Originally Posted by vzwdts
I've noticed Sprint and VZW's speed to typically be very very similar. Never had any complaints about either.
What knucklehead at Sprint told you that? It's the exact same technology../
Originally Posted by BigDiesel07
haha... Great catch on that...
Originally Posted by jmorton10
LOL, & you believed it?????
Originally Posted by chronster
Yeah I'd go back to the salesperson and complain they sold you a phone with false promises, but I'm a complainer
Salespeople will tell you some pretty far fetched bs sometimes. I used to love listening to the computer guys at circuitcity or bestbuy try and sell me computers.
Originally Posted by BigDiesel07
Anything for a sale.. Corrupt integrity to meet sales quota.. Unless they are too dumb to know better.. Sprint and Verizon have the same basic technology..
whoa whoa whoa, are you guys serious? i thought yall were geeks? sprint really does have faster speeds than verizon wtf. i cant believe i heard this even from vets, do some research. rev A may be the same technology but it doesnt mean that the speeds will be the same, thats like assuming because both carriers are cdma technology that their coverage will be the same. sprint DOES have faster speeds believe it or not, thats why their slogan is "everything at sprint speed". they truely do have the largest and fastest broadband network. now in the OP's case, he may have a weak signal or jus not in a rev A area for sprint.. but he def wasnt mislead by saying sprints data speeds are faster than verizons