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  #71 (permalink)  
Old 01-15-2009, 03:09 AM
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Re: Seidio 2000mAh pictures

Originally Posted by p38fln View Post
It doesn't look half as bulky as the extended battery for the 6700/Apache...
Ill see your 6700, and raise you my 6700. i cant believe i carried that thing around in my pocket. It is my original, got it the first day it was available, and its still being used on one of the lines on my account.

I will likely pick one of these up when its more in the 3000mah+ range.
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  #72 (permalink)  
Old 01-15-2009, 09:37 AM
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Re: Seidio 2000mAh pictures

Damn that 6700 looks huge
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  #73 (permalink)  
Old 01-15-2009, 11:01 AM
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Re: Seidio 2000mAh pictures

Well, so far I'm a little concerned. Turned it on just about 3 hours ago and it's already at 70%. Actually it was saying it was 90% to start with, so that was a little odd. I made a couple of short calls and have streamed internet radio to my BT headset for a total of about 45 minutes, read a little email (I get it pushed constantly via my hosted exchange acct.) and written one that took a few minutes to compose. That's it so far. We'll see how long until it's warning me about low battery. Normally I keep it charging at work and in the car but am resisting the temptation!
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  #74 (permalink)  
Old 01-15-2009, 04:12 PM
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Re: Seidio 2000mAh pictures

Ok, well, right after posting the last message, the phone went down to 60%. However, since then (about 5 hours) it hasn't moved at all. I haven't done anything with the phone other than to turn it on and off to check if the battery level has changed, but so far nothing. This will change again when I head home from work and start streaming internet radio again, but still. I'll try to hammer it a lot more once I get home to.

Oops, as I was writing this I got a call and talked to a friend for about 20 minutes and when I got off I see that the battery is now down to 50%...
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  #75 (permalink)  
Old 01-15-2009, 09:17 PM
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My semi-final impressions

Ok, now that I've been using the battery for about 13 hours, I feel a bit better. I thought I would post images of it again, in case it would be useful for some to have yet more

Basically, I feel like this battery does extend the life of the unit significantly. While I haven't scientifically measured the power usage differential, it just FEELS like I have enough power to use my phone for a LONG time before I have to worry about charging. Whereas with the stock battery, I'm constantly paranoid that I'm going to run out of juice and so I have a charger at home, at work, and in each of our cars. I've tried to be charging it whenever possible. By just today's experience, it appears that this is no longer going to be the case, which is a nice relief, even if I will try to keep it charging when a charger is available and I'm not using the phone.

After 13 hours, about 2.5+ of which has been streaming audio via my BT headset, the phone just got to 20%. I'm still streaming as I speak and I feel that the phone could easily last another hour to hour and a half doing this. Streaming definitely seems extremely pricey, but with the stock and with my old 800w, I was getting close to depleating a battery (from 100%) in maybe 2 hours?

Oops, I guess I shouldn't have spoke so soon. Looks like there is a sharp drop off and the battery went from 20% to 10% to 5% to... now 1% and shutting off in the course of a few minutes! Seems like the battery meter is not the most reliable thing to keep track of exactly what you have left on the device!

In any case, still beats the stock battery. This complete power drain over 13 hours came via the aforementioned 2.5+ hours of streaming (some of which was done while reading and writing email), about 25 minutes worth of phone conversation, a total of maybe 20-30 minutes worth of reading and writing email (spread over the day), using MS push and activesync to my hosted exchange account.

As far as the battery/back dimensions, the pictures I'm posting as well as other make the back hump very noticeable. But really I doubt anyone is going to notice this except you or someone who's examining the phone closely. No, it doesn't look as sleak, but let's face it, this phone has never been anywhere close to as thin as the Diamond, Blackjack, etc. It's somewhat of a fat phone, and putting this extra bit on doesn't, I don't think, harm it's look that much more.

The other part of this is that at least for the Sprint Touch Pro, you're getting a back that has a nice black matte finish on it. I had previously thought it might be just lightly painted plastic and may rub off, and that still may happen, we'll see, but on second thought, it does seem thicker and more like it has a rubber-like feel, although obviously not rubber per se.

Someone else mentioned the hump actually adding to it's feel in your hands, and I definitely agree. It feels more solid, more grabable, like like you're holding a bar of soap that could slip out of your hands! I have Seidio's Spring Clip case, and it somehow makes the phone feel a lot easier to remove and put back into this case.

Personally, the added size is not a big deal for me, and even if it only increases battery life by 25%, it has the added nice feel. Is it worth the $50 or so I paid? I don't know, not yet at least...

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  #76 (permalink)  
Old 01-16-2009, 06:02 AM
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OEM HTC extended battery 1800 mAh?

Has any one seen this or have this in person? it is for sprint touch pro, if so can some one please post more pics? also i wonder if this cover will fit the extended battery from seidio. also if you check the link below it says it comes in black? you think this is type o?

here is the link where i found it http://www.wirelessground.com/bte6950sp.html
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  #77 (permalink)  
Old 01-17-2009, 01:01 AM
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Re: OEM HTC extended battery 1800 mAh?

Originally Posted by ocbones View Post

Has any one seen this or have this in person? it is for sprint touch pro, if so can some one please post more pics? also i wonder if this cover will fit the extended battery from seidio. also if you check the link below it says it comes in black? you think this is type o?

here is the link where i found it http://www.wirelessground.com/bte6950sp.html
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  #78 (permalink)  
Old 01-17-2009, 01:08 AM
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Re: Seidio 2000mAh pictures

not to add to the hyjack, but, that looks like a GSM version for a diamond (determined by low battery location and no hole for flash!)
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  #79 (permalink)  
Old 01-17-2009, 01:49 AM
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Re: Seidio 2000mAh pictures


What about the mugen?

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  #80 (permalink)  
Old 01-17-2009, 02:18 AM
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Re: Seidio 2000mAh pictures

I see them on ebay for the diamond (which uses the same type of battery as the touch pro ) I wonder if I can get one on ebay and buy a extended battery door for my phone... 3k of mah omg Id love that
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