossary
More here: http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index...ename=Acronyms

2. imneveral0ne answered

3. imneveral0ne answered

4a. Asking this question is like asking a rhetorical question. No one will be able to truly answer for you. You have differnt taste then me and I have different taste than imneveral0ne. we are all differnt so different ROm's will eb the answer based on preference.

4b. But to answer the question in a more direct fashion: Yeah look at Juggalo's ROM and Conflipper's ROM. They are good to get started.

Quick two second newb guide:

1. Search before asking any question! The question has more than likely been asked. No one likes to repeat themselves nor do you. You are forgiven this time as your question was well formed and understandable. This is acceptable ;c)

2. Always hit the thanks button when someone helps you or you like answers they give to other people. We dont get anything else other than a thanks button and the occasional donation.

3. Dont get stressed out if a flash goes bad. It happens. We can fix. If you come into the board all freaking out and using ALL CAPS and using L33TSPEAK LiKe ThIs iT jU2t M@kes it harder for the dedicated people on this board to assist you. Be civil and friendly. Using proper english is not must but it is preffered.

4. Take everything with a grain of salt. Consider anything you read to be nuetral in attitude. If someone is trying to express a feeling they will do it LIKE THIS! Or LIKE THIS! Or this or this . You get the idea. I guess what I am trying to say it is too easy to add your own emotional spin on words when you read them from a forum. Dont do it unless the author is really trying to convey emotion to you otherwise your own spin may block you from understanding what the author is really trying to say.

5. Dont expect handouts from everyone. Each person is differnt and there expoectations ofyou are differnt. Some people will walk you through everystep, others will just post a link in response. You may have to work to get what youa re looking for.

6. Dont PM a question to an OP that can be answered by reading the thread. READ the thread you are using from start to finish. Yeah, it can be combersome but it the long run it will make you a smarter person.

7. Have fun and learn something new! There is more info on this forum than can be possibly quanitified. You will need to read posts and try things to get the most out of it.

If you have any further questions please feel to ask. Make sure you apply the above rules all the time and you wll get the maximum benefit and enjoyment from this place. We are all here to help. We dont get paid to do this. We do this because we like to share our knowledge and even like to show off our skills everyone once in a while.

Thanks for reading my ramble... If it was any benefgit to you.... Hit the thanks button! ;c)

- Scott
good post!
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