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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 01-18-2009, 01:48 AM
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Re: Why did they raise the price for the Pro?

well its a 3 YEAR contract
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 01-18-2009, 02:56 AM
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Re: Why did they raise the price for the Pro?

Originally Posted by Insoc View Post
Sprint has never priced it at $199.99, only BB has... AFAIK...
agreed. ive seen this "theory" before as if 199 was the normal price. Incorrect, 299 is the NORMAL selling price from sprint and retailers. Best Buy just happened to be running a sale around the holiday season. Best Buy sets their own prices on phones and rebates which Sprint sometimes will honor. But the "normal selling" price is 299 always.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 01-18-2009, 07:37 AM
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Re: Why did they raise the price for the Pro?

damn, 3 years.. i don't keep a phone over a year.. i got the diamond the day it came out and then traded up for the tp the day that came out. i emailed sprint and had them give me the diamond for free, and then paid the difference for the tp, but mailed in the mail in rebate and came out ahead. if you don't like the price, talk to them, they'll usually work something out with you if you're a "valued" customer.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 01-18-2009, 09:55 AM
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Re: Why did they raise the price for the Pro?

supply and demand...econ 101?
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 01-18-2009, 10:08 AM
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Re: Why did they raise the price for the Pro?

Originally Posted by loren646 View Post
I called sprint back in november and they were selling the phones for 199.

Now that they have more phones they increased it to 299. All the stores around me all raised their prices from 199 to 299.

Luckily I went to the store today and they let me purchase it for 199.
Because they are about to go bankrupt and be bought out by VZW so they are trying to save there *** as best as possibvel. They screw them selves over with the awesome rates you guys get... So they need to start making up ground quick....

Hey sprint, bet you wish you didint buy that POS company called next tell dont you? Push to talk! Sounds like you made th right choice there! Push to file backruptcy!

Ever since you bought them you have done nothig but lay people off and lower your stock! Good busniess move! I thoght i did dumb things like put out ROM's without fully testing them.... Nah, nothing vcomparted toa multimillion dollar blunder like that.

Nextel Hahahahahahahahahahahah

Ahahahahahahaha Im sorry guys, that is funny. I cant even say the word with out laughing.... For real!!! Hahahah Next Tel.. Say it three times fast and you will see what I mean!

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Last edited by scrosler; 01-18-2009 at 10:10 AM.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 01-18-2009, 11:07 AM
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Re: Why did they raise the price for the Pro?

I purchased my TP through Alltel. Ended up paying close to $900 out of pocket for 2 of them with their stupid "early upgrade" fee. At least I'll be getting $200 back in rebates.

And Damn Scrosler that was HARSH & funny as hell! I guess the truth really does hurt. As for me I'm awaiting to be absorbed into The IN Network. Ah the times they are a-changin'

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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 01-18-2009, 11:12 AM
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Re: Why did they raise the price for the Pro?

Originally Posted by Mr_Alexander View Post
I purchased my TP through Alltel. Ended up paying close to $900 out of pocket for 2 of them with their stupid "early upgrade" fee. At least I'll be getting $200 back in rebates.

And Damn Scrosler that was HARSH & funny as hell! I guess the truth really does hurt. As for me I'm awaiting to be absorbed into The IN Network. Ah the times they are a-changin'
Yup, the truth really does hurt. Of course these are MY analytical observations.... Dont use my advice for buying stock! Im not a trader and my financial advice is very rarely any good!
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 01-18-2009, 11:32 AM
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Re: Why did they raise the price for the Pro?

Originally Posted by Mr_Alexander View Post
I purchased my TP through Alltel. Ended up paying close to $900 out of pocket for 2 of them with their stupid "early upgrade" fee. At least I'll be getting $200 back in rebates.

And Damn Scrosler that was HARSH & funny as hell! I guess the truth really does hurt. As for me I'm awaiting to be absorbed into The IN Network. Ah the times they are a-changin'
$900?i might have gone the ebay route my man.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 01-18-2009, 12:41 PM
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Re: Why did they raise the price for the Pro?

Originally Posted by scrosler View Post
Because they are about to go bankrupt and be bought out by VZW so they are trying to save there *** as best as possibvel. They screw them selves over with the awesome rates you guys get... So they need to start making up ground quick....

Hey sprint, bet you wish you didint buy that POS company called next tell dont you? Push to talk! Sounds like you made th right choice there! Push to file backruptcy!

Ever since you bought them you have done nothig but lay people off and lower your stock! Good busniess move! I thoght i did dumb things like put out ROM's without fully testing them.... Nah, nothing vcomparted toa multimillion dollar blunder like that.

Nextel Hahahahahahahahahahahah

Ahahahahahahaha Im sorry guys, that is funny. I cant even say the word with out laughing.... For real!!! Hahahah Next Tel.. Say it three times fast and you will see what I mean!
If you had any clue about the business world you would realize how ridiculous that is. Verizon just finished their acquisition of Alltel, making them the largest wireless carrier in the US. No way the FTC is going to let them buy a company as big as Sprint.

Sprint isn't screwing itself over with their rates. Their Simply Everything plans are actually quite smart. The idiot masses say "dur! hey! I can do everything I want and never get charged an overage" never realizing that if they picked the right plan, they could actually get the same features for less money...

Sprint is the only US carrier with a live, working 4G network. I don't think they would invest in something like that if they were truly on the brink of bankruptcy. Keep in mind T-Mobile just barely got a 3G network up last year, and we're already rolling out 4G.

Sprint may be losing money in the short-term, but they are going to turn it around and become the best carrier in the country.
eBay sucks! Use Craigslist instead!
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 01-18-2009, 12:43 PM
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Re: Why did they raise the price for the Pro?

supply and demand, man.
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