[Consolidated] [2009 02 13] Touch Pro Build Date
Here is a consolidated version of pzztgotbagz's thread located here:
The other thread was too dang long to make sense of anything. Now you can look here to see any correlation of build date, or just see people's thoughts on their build-date. Please, if anyone's opinion has changed, or they would like to add/update anything I have posted here, feel free to correct me. I will continue to update this first post as more dates are given. Before anyone asks, yes, this was a pain to do, but now we don't have to read through 100's of pages anymore... Thanks, Steve Sorted by build-date: user / build-date / comments chronster 9/12/2008 Likes the taste ![]() lord-anubis 9/28/2008 would not charge, locked up every morning secretanchitman Oct-08 reception issues, because of bad PRL? Nagual 10/7/2008 common issues prochobo 10/8/2008 screen wobbles, cracks in chrome sirdevinster 10/8/2008 mr8820 10/10/2008 Overheating/charging issues, wouldn't charge, got a new battery, not sure if that fixed it adamjt 10/12/2008 chrome issue, wobbly keyboard, uneven lighting (and more.) adamjt 10/12/2008 REPLACEMENT: bad earpiece, sounds like kazoo Cicatrize 10/12/2008 works perfectly cmgj 10/12/2008 drezden 10/12/2008 works perfectly, his first had a bad earpiece exempli gratia 10/12/2008 battery issues, overheating Houston Blitz 10/12/2008 speaker/volume issues Insoc 10/12/2008 bad sound (earpiece?)", also laggy jjday7 10/12/2008 raised d-pad, insensitive screen, low volume johnwashere3 10/12/2008 blown speaker lord-anubis 10/12/2008 clearcoat on d-pad came off m4j2t 10/12/2008 blown speaker/bad sound ms30250 10/12/2008 raised buttons, VERY low volume, GREAT battery life ncraba01 10/12/2008 bad speaker peroulas 10/12/2008 cracks in case, near slide rest, not abused peroulas 10/12/2008 TERRIBLE earpiece Peruvianman 10/12/2008 raised home button Saint 10/12/2008 no problems ScrapMaker 10/12/2008 multiple issues sengirmav 10/12/2008 loose keyboard therustytrombone 10/12/2008 low audio volume TreyBeno 10/12/2008 Heating issues, (was okay with it though.) darker screen, keyboard scrapes, kb backlight uneven. TriniGirl007 10/12/2008 a c s 10/13/2008 bad earpiece/volume, terrible battery life apex seals 10/13/2008 bad earpiece bal2ifal 10/13/2008 raised d-pad bgeezy723 10/13/2008 christianguillen 10/13/2008 low audio volume Cicatrize 10/13/2008 good earpiece Cicatrize 10/13/2008 raised home button, scraping keyboard, bad keys cool8man 10/13/2008 raised d-pad, overheating cyespocket 10/13/2008 bad speaker, raised home button damonwest2000 10/13/2008 laggy drdjdesi 10/13/2008 sluggish, poor battery life, not solid, screen wiggles drkerry 10/13/2008 bad earpiece, Ele7eN 10/13/2008 Firon 10/13/2008 FoxRacR17 10/13/2008 gordec 10/13/2008 raised buttons gxnext 10/13/2008 No buzzing sound. hibby50 10/13/2008 HUGELY raised home button hsanchez 10/13/2008 raised home button HTCFord 10/13/2008 raised home button inline 10/13/2008 his own: big keyboard gap, raised buttons+C310 isangmahal 10/13/2008 Gave to husband, works perfectly isangmahal 10/13/2008 Second Line: Overheating and raised d-pad jason25 10/13/2008 works perfectly jonsigler 10/13/2008 jourabchid 10/13/2008 key lights staying on, draining battery Kelita 10/13/2008 kphillips 10/13/2008 hard reset DELETED the phone application LilRico 10/13/2008 perfect Lukas718 10/13/2008 no issues nerdtalker 10/13/2008 no issues NexVision 10/13/2008 Pattycerts 10/13/2008 No buzzing sound. rawdikrik 10/13/2008 rsbrown69 10/13/2008 raised buttons, keyboard scrapes SBR_L3GION 10/13/2008 ScrapMaker 10/13/2008 multiple issues sexipink 10/13/2008 overheat/charging/battery issues ShadowDrake 10/13/2008 bad earpiece, raised buttons, uneven kb backlight, overheating, creaking case ShadowDrake 10/13/2008 raised buttons, uneven kb backlight, inconsistent charging, bad spacebar Slim-X 10/13/2008 his own: works perfectly Slim-X 10/13/2008 his wife's: raised buttons SprintTouch08 10/13/2008 bad earpiece, raised d-pad steb0ne 10/13/2008 good earpiece stevedusa 10/13/2008 overheating issues, (says it has never stopped charging though) torankusu 10/13/2008 bad earpiece, very slow uptown 10/13/2008 5harology 10/14/2008 AB33 10/14/2008 Arterion 10/14/2008 bad earpiece, raised home key, screen wobbles, warped plastic, squeaky cover athlet1c 10/14/2008 Baffles 10/14/2008 good earpiece - half mesh, screen insensitive banzaiwolfe 10/14/2008 browning 10/14/2008 cjedgington 10/14/2008 DCLocal 10/14/2008 works perfectly e03179 10/14/2008 freeza 10/14/2008 screen had uneven sensitivity, build is bad overall, yellowish LCD. gezs 10/14/2008 raised buttons, screen insensitivity, GREAT battery life gobmonster 10/14/2008 insensitive screen, raised d-pad Hovthagawd 10/14/2008 imneveralOne 10/14/2008 journeyman73 10/14/2008 leoiden 10/14/2008 LucJoe 10/14/2008 Laggy when changine tasks/TF3D/keyboard, also heats up quite a bit. Lukas718 10/14/2008 lots of issues MadlyAlive 10/14/2008 MadTPro 10/14/2008 raised home, blown speaker, laggy marcus cruz 10/14/2008 MANY problems Mercenary 10/14/2008 Battery issues, insensitive screen mharvey 10/14/2008 MLawes 10/14/2008 nykbob 10/14/2008 gets hot pmp6nl 10/14/2008 raised d-pad, insensitive screen pzztgotbagz 10/14/2008 Ranger093 10/14/2008 redina 10/14/2008 overheats, EXTRAORDINARLY poor battery life robbor6386 10/14/2008 Roninllc 10/14/2008 warped lower screen, and volume issues ScrapMaker 10/14/2008 multiple issues slowrey 10/14/2008 bad earpiece - half mesh slowrey 10/14/2008 good earpiece - full mesh StakeX 10/14/2008 bad earpiece Staychizzo 10/14/2008 takimaki 10/14/2008 works perfectly thacounty 10/14/2008 poor battery life, but getting better TheMostToys 10/14/2008 toant103 10/14/2008 TurboFool 10/14/2008 good earpiece Twinsen 10/14/2008 works perfectly tx jaycee 10/14/2008 waterskiwv 10/14/2008 bad earpiece, raised buttons, screen senstivity issues Xtreme929 10/14/2008 bad earpiece - half mesh xxxjdoggxxx 10/14/2008 bad touchscreen, battery/overheating, slow AYSIANA 10/15/2008 poor battery life, EXTREMELY raised buttons bgeezy723 10/15/2008 Boo Boo 10/15/2008 CaliforniaPlaya 10/15/2008 chedda chez 10/15/2008 his wife's: works perfectly (returning anyways) ChronoT52 10/15/2008 d94 10/15/2008 has two of them dummer mc 10/15/2008 dunawayc 10/15/2008 dialer/cprog issue, overall software issues ebmorgan 10/15/2008 good earpiece enyce9 10/15/2008 fdtech 10/15/2008 gatolsf 10/15/2008 gladesmellzgood 10/15/2008 raised home button, screen insensitive gof 10/15/2008 GoZO 10/15/2008 bad earpiece - full mesh houdini 10/15/2008 raised home button Insoc 10/15/2008 flipping screen, warped home button (really noticable) Jeremysjunk 10/15/2008 horrible battery life Jok3sta 10/15/2008 Krayziepop 10/15/2008 heat/charging issues mnorn22 10/15/2008 bad earpiece, screen sensitivity, randomly turning off mnorn22 10/15/2008 bad earpiece, overheated BADLY, 'a' key on board barely worked mrrogers1 10/15/2008 No1ustad 10/15/2008 Palladium 10/15/2008 battery issues peroulas 10/15/2008 voice calls were horrible, data intermittent, battery life terrible, phistyle 10/15/2008 squeaky battery cover, raised buttons, grinding keyboard, laggy PropagandaX 10/15/2008 r1 rydah 10/15/2008 raised home button, gets warm (says it's normal) slimjon 10/15/2008 works perfectly smileyg 10/15/2008 SprintTouch08 10/15/2008 good earpiece, raised d-pad SprintTouch08 10/15/2008 good earpiece, good d-pad steveholtam 10/15/2008 bad earpiece touchpro addict 10/15/2008 untouchablez 10/15/2008 almost flawless wildpig 10/15/2008 GPS lag, VC problem. yotoad 10/15/2008 bad earpiece, raised home key, screen wobbles, warped plastic, squeaky cover, overheats bullet2300 10/16/2008 poor build, annoying gap on kb--light shown through elgreek84 10/16/2008 Houston Blitz 10/16/2008 works perfectly jglynn 10/16/2008 bluetooth issues, sluggish keyboard phaze 10/16/2008 having "issues" r.mauldin 10/16/2008 problematic scottarver 10/16/2008 audioacoustika 10/17/2008 Chillen 10/17/2008 heats up a lot during calls CountryDevil 10/17/2008 good earpiece--keyboard went bad, had to order a new one--hasn't got it yet htownrep23 10/17/2008 jimd144 10/17/2008 works perfectly jimh2k7 10/17/2008 works perfectly riotek 10/17/2008 randomly powering off/rebooting, laggy, VERY poor battery life sp0nge 10/17/2008 poor battery life Tahde 10/17/2008 tmz 10/17/2008 badkulo 10/18/2008 battery issues, overheating bgdjr 10/18/2008 Big D5 10/18/2008 DIED: raised home button, intermittent GPS, stylus switch broke internally, squeaky cover. bkrodgers 10/18/2008 loose slider, shuts down on it's own christofur84 10/18/2008 raised buttons, screen insensitivity diplomat2387 10/18/2008 Exstatica 10/18/2008 flakey battery life inline 10/18/2008 wife's: "operation failed," crashing/etc j23a45m 10/18/2008 mtnmedic 10/18/2008 works perfectly PlackSlayer 10/18/2008 raised home button pylynch 10/18/2008 reggiep 10/18/2008 had to charge it all day before it would turn on sn0b0ard 10/18/2008 subiegsr 10/18/2008 tomemail 10/18/2008 screen insensitive, battery life aceracer24 10/19/2008 raised buttons (over time) ACHlLLES 10/19/2008 ajac 10/19/2008 decent battery life with heavy use arc 10/19/2008 aznmode 10/19/2008 raised buttons, battery issues bestjudge 10/19/2008 battery issues, keyboard stopped working after a month or two… bit1 10/19/2008 Boost808 10/19/2008 phone won't charge--at all BumSF 10/19/2008 works perfectly cornelius2 10/19/2008 crow11ad 10/19/2008 screen wobbles, gets hot during use, poor battery life darren.wlsn1 10/19/2008 poor battery life, low volume dierre 10/19/2008 Dvargo 10/19/2008 electronicrice 10/19/2008 evilecho 10/19/2008 works perfectly Excheese 10/19/2008 no major issues fishpony 10/19/2008 fiveplusfive 10/19/2008 bad battery, freezes up gator352 10/19/2008 hempy 10/19/2008 poor battery life huynhc 10/19/2008 iceninja 10/19/2008 itouch24 10/19/2008 jappc 10/19/2008 jason559 10/19/2008 KilgoreBA 10/19/2008 battery issues, overheating kphillips 10/19/2008 still testing MaskedLion 10/19/2008 not sure about battery life. mathat420bx 10/19/2008 works perfectly mitchedo 10/19/2008 nico4k 10/19/2008 battery issues, raised buttons, insensitive screen osva 10/19/2008 phdong 10/19/2008 Pitchblack98 10/19/2008 wife's: gets hot with moderate use pyroz 10/19/2008 has had 3 of them sengirmav 10/19/2008 works perfectly SkunkApe 10/19/2008 uneven keyboard backlight soundworkspr 10/19/2008 staticent116 10/19/2008 raised home button superevilllama 10/19/2008 Surfgal 10/19/2008 themystx2 10/19/2008 screen died, d-pad not accurate, slider loosened after time thesfactor 10/19/2008 battery issues toinejuan 10/19/2008 works perfectly torankusu 10/19/2008 raised d-pad, other stuff is good winter720 10/19/2008 worldwide 10/19/2008 battery issues anish3232 10/20/2008 chanhuff 10/20/2008 dajeepman 10/20/2008 DexterDawg 10/20/2008 works perfectly dr g 10/20/2008 overheating/charging issues Exil3d 10/20/2008 cracks on chrome right out of the box genn28 10/20/2008 HPLouis 10/20/2008 works perfectly JasonOT 10/20/2008 works perfectly jimmytop 10/20/2008 VERY bad earpiece/speaker, VERY poor battery life, overheating/charging jloden78 10/20/2008 kaos 10/20/2008 owns two with same date mykie 10/20/2008 raised home button, keyboard backlight fail sangnas 10/20/2008 wavezero 10/20/2008 bullet2300 10/21/2008 battery cover clicks a lot Doughstackz 10/24/2008 drdjdesi 10/24/2008 works perfectly raybudd 10/24/2008 works perfectly aughsum 10/25/2008 Laggy + Raised D-Pad austinabrady 10/25/2008 works perfectly black co 10/25/2008 works perfectly Blitzed26 10/25/2008 j23a45m 10/25/2008 low audio volume Merq 10/25/2008 methos123 10/25/2008 sluggish for his tastes Raging Idiot 10/25/2008 works perfectly raybudd 10/25/2008 keyboard doesn't slide out straight rbrown13 10/25/2008 ReBootU 10/25/2008 sat 10/25/2008 themuffinman 10/25/2008 arsenalfan 10/26/2008 works perfectly cerchiarax 10/26/2008 GoodThings2Life 10/26/2008 works perfectly hassanb85 10/26/2008 works perfectly jptouch 10/26/2008 leemaverickly 10/26/2008 ntuhlekt 10/26/2008 intermittent VERY raised d-pad, good battery ou2mame 10/26/2008 works perfectly redlinejohn 10/26/2008 poor battery life, but getting better Aaronkdx200 10/27/2008 chappy 10/27/2008 works perfectly dubz10029 10/27/2008 hibby50 10/27/2008 works perfectly johnnychimpo 10/27/2008 jojo2112 10/27/2008 still has problems, (meaning you had others?) lord-anubis 10/27/2008 works perfectly m4j2t 10/27/2008 better speaker (doesn't sound like it's perfect?) Mastanthony89 10/27/2008 mgioia2 10/27/2008 works perfectly parlayed 10/27/2008 laggy pjohnnylost 10/27/2008 poor battery life sauman 10/27/2008 earpiece a tad muffled, otherwise perfect, battery improved over time THunDA 10/27/2008 works perfectly Zoheb318 10/27/2008 distorted speaker, non-flush buttons, bad sliding mechanism, overall bad QC. chavezguy04 10/28/2008 chedda chez 10/28/2008 his own: works perfectly funbobnopants 10/28/2008 slow GPS gearjunkeez 10/28/2008 raised buttons, keyboard scrapes Insoc 10/28/2008 screen sensitivity on left, chrome has gap, slightly raised home button mrdenial 10/28/2008 raised home key, bad speaker** replaced, an now has keyboard issues phillyphill39 10/28/2008 works perfectly kangolslimm 10/29/2008 mysparebrain 10/29/2008 warm battery steveholtam 10/29/2008 works perfectly funkycharms 10/30/2008 JickBahTech 10/30/2008 mykie 10/30/2008 works perfectly BigDiesel07 10/31/2008 works perfectly cbunting 10/31/2008 bad speaker, poor battery life, gets very hot cheeb 10/31/2008 eb3604 10/31/2008 raised buttons, but not as bad as his first mr8820 10/31/2008 ended up replacing bestjudge 11/1/2008 REPLACEMENT: REFURBISHED: Keyboard backlight seems brighter… celitrd2 11/1/2008 works perfectly coldkilla 11/1/2008 kpazzo6 11/1/2008 works perfectly liemydude Nov-08 gets REALLY hot using BT losplatanos 11/1/2008 works perfectly titter 11/1/2008 raised home button dabackwoodboy 11/2/2008 speaker/volume issues, squeaky battery cover fuup 11/2/2008 screen insensitive, uneven keyboard lighting germie 11/2/2008 battery cover clicks, slow internet, screen insensitive mykers 11/2/2008 schnebs1 11/2/2008 REPLACEMENT, works perfectly xenokira 11/2/2008 faulty LCD, brownish/yellow tint a c s 11/3/2008 speaker earpiece better a1one 11/3/2008 amart79196 11/3/2008 cbunting 11/3/2008 just as crappy as his first, overheating/charging issues, looking to replace darmok 11/3/2008 works perfectly Deimoss 11/3/2008 chips in chrome DeputyStankus 11/3/2008 hotspace 11/3/2008 marcus cruz 11/3/2008 most of the annoying problems are gone ndfjbg 11/3/2008 guess he owns two, with no problems? phistyle 11/3/2008 works perfectly rdd0512 11/3/2008 won't charge--out of box snackle 11/3/2008 works perfectly UBERG33K 11/3/2008 WyldeStile 11/3/2008 ycats 11/3/2008 ohm4life911 11/4/2008 works perfectly sdblevi 11/4/2008 works perfectly y2martt 11/4/2008 8675309 11/5/2008 grock 11/5/2008 hempy 11/5/2008 works perfectly igotgame 11/5/2008 Alltel: works perfectly jchill 11/5/2008 t0mmyr 11/5/2008 bkrodgers 11/6/2008 REPLACEMENT bkrodgers 11/6/2008 REPLACEMENT, gap chrome, nicks, back squeaks captblaze 11/6/2008 cforster 11/6/2008 better screen, gets warm, screen wobbles, doesn't creak cosmo92109 11/6/2008 creaky battery door d1hamby 11/6/2008 evilpeople 11/6/2008 works perfectly jglynn 11/6/2008 works perfectly johnwashere3 11/6/2008 seems to get warm okonkwo 11/6/2008 pg2k3 11/6/2008 swapped his old one, good build quality pharoah35 11/6/2008 rfletch12 11/6/2008 works perfectly rfletch12 11/6/2008 works perfectly ScrapMaker 11/6/2008 multiple issues sha04 11/6/2008 SurfDan5 11/6/2008 works perfectly VibrantRedGT 11/6/2008 REPLACEMENT: Keyboard much better, kb backlight good, much few bugs compared to first. 8notime 11/7/2008 swapped out his old one Anonymatt 11/7/2008 poor battery life, overheating/charging issues, screen border, cover creaks, uneven kb bl, peeling chrome chiefington 11/7/2008 works perfectly Chillen 11/7/2008 seems to get warm Cyncere1984 11/7/2008 overheat/charging/battery issues Decidion 11/7/2008 Overheating/charging issues dole 11/7/2008 not much experience for reference, (sounds like squeaky cover) firegeek 11/7/2008 grandpanda 11/7/2008 screen wobbles inline 11/7/2008 his own: works perfectly inline 11/7/2008 wife's: works perfectly Maxx134 11/7/2008 Heating issues, mushy keyboard, chrome started chipping for no reason. mnorn22 11/7/2008 works perfectly navoid 11/7/2008 works perfectly parrott84 11/7/2008 peroulas 11/7/2008 works perfectly r.mauldin 11/7/2008 works perfectly ScrapMaker 11/7/2008 poor build, overheating/charging issues, screen is SLIGHTLY better than previous ScrapMaker 11/7/2008 multiple issues scratchy714 11/7/2008 thesfactor 11/7/2008 looks good phsyically, but overheats badly, (he thinks they all do this) Paladin 202 11/8/2008 prochobo 11/8/2008 works perfectly mr8820 11/11/2008 ended up replacing ndfjbg 11/11/2008 guess he owns two, with no problems? vzwdts 11/11/2008 VZW: works perfectly, FRIEND: sprint keyboard squeaks when opened funbobnopants 11/14/2008 works perfectly htcvogue111 11/15/2008 screen/keyboard clack together bjm2007 11/17/2008 myltz400 11/17/2008 REPLACEMENT, tighter, good sound, old one locked up during charging Pitchblack98 11/17/2008 constantly freezing while charging, volume keys broke, battery cover squeaked badly. Addicted23 11/18/2008 ashimp1 11/18/2008 works perfectly dadoc04 11/18/2008 dannyppc6700 11/18/2008 edub186 11/18/2008 "Mine is perfect." inmnbob 11/18/2008 bought two MaskedLion 11/18/2008 Still heats up, battery door started clicking after 3 days Mutiny32 11/18/2008 Perfect hardware-wise, and has customized software/OS to help other issues… sexipink 11/18/2008 cannot connect to internet sircas 11/18/2008 works perfectly--NOW he says overheats-- replaced battery, then entire phone twentysixtwo 11/18/2008 Seems okay cforster 11/19/2008 gets hot, but doesn't stop charging ComDor82 11/19/2008 laggy sometimes, screen wobbles, bad speaker, good earpiece l33tlinuxh4x0r 11/19/2008 data keeps disconnecting Paprika 11/19/2008 chocmatic 11/20/2008 dave01978 11/20/2008 works perfectly DoubleAACH 11/20/2008 works perfectly Hibame 11/20/2008 insensitve around edges, no issues with heat, (hasn't made long calls though) mwheeler1982 11/20/2008 poorlyduck 11/20/2008 raised home key, cover loose/squeaks, keyboard wobbles/loose, earpiece volume low. sircas 11/20/2008 REPLACEMENT: No word on any problems yet syanni85 11/20/2008 works perfectly bahayman 11/21/2008 raised home button, back cover is loose germie 11/21/2008 raised d-pad (lifting off,) internet is 2x faster than last, screen responds better themystx2 11/21/2008 keyboard is looser, d-pad works better yotoad 11/23/2008 works perfectly flyers2114 11/24/2008 REPLACEMENT, works perfectly gobmonster 11/24/2008 raised d-pad, good kb backlight, screen sides insensitive MILH0U5E 11/24/2008 REPLACEMENT, END key is lower than screen psabo05 11/24/2008 cbus 11/25/2008 REPLACEMENT, raised d-pad, not as hot, screen issue around borders rbrown13 11/25/2008 FOURTH PHONE, works perfectly TOOL1075 11/25/2008 DSGamer 11/26/2008 Had to open 3 at the store before he found one that works okay… multiple problems with the others. gissentml 11/26/2008 REPLACEMENT, works perfectly Maxx134 11/26/2008 Better keyboard, screen more responsive, seems to run cooler while charging, (not sure about during call) rwcj63 11/26/2008 replacement due to damage wytecaztle 11/26/2008 gets REALLY hot Stealth86 11/27/2008 No problems so far. loren646 11/28/2008 having "issues" shwoogy21 11/28/2008 vsual 11/28/2008 hardware keys uneven/not flush, creaky cover. Decidion 12/2/2008 REPLACEMENT: No word on any problems yet sos567656765 12/8/2008 bullet2300 12/9/2008 works perfectly LeoKnightas 12/9/2008 sde780 12/9/2008 squeaky cover, left side of kb not lit, screen edges, heats up a lot during calls ShadowDrake 12/9/2008 works perfectly, (thinks) his screen is much more sensitive, still overheats veronicamays 12/9/2008 cjconover859 12/10/2008 dannyppc6700 12/10/2008 REPLACEMENT darnell 12/10/2008 "So far all is well." UPDATE: has defective WIFI, replacement is on the way. fr4nk1yn 12/10/2008 hot while charging, not as bad as diamond though. furiousgtz 12/10/2008 REPLACEMENT, works perfectly hassanb85 12/10/2008 REPLACEMENT -- new-in-box -- still has overheating issues HTCFord 12/10/2008 REPLACEMENT secretanchitman 12/10/2008 REPLACEMENT: heating issues--otherwise perfect. snovvman 12/10/2008 rdwing 12/11/2008 raised home key, uneven keyboard backlight mikebai1990 12/12/2008 REPLACEMENT: better speakerphone, good build(squeaky back still,) kb unevel lighting powerplay13 12/12/2008 "I just got it this week so I am still learning." shadowfire 12/12/2008 Poor reception compared to phones in same location. faceoff101 12/13/2008 heats hot while charging, thinks this is normal Maui6700dude 12/14/2008 seems to have poor battery life--not sure, (thinks it needs to break in) mike99 12/14/2008 Raised d-pad, low volume from all speakers, otherwise seems "ok," but has not fully tested. Silent Patriot 12/14/2008 poor QC, squeaks, etc aprilarchambeau 12/15/2008 Yellow screen. isangmahal 12/15/2008 "Perfect in every way." update: still perfect IsLNdbOi 12/15/2008 creaky, heats up badly, chrome scratches, uneven slider mechanism, screen sensitivy uneven (paraphrase.) Pitchblack98 12/16/2008 Raised home button, (not sure about other problems yet.) TreyBeno 12/17/2008 Possibly still heating issues. Whiter screen, better sliding mechanism, better kb backlight. shaggylive 12/18/2008 "just got mine yesterday and all seems good to me." bjeremi 12/22/2008 no issues yet mike99 12/24/2008 REPLACEMENT: Poor speakerphone, distorted/etc CountryDevil 12/25/2008 REPLACEMENT: Back cover creaks, gets hotter than original. Alpine- 12/26/2008 no issues, will report back if he has some Big D5 12/26/2008 Good so far, no squeaky battery cover. Irosenman 12/26/2008 nonstop 12/26/2008 straight-to-voicemail issue, texts late/etc. kayfouroh 1/5/2009 No problems/squeaks/creaks LucJoe 1/5/2009 REPLACEMENT: Lag is GONE when changing tasks/TF3D/keyboard, Does not heat up--much better QC. Zoheb318 1/5/2009 REPLACEMENT: better quality, but screen is not as good as old one. bit1 1/6/2009 REPLACEMENT: seems okay so far. cruecifer 1/6/2009 no issues yet darkjedi007 1/6/2009 radio gets hot, otherwise works great. vsual 1/6/2009 REPLACEMENT: better QC, less creaking, back cover still doesn't fit right, speaker better than original. tstretch 1/7/2009 poor battery life, gets pretty hot while charging as well as talking. Wingzfan 1/8/2009 Works flawlessly so far. ritzy73 1/9/2009 coolwhip1220 1/10/2009 gets warm, but not hot lgmayka 1/10/2009 locks up while charging (it's very common,) Massdes07 1/11/2009 Silent Patriot 1/11/2009 REPLACEMENT: much better fit and finish, no more squeaks darnell 1/12/2009 REPLACEMENT: working fine EtherealRemnant 1/13/2009 Seems fine Aleki 1/15/2009 raised d-pad, screen blemish, LCD bleeding, kb uneven lit, slid mech is bad QC, sluggish. BigDiesel07 1/15/2009 REPLACEMENT: works great freeza 1/16/2009 screen uniform sensitivity, (good!), raised d-pad, better build overall bg18461 1/17/2009 REPLACEMENT: third phone: Seems great! mr8820 1/17/2009 johnnydough646 Screen got scrambled, (ROM issue?) hardware 002, rom *.3 mikebai1990 speakerphone/chrome issues runout74 raised home button, screen edges, fluttering noise during calls, very disappointed Sorted by user: user / build-date / comments 8675309 11/5/2008 5harology 10/14/2008 8notime 11/7/2008 swapped out his old one a c s 10/13/2008 bad earpiece/volume, terrible battery life a c s 11/3/2008 speaker earpiece better a1one 11/3/2008 Aaronkdx200 10/27/2008 AB33 10/14/2008 aceracer24 10/19/2008 raised buttons (over time) ACHlLLES 10/19/2008 adamjt 10/12/2008 chrome issue, wobbly keyboard, uneven lighting (and more.) adamjt 10/12/2008 REPLACEMENT: bad earpiece, sounds like kazoo Addicted23 11/18/2008 ajac 10/19/2008 decent battery life with heavy use Aleki 1/15/2009 raised d-pad, screen blemish, LCD bleeding, kb uneven lit, slid mech is bad QC, sluggish. Alpine- 12/26/2008 no issues, will report back if he has some amart79196 11/3/2008 anish3232 10/20/2008 Anonymatt 11/7/2008 poor battery life, overheating/charging issues, screen border, cover creaks, uneven kb bl, peeling chrome apex seals 10/13/2008 bad earpiece aprilarchambeau 12/15/2008 Yellow screen. arc 10/19/2008 arsenalfan 10/26/2008 works perfectly Arterion 10/14/2008 bad earpiece, raised home key, screen wobbles, warped plastic, squeaky cover ashimp1 11/18/2008 works perfectly athlet1c 10/14/2008 audioacoustika 10/17/2008 aughsum 10/25/2008 Laggy + Raised D-Pad austinabrady 10/25/2008 works perfectly AYSIANA 10/15/2008 poor battery life, EXTREMELY raised buttons aznmode 10/19/2008 raised buttons, battery issues badkulo 10/18/2008 battery issues, overheating Baffles 10/14/2008 good earpiece - half mesh, screen insensitive bahayman 11/21/2008 raised home button, back cover is loose bal2ifal 10/13/2008 raised d-pad banzaiwolfe 10/14/2008 bestjudge 10/19/2008 battery issues, keyboard stopped working after a month or two… bestjudge 11/1/2008 REPLACEMENT: REFURBISHED: Keyboard backlight seems brighter… bg18461 1/17/2009 REPLACEMENT: third phone: Seems great! bgdjr 10/18/2008 bgeezy723 10/13/2008 bgeezy723 10/15/2008 Big D5 10/18/2008 DIED: raised home button, intermittent GPS, stylus switch broke internally, squeaky cover. Big D5 12/26/2008 Good so far, no squeaky battery cover. BigDiesel07 10/31/2008 works perfectly BigDiesel07 1/15/2009 REPLACEMENT: works great bit1 10/19/2008 bit1 1/6/2009 REPLACEMENT: seems okay so far. bjeremi 12/22/2008 no issues yet bjm2007 11/17/2008 bkrodgers 10/18/2008 loose slider, shuts down on it's own bkrodgers 11/6/2008 REPLACEMENT bkrodgers 11/6/2008 REPLACEMENT, gap chrome, nicks, back squeaks black co 10/25/2008 works perfectly Blitzed26 10/25/2008 Boo Boo 10/15/2008 Boost808 10/19/2008 phone won't charge--at all browning 10/14/2008 bullet2300 10/16/2008 poor build, annoying gap on kb--light shown through bullet2300 10/21/2008 battery cover clicks a lot bullet2300 12/9/2008 works perfectly BumSF 10/19/2008 works perfectly CaliforniaPlaya 10/15/2008 captblaze 11/6/2008 cbunting 10/31/2008 bad speaker, poor battery life, gets very hot cbunting 11/3/2008 just as crappy as his first, overheating/charging issues, looking to replace cbus 11/25/2008 REPLACEMENT, raised d-pad, not as hot, screen issue around borders celitrd2 11/1/2008 works perfectly cerchiarax 10/26/2008 cforster 11/6/2008 better screen, gets warm, screen wobbles, doesn't creak cforster 11/19/2008 gets hot, but doesn't stop charging chanhuff 10/20/2008 chappy 10/27/2008 works perfectly chavezguy04 10/28/2008 chedda chez 10/15/2008 his wife's: works perfectly (returning anyways) chedda chez 10/28/2008 his own: works perfectly cheeb 10/31/2008 chiefington 11/7/2008 works perfectly Chillen 10/17/2008 heats up a lot during calls Chillen 11/7/2008 seems to get warm chocmatic 11/20/2008 christianguillen 10/13/2008 low audio volume christofur84 10/18/2008 raised buttons, screen insensitivity ChronoT52 10/15/2008 chronster 9/12/2008 Likes the taste ![]() Cicatrize 10/12/2008 works perfectly Cicatrize 10/13/2008 good earpiece Cicatrize 10/13/2008 raised home button, scraping keyboard, bad keys cjconover859 12/10/2008 cjedgington 10/14/2008 cmgj 10/12/2008 coldkilla 11/1/2008 ComDor82 11/19/2008 laggy sometimes, screen wobbles, bad speaker, good earpiece cool8man 10/13/2008 raised d-pad, overheating coolwhip1220 1/10/2009 gets warm, but not hot cornelius2 10/19/2008 cosmo92109 11/6/2008 creaky battery door CountryDevil 10/17/2008 good earpiece--keyboard went bad, had to order a new one--hasn't got it yet CountryDevil 12/25/2008 REPLACEMENT: Back cover creaks, gets hotter than original. crow11ad 10/19/2008 screen wobbles, gets hot during use, poor battery life cruecifer 1/6/2009 no issues yet cyespocket 10/13/2008 bad speaker, raised home button Cyncere1984 11/7/2008 overheat/charging/battery issues d1hamby 11/6/2008 d94 10/15/2008 has two of them dabackwoodboy 11/2/2008 speaker/volume issues, squeaky battery cover dadoc04 11/18/2008 dajeepman 10/20/2008 damonwest2000 10/13/2008 laggy dannyppc6700 11/18/2008 dannyppc6700 12/10/2008 REPLACEMENT darkjedi007 1/6/2009 radio gets hot, otherwise works great. darmok 11/3/2008 works perfectly darnell 12/10/2008 "So far all is well." UPDATE: has defective WIFI, replacement is on the way. darnell 1/12/2009 REPLACEMENT: working fine darren.wlsn1 10/19/2008 poor battery life, low volume dave01978 11/20/2008 works perfectly DCLocal 10/14/2008 works perfectly Decidion 11/7/2008 Overheating/charging issues Decidion 12/2/2008 REPLACEMENT: No word on any problems yet Deimoss 11/3/2008 chips in chrome DeputyStankus 11/3/2008 DexterDawg 10/20/2008 works perfectly dierre 10/19/2008 diplomat2387 10/18/2008 dole 11/7/2008 not much experience for reference, (sounds like squeaky cover) DoubleAACH 11/20/2008 works perfectly Doughstackz 10/24/2008 dr g 10/20/2008 overheating/charging issues drdjdesi 10/13/2008 sluggish, poor battery life, not solid, screen wiggles drdjdesi 10/24/2008 works perfectly drezden 10/12/2008 works perfectly, his first had a bad earpiece drkerry 10/13/2008 bad earpiece, DSGamer 11/26/2008 Had to open 3 at the store before he found one that works okay… multiple problems with the others. dubz10029 10/27/2008 dummer mc 10/15/2008 dunawayc 10/15/2008 dialer/cprog issue, overall software issues Dvargo 10/19/2008 e03179 10/14/2008 eb3604 10/31/2008 raised buttons, but not as bad as his first ebmorgan 10/15/2008 good earpiece edub186 11/18/2008 "Mine is perfect." Ele7eN 10/13/2008 electronicrice 10/19/2008 elgreek84 10/16/2008 enyce9 10/15/2008 EtherealRemnant 1/13/2009 Seems fine evilecho 10/19/2008 works perfectly evilpeople 11/6/2008 works perfectly Excheese 10/19/2008 no major issues exempli gratia 10/12/2008 battery issues, overheating Exil3d 10/20/2008 cracks on chrome right out of the box Exstatica 10/18/2008 flakey battery life faceoff101 12/13/2008 heats hot while charging, thinks this is normal fdtech 10/15/2008 firegeek 11/7/2008 Firon 10/13/2008 fishpony 10/19/2008 fiveplusfive 10/19/2008 bad battery, freezes up flyers2114 11/24/2008 REPLACEMENT, works perfectly FoxRacR17 10/13/2008 fr4nk1yn 12/10/2008 hot while charging, not as bad as diamond though. freeza 10/14/2008 screen had uneven sensitivity, build is bad overall, yellowish LCD. freeza 1/16/2009 screen uniform sensitivity, (good!), raised d-pad, better build overall funbobnopants 10/28/2008 slow GPS funbobnopants 11/14/2008 works perfectly funkycharms 10/30/2008 furiousgtz 12/10/2008 REPLACEMENT, works perfectly fuup 11/2/2008 screen insensitive, uneven keyboard lighting gatolsf 10/15/2008 gator352 10/19/2008 gearjunkeez 10/28/2008 raised buttons, keyboard scrapes genn28 10/20/2008 germie 11/2/2008 battery cover clicks, slow internet, screen insensitive germie 11/21/2008 raised d-pad (lifting off,) internet is 2x faster than last, screen responds better gezs 10/14/2008 raised buttons, screen insensitivity, GREAT battery life gissentml 11/26/2008 REPLACEMENT, works perfectly gladesmellzgood 10/15/2008 raised home button, screen insensitive gobmonster 10/14/2008 insensitive screen, raised d-pad gobmonster 11/24/2008 raised d-pad, good kb backlight, screen sides insensitive gof 10/15/2008 GoodThings2Life 10/26/2008 works perfectly gordec 10/13/2008 raised buttons GoZO 10/15/2008 bad earpiece - full mesh grandpanda 11/7/2008 screen wobbles grock 11/5/2008 gxnext 10/13/2008 No buzzing sound. hassanb85 10/26/2008 works perfectly hassanb85 12/10/2008 REPLACEMENT -- new-in-box -- still has overheating issues hempy 10/19/2008 poor battery life hempy 11/5/2008 works perfectly Hibame 11/20/2008 insensitve around edges, no issues with heat, (hasn't made long calls though) hibby50 10/13/2008 HUGELY raised home button hibby50 10/27/2008 works perfectly hotspace 11/3/2008 houdini 10/15/2008 raised home button Houston Blitz 10/12/2008 speaker/volume issues Houston Blitz 10/16/2008 works perfectly Hovthagawd 10/14/2008 HPLouis 10/20/2008 works perfectly hsanchez 10/13/2008 raised home button HTCFord 10/13/2008 raised home button HTCFord 12/10/2008 REPLACEMENT htcvogue111 11/15/2008 screen/keyboard clack together htownrep23 10/17/2008 huynhc 10/19/2008 iceninja 10/19/2008 igotgame 11/5/2008 Alltel: works perfectly imneveralOne 10/14/2008 inline 10/13/2008 his own: big keyboard gap, raised buttons+C310 inline 10/18/2008 wife's: "operation failed," crashing/etc inline 11/7/2008 his own: works perfectly inline 11/7/2008 wife's: works perfectly inmnbob 11/18/2008 bought two Insoc 10/12/2008 bad sound (earpiece?)", also laggy Insoc 10/15/2008 flipping screen, warped home button (really noticable) Insoc 10/28/2008 screen sensitivity on left, chrome has gap, slightly raised home button Irosenman 12/26/2008 isangmahal 10/13/2008 Gave to husband, works perfectly isangmahal 10/13/2008 Second Line: Overheating and raised d-pad isangmahal 12/15/2008 "Perfect in every way." update: still perfect IsLNdbOi 12/15/2008 creaky, heats up badly, chrome scratches, uneven slider mechanism, screen sensitivy uneven (paraphrase.) itouch24 10/19/2008 j23a45m 10/18/2008 j23a45m 10/25/2008 low audio volume jappc 10/19/2008 jason25 10/13/2008 works perfectly jason559 10/19/2008 JasonOT 10/20/2008 works perfectly jchill 11/5/2008 Jeremysjunk 10/15/2008 horrible battery life jglynn 10/16/2008 bluetooth issues, sluggish keyboard jglynn 11/6/2008 works perfectly JickBahTech 10/30/2008 jimd144 10/17/2008 works perfectly jimh2k7 10/17/2008 works perfectly jimmytop 10/20/2008 VERY bad earpiece/speaker, VERY poor battery life, overheating/charging jjday7 10/12/2008 raised d-pad, insensitive screen, low volume jloden78 10/20/2008 johnnychimpo 10/27/2008 johnnydough646 Screen got scrambled, (ROM issue?) hardware 002, rom *.3 johnwashere3 10/12/2008 blown speaker johnwashere3 11/6/2008 seems to get warm jojo2112 10/27/2008 still has problems, (meaning you had others?) Jok3sta 10/15/2008 jonsigler 10/13/2008 jourabchid 10/13/2008 key lights staying on, draining battery journeyman73 10/14/2008 jptouch 10/26/2008 kangolslimm 10/29/2008 kaos 10/20/2008 owns two with same date kayfouroh 1/5/2009 No problems/squeaks/creaks Kelita 10/13/2008 KilgoreBA 10/19/2008 battery issues, overheating kpazzo6 11/1/2008 works perfectly kphillips 10/13/2008 hard reset DELETED the phone application kphillips 10/19/2008 still testing Krayziepop 10/15/2008 heat/charging issues l33tlinuxh4x0r 11/19/2008 data keeps disconnecting leemaverickly 10/26/2008 leoiden 10/14/2008 LeoKnightas 12/9/2008 lgmayka 1/10/2009 locks up while charging (it's very common,) liemydude Nov-08 gets REALLY hot using BT LilRico 10/13/2008 perfect lord-anubis 9/28/2008 would not charge, locked up every morning lord-anubis 10/12/2008 clearcoat on d-pad came off lord-anubis 10/27/2008 works perfectly loren646 11/28/2008 having "issues" losplatanos 11/1/2008 works perfectly LucJoe 10/14/2008 Laggy when changine tasks/TF3D/keyboard, also heats up quite a bit. LucJoe 1/5/2009 REPLACEMENT: Lag is GONE when changing tasks/TF3D/keyboard, Does not heat up--much better QC. Lukas718 10/13/2008 no issues Lukas718 10/14/2008 lots of issues m4j2t 10/12/2008 blown speaker/bad sound m4j2t 10/27/2008 better speaker (doesn't sound like it's perfect?) MadlyAlive 10/14/2008 MadTPro 10/14/2008 raised home, blown speaker, laggy marcus cruz 10/14/2008 MANY problems marcus cruz 11/3/2008 most of the annoying problems are gone MaskedLion 10/19/2008 not sure about battery life. MaskedLion 11/18/2008 Still heats up, battery door started clicking after 3 days Massdes07 1/11/2009 Mastanthony89 10/27/2008 mathat420bx 10/19/2008 works perfectly Maui6700dude 12/14/2008 seems to have poor battery life--not sure, (thinks it needs to break in) Maxx134 11/7/2008 Heating issues, mushy keyboard, chrome started chipping for no reason. Maxx134 11/26/2008 Better keyboard, screen more responsive, seems to run cooler while charging, (not sure about during call) Mercenary 10/14/2008 Battery issues, insensitive screen Merq 10/25/2008 methos123 10/25/2008 sluggish for his tastes mgioia2 10/27/2008 works perfectly mharvey 10/14/2008 mike99 12/14/2008 Raised d-pad, low volume from all speakers, otherwise seems "ok," but has not fully tested. mike99 12/24/2008 REPLACEMENT: Poor speakerphone, distorted/etc mikebai1990 12/12/2008 REPLACEMENT: better speakerphone, good build(squeaky back still,) kb unevel lighting mikebai1990 speakerphone/chrome issues MILH0U5E 11/24/2008 REPLACEMENT, END key is lower than screen mitchedo 10/19/2008 MLawes 10/14/2008 mnorn22 10/15/2008 bad earpiece, screen sensitivity, randomly turning off mnorn22 10/15/2008 bad earpiece, overheated BADLY, 'a' key on board barely worked mnorn22 11/7/2008 works perfectly mr8820 10/10/2008 Overheating/charging issues, wouldn't charge, got a new battery, not sure if that fixed it mr8820 10/31/2008 ended up replacing mr8820 11/11/2008 ended up replacing mr8820 1/17/2009 mrdenial 10/28/2008 raised home key, bad speaker** replaced, an now has keyboard issues mrrogers1 10/15/2008 ms30250 10/12/2008 raised buttons, VERY low volume, GREAT battery life mtnmedic 10/18/2008 works perfectly Mutiny32 11/18/2008 Perfect hardware-wise, and has customized software/OS to help other issues… mwheeler1982 11/20/2008 mykers 11/2/2008 mykie 10/20/2008 raised home button, keyboard backlight fail mykie 10/30/2008 works perfectly myltz400 11/17/2008 REPLACEMENT, tighter, good sound, old one locked up during charging mysparebrain 10/29/2008 warm battery Nagual 10/7/2008 common issues navoid 11/7/2008 works perfectly ncraba01 10/12/2008 bad speaker ndfjbg 11/3/2008 guess he owns two, with no problems? ndfjbg 11/11/2008 guess he owns two, with no problems? nerdtalker 10/13/2008 no issues NexVision 10/13/2008 nico4k 10/19/2008 battery issues, raised buttons, insensitive screen No1ustad 10/15/2008 nonstop 12/26/2008 straight-to-voicemail issue, texts late/etc. ntuhlekt 10/26/2008 intermittent VERY raised d-pad, good battery nykbob 10/14/2008 gets hot ohm4life911 11/4/2008 works perfectly okonkwo 11/6/2008 osva 10/19/2008 ou2mame 10/26/2008 works perfectly Paladin 202 11/8/2008 Palladium 10/15/2008 battery issues Paprika 11/19/2008 parlayed 10/27/2008 laggy parrott84 11/7/2008 Pattycerts 10/13/2008 No buzzing sound. peroulas 10/12/2008 cracks in case, near slide rest, not abused peroulas 10/12/2008 TERRIBLE earpiece peroulas 10/15/2008 voice calls were horrible, data intermittent, battery life terrible, peroulas 11/7/2008 works perfectly Peruvianman 10/12/2008 raised home button pg2k3 11/6/2008 swapped his old one, good build quality pharoah35 11/6/2008 phaze 10/16/2008 having "issues" phdong 10/19/2008 phillyphill39 10/28/2008 works perfectly phistyle 10/15/2008 squeaky battery cover, raised buttons, grinding keyboard, laggy phistyle 11/3/2008 works perfectly Pitchblack98 10/19/2008 wife's: gets hot with moderate use Pitchblack98 11/17/2008 constantly freezing while charging, volume keys broke, battery cover squeaked badly. Pitchblack98 12/16/2008 Raised home button, (not sure about other problems yet.) pjohnnylost 10/27/2008 poor battery life PlackSlayer 10/18/2008 raised home button pmp6nl 10/14/2008 raised d-pad, insensitive screen poorlyduck 11/20/2008 raised home key, cover loose/squeaks, keyboard wobbles/loose, earpiece volume low. powerplay13 12/12/2008 "I just got it this week so I am still learning." prochobo 10/8/2008 screen wobbles, cracks in chrome prochobo 11/8/2008 works perfectly PropagandaX 10/15/2008 psabo05 11/24/2008 pylynch 10/18/2008 pyroz 10/19/2008 has had 3 of them pzztgotbagz 10/14/2008 r.mauldin 10/16/2008 problematic r.mauldin 11/7/2008 works perfectly r1 rydah 10/15/2008 raised home button, gets warm (says it's normal) Raging Idiot 10/25/2008 works perfectly Ranger093 10/14/2008 rawdikrik 10/13/2008 raybudd 10/24/2008 works perfectly raybudd 10/25/2008 keyboard doesn't slide out straight rbrown13 10/25/2008 rbrown13 11/25/2008 FOURTH PHONE, works perfectly rdd0512 11/3/2008 won't charge--out of box rdwing 12/11/2008 raised home key, uneven keyboard backlight ReBootU 10/25/2008 redina 10/14/2008 overheats, EXTRAORDINARLY poor battery life redlinejohn 10/26/2008 poor battery life, but getting better reggiep 10/18/2008 had to charge it all day before it would turn on rfletch12 11/6/2008 works perfectly rfletch12 11/6/2008 works perfectly riotek 10/17/2008 randomly powering off/rebooting, laggy, VERY poor battery life ritzy73 1/9/2009 robbor6386 10/14/2008 Roninllc 10/14/2008 warped lower screen, and volume issues rsbrown69 10/13/2008 raised buttons, keyboard scrapes runout74 raised home button, screen edges, fluttering noise during calls, very disappointed rwcj63 11/26/2008 replacement due to damage Saint 10/12/2008 no problems sangnas 10/20/2008 sat 10/25/2008 sauman 10/27/2008 earpiece a tad muffled, otherwise perfect, battery improved over time SBR_L3GION 10/13/2008 schnebs1 11/2/2008 REPLACEMENT, works perfectly scottarver 10/16/2008 ScrapMaker 10/12/2008 multiple issues ScrapMaker 10/13/2008 multiple issues ScrapMaker 10/14/2008 multiple issues ScrapMaker 11/6/2008 multiple issues ScrapMaker 11/7/2008 poor build, overheating/charging issues, screen is SLIGHTLY better than previous ScrapMaker 11/7/2008 multiple issues scratchy714 11/7/2008 sdblevi 11/4/2008 works perfectly sde780 12/9/2008 squeaky cover, left side of kb not lit, screen edges, heats up a lot during calls secretanchitman Oct-08 reception issues, because of bad PRL? secretanchitman 12/10/2008 REPLACEMENT: heating issues--otherwise perfect. sengirmav 10/12/2008 loose keyboard sengirmav 10/19/2008 works perfectly sexipink 10/13/2008 overheat/charging/battery issues sexipink 11/18/2008 cannot connect to internet sha04 11/6/2008 ShadowDrake 10/13/2008 bad earpiece, raised buttons, uneven kb backlight, overheating, creaking case ShadowDrake 10/13/2008 raised buttons, uneven kb backlight, inconsistent charging, bad spacebar ShadowDrake 12/9/2008 works perfectly, (thinks) his screen is much more sensitive, still overheats shadowfire 12/12/2008 Poor reception compared to phones in same location. shaggylive 12/18/2008 "just got mine yesterday and all seems good to me." shwoogy21 11/28/2008 Silent Patriot 12/14/2008 poor QC, squeaks, etc Silent Patriot 1/11/2009 REPLACEMENT: much better fit and finish, no more squeaks sircas 11/18/2008 works perfectly--NOW he says overheats-- replaced battery, then entire phone sircas 11/20/2008 REPLACEMENT: No word on any problems yet sirdevinster 10/8/2008 SkunkApe 10/19/2008 uneven keyboard backlight slimjon 10/15/2008 works perfectly Slim-X 10/13/2008 his own: works perfectly Slim-X 10/13/2008 his wife's: raised buttons slowrey 10/14/2008 bad earpiece - half mesh slowrey 10/14/2008 good earpiece - full mesh smileyg 10/15/2008 sn0b0ard 10/18/2008 snackle 11/3/2008 works perfectly snovvman 12/10/2008 sos567656765 12/8/2008 soundworkspr 10/19/2008 sp0nge 10/17/2008 poor battery life SprintTouch08 10/13/2008 bad earpiece, raised d-pad SprintTouch08 10/15/2008 good earpiece, raised d-pad SprintTouch08 10/15/2008 good earpiece, good d-pad StakeX 10/14/2008 bad earpiece staticent116 10/19/2008 raised home button Staychizzo 10/14/2008 Stealth86 11/27/2008 No problems so far. steb0ne 10/13/2008 good earpiece stevedusa 10/13/2008 overheating issues, (says it has never stopped charging though) steveholtam 10/15/2008 bad earpiece steveholtam 10/29/2008 works perfectly subiegsr 10/18/2008 superevilllama 10/19/2008 SurfDan5 11/6/2008 works perfectly Surfgal 10/19/2008 syanni85 11/20/2008 works perfectly t0mmyr 11/5/2008 Tahde 10/17/2008 takimaki 10/14/2008 works perfectly thacounty 10/14/2008 poor battery life, but getting better TheMostToys 10/14/2008 themuffinman 10/25/2008 themystx2 10/19/2008 screen died, d-pad not accurate, slider loosened after time themystx2 11/21/2008 keyboard is looser, d-pad works better therustytrombone 10/12/2008 low audio volume thesfactor 10/19/2008 battery issues thesfactor 11/7/2008 looks good phsyically, but overheats badly, (he thinks they all do this) THunDA 10/27/2008 works perfectly titter 11/1/2008 raised home button tmz 10/17/2008 toant103 10/14/2008 toinejuan 10/19/2008 works perfectly tomemail 10/18/2008 screen insensitive, battery life TOOL1075 11/25/2008 torankusu 10/13/2008 bad earpiece, very slow torankusu 10/19/2008 raised d-pad, other stuff is good touchpro addict 10/15/2008 TreyBeno 10/12/2008 Heating issues, (was okay with it though.) darker screen, keyboard scrapes, kb backlight uneven. TreyBeno 12/17/2008 Possibly still heating issues. Whiter screen, better sliding mechanism, better kb backlight. TriniGirl007 10/12/2008 tstretch 1/7/2009 poor battery life, gets pretty hot while charging as well as talking. TurboFool 10/14/2008 good earpiece twentysixtwo 11/18/2008 Seems okay Twinsen 10/14/2008 works perfectly tx jaycee 10/14/2008 UBERG33K 11/3/2008 untouchablez 10/15/2008 almost flawless uptown 10/13/2008 veronicamays 12/9/2008 VibrantRedGT 11/6/2008 REPLACEMENT: Keyboard much better, kb backlight good, much few bugs compared to first. vsual 11/28/2008 hardware keys uneven/not flush, creaky cover. vsual 1/6/2009 REPLACEMENT: better QC, less creaking, back cover still doesn't fit right, speaker better than original. vzwdts 11/11/2008 VZW: works perfectly, FRIEND: sprint keyboard squeaks when opened waterskiwv 10/14/2008 bad earpiece, raised buttons, screen senstivity issues wavezero 10/20/2008 wildpig 10/15/2008 GPS lag, VC problem. Wingzfan 1/8/2009 Works flawlessly so far. winter720 10/19/2008 worldwide 10/19/2008 battery issues WyldeStile 11/3/2008 wytecaztle 11/26/2008 gets REALLY hot xenokira 11/2/2008 faulty LCD, brownish/yellow tint Xtreme929 10/14/2008 bad earpiece - half mesh xxxjdoggxxx 10/14/2008 bad touchscreen, battery/overheating, slow y2martt 11/4/2008 ycats 11/3/2008 yotoad 10/15/2008 bad earpiece, raised home key, screen wobbles, warped plastic, squeaky cover, overheats yotoad 11/23/2008 works perfectly Zoheb318 10/27/2008 distorted speaker, non-flush buttons, bad sliding mechanism, overall bad QC. Zoheb318 1/5/2009 REPLACEMENT: better quality, but screen is not as good as old one. Last edited by ScrapMaker; 02-13-2009 at 12:49 PM. Reason: Update |
This post has been thanked 31 times. |
Re: [Consolidated] Touch Pro Build Date
Original: 10/13/2008 --> went to hubby, perfect though.
Second Line: 10/13/20080 --> battery overheating and raised dpad. Is that normal? If I went to Sprint, would I be able to get a different one? Also could I get a new screen protector from them too? Last edited by isangmahal; 12-31-2008 at 07:34 PM. |
Re: [Consolidated] Touch Pro Build Date
build date: 11/7/2008
issues: *fast battery drain. Still not sure if this is "normal" compared to other people, or not, but even after hard resetting, just to rule out if I did anything wrong before, I am lucky to go 12 hours of minimal usage (maybe 5 minutes total on phone, and ~10 minutes of web surfing). Some of the fast battery drain could be attributed to most of my time being in "low" signal areas (1-3 bars, sometimes 0), but even when I am in areas with decent-good signal I still can only get ~12-14 hours of minimal use. *heat while charging: this issue further complicates the above issue, since it is virtually impossible to keep my phone on 24/7 and actually use it. After about a half hour of phone or data usage (while charging) the unit will heat up too much and stop charging. Because of this I would only be able to get ~2 hours of phone or data usage before the battery dies, even while plugged in. This is especially bad if I want to use GPS navigation, since if I go on a trip that is longer than 2 hours my phone will die (even while plugged in) before I get to my destination. I have only used the Sprint Navigator, though, which seems like it keeps a nearly continuous data connection (to download maps and/or check traffic?), so this might not be an issue if I were to use TomTom or any of the other GPS programs. *screen responsiveness: this is probably "normal", but the outside edges are virtually impossible to touch unless I use a very hard press with the stylus or fingernail. Nowhere near as responsive as the rest of the screen. *battery "creak": doesn't really bother me, but I suppose it does exist. *uneven keyboard backlight: the #3 key is very bright, the #9 key is bright, and as you move further from those keys they get less bright. This doesn't really bother me, as they are still bright enough to read *front facing keys/D-pad: there isn't any significant "raised" part, but they aren't the easiest to use, especially the "back" key and "right arrow" key, which there's about a 50% chance I'll push the wrong one when trying to use. I've sorta found the "sweet spot" for where to touch, but still have a significant error rate. *peeling crome finish: I baby my electronics, so I was a bit surprised to see the crome chipping off the sides of my Touch Pro. I don't use an external cover, and just keep the phone in my pocket, but I haven't bumped it or dropped it, and still after 2 weeks of use the corners are now black. This kinda bugs me, but since it is just a cosmetic issue, and not functional, I could live with it Otherwise the phone is really great, and honestly if I could just get it to the point where I could go a full day without having to worry about the battery dying, I would be very pleased. I'll probably just go get some more batteries to get me through a day, but I'm hoping perhaps my unit is defective and that if I exchange it I will get one that is better. |
Re: [Consolidated] Touch Pro Build Date
i have the early build date(10-10-0
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Re: [Consolidated] Touch Pro Build Date
Wow, I have one of the newest ones! Hooray for me! But alas I am having p[oor battery performance issues as well. I can make it last the whole day and put it to rest on the cradle only if I use it sparsely throughout the day. Well, I got this phone on the 26th sooo, maybe my batt needs a little more time to calibrate. I doubt it tho. Thanks for the hard work! That would've taken me forever.
What if.......nah nevermind.
Re: [Consolidated] Touch Pro Build Date
Are you judging your poor battery life on the the guage itself, or when it powers off from power-loss? That's a much more solid way to judge things. If you search this forum, you will find a few posts by Palladium, who has written a utility called BattLog. You can use this to do a few battery benchmarks and logs, and compare them to the other ones in his thread. Comparing apples to apples, rather than people's opinions. |
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