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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2008, 05:28 PM
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Re: Device can go faster - message

If you don't set your connection to disk drive mode then your large transfers will take forever. ActiveSync just doesn't transfer files very efficiently. Hence why that disk drive mode is there.

Something to try to correct the message is to uninstall the drivers from Windows and let Windows reinstall them. You would be suprised at how often something this simple fixes problems like this. Keep in mind, there are potentially three drivers to uninstall depending on how your phone is set up. There is one using Advanced Network Functionality, one that doesn't use Advanced Network Functionality and one that is used for Disk Drive mode.
"Why do people who make more money have to be so stupid?"
"If you can't figure out something simple like how to use Google to search, don't even try flashing your phone!"

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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2008, 05:59 PM
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Re: Device can go faster - message

Originally Posted by aceracer24 View Post
If you don't set your connection to disk drive mode then your large transfers will take forever. ActiveSync just doesn't transfer files very efficiently. Hence why that disk drive mode is there.

Something to try to correct the message is to uninstall the drivers from Windows and let Windows reinstall them. You would be suprised at how often something this simple fixes problems like this. Keep in mind, there are potentially three drivers to uninstall depending on how your phone is set up. There is one using Advanced Network Functionality, one that doesn't use Advanced Network Functionality and one that is used for Disk Drive mode.
do this.
it sounds like all the USB ports on the computer function on an internal USB controller hub. if the drivers for the USB controlled HUB are not up to date this may be the problem. its possible the HUB does not recognize the device as a valid USB 2.0 device and that is your problem. try on a differnt computer and see if you get the same error message. you can also try purchasing another USB controller card and see if you get the same error message. if you do, your controller has out of date drivers. if updating the drivers did not work you need a new controller card.
Any typos or sarcastic remarks were purposely placed for your enjoyment.

Diamond > Touch > Treo 700p > TOUCH PRO

If i helped. click "thanks"
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2008, 06:22 PM
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Re: Device can go faster - message

Originally Posted by lmv7777 View Post
do this.
it sounds like all the USB ports on the computer function on an internal USB controller hub. if the drivers for the USB controlled HUB are not up to date this may be the problem. its possible the HUB does not recognize the device as a valid USB 2.0 device and that is your problem. try on a differnt computer and see if you get the same error message. you can also try purchasing another USB controller card and see if you get the same error message. if you do, your controller has out of date drivers. if updating the drivers did not work you need a new controller card.
Definitely try updating chipset and USB host adapter drivers before spending $$$

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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2008, 06:40 PM
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Re: Device can go faster - message

I should have mentioned that I have done all of these steps. I have uninstalled the adapters, the hub, updated the chipset to no avail.

"its possible the HUB does not recognize the device as a valid USB 2.0 device and that is your problem."

Actually, the message says my device could go faster because it recognizes the device as usb 2, but says the port isn't.

I'll have to check with another USB 2.0 device and then on another computer.

Do you think that it could still be transfering at 2.0, even though it says there is a problem? How would I check.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2008, 06:54 PM
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Re: Device can go faster - message

Hey, I just figured it out! It was my freaking cord!!!

I just bought it and it is a name brand cord that states that it is 2.0 HI-SPEED.

I switched to another 2.0 cord and the message went away. I hope someone can benefit from this.

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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2008, 06:58 PM
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Re: Device can go faster - message

Originally Posted by mmtbb View Post
Hey, I just figured it out! It was my freaking cord!!!

I just bought it and it is a name brand cord that states that it is 2.0 HI-SPEED.

I switched to another 2.0 cord and the message went away. I hope someone can benefit from this.

Umm, why are you not using the supplied USB cord with the phone? You problems would have been solved a long time ago and we would not have wasted all this time for nothing....
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2008, 07:05 PM
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Re: Device can go faster - message

Originally Posted by aceracer24 View Post
Umm, why are you not using the supplied USB cord with the phone? You problems would have been solved a long time ago and we would not have wasted all this time for nothing....
Haha, I spent a lot of time reading through this. I agree, but maybe he lost it. I usually try 9 things only to find out it was the easiest thing too!
On On U of K!!!! Sammy GS4 - ATT - Clean Rom - Xposed Mod
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2008, 07:31 PM
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Re: Device can go faster - message

Originally Posted by aceracer24 View Post
Umm, why are you not using the supplied USB cord with the phone? You problems would have been solved a long time ago and we would not have wasted all this time for nothing....
umm, excuse me? Don't pull an attitude on me! You only posted once before your last stupid comment. I didn't realize you wasted "all this time". I didn't see you offering a suggestion that it may be the cord. Like many people, I connect at different spots; Office and work. Of course I still have my original cord. IT'S AT WORK! I bought another 2.0 cord for home!

In fact, the cord that just solved my problem WASN'T THE FACTORY CORD EITHER! It was just another 2.0 cord I had in storage. This proves that a regular 2.0 cord SHOULD work.

In conclusion: No one wasted any time. We figured out that sometimes users can get this message if their cord is damaged. This may save them from reinstalling all those drivers again. Someone else is going to benefit from this at some point.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2008, 07:52 PM
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Re: Device can go faster - message

Originally Posted by mmtbb View Post
umm, excuse me? Don't pull an attitude on me! You only posted once before your last stupid comment. I didn't realize you wasted "all this time". I didn't see you offering a suggestion that it may be the cord. Like many people, I connect at different spots; Office and work. Of course I still have my original cord. IT'S AT WORK! I bought another 2.0 cord for home!

In fact, the cord that just solved my problem WASN'T THE FACTORY CORD EITHER! It was just another 2.0 cord I had in storage. This proves that a regular 2.0 cord SHOULD work.

In conclusion: No one wasted any time. We figured out that sometimes users can get this message if their cord is damaged. This may save them from reinstalling all those drivers again. Someone else is going to benefit from this at some point.
Easy, we can all be friends here. This is not a place to flame. I am glad you got your problem solved and some others posted the same problem. I hope your solution fixed it for them too! Stay around, this is a friendly place though.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2008, 08:03 PM
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Re: Device can go faster - message

make sure usb is set to 2.0 in the BIOS this IS your problem!
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