Re: Verizon now offering Visual Voicemail for TP
I added the cab, got dreaded error 206, called tech. 50 min later we essentially soft reset the device, she got help from a sup, they couldn't get it working. I requested them to manually change my class of service, they did as requested after asking like 3 or 4 times. Then I launched the app, got in right away, then had the rep leave test message and it went through fine, got it as a visual voicemail. But essentially rep wouldnt let me keep it as it wouldnt add the billing code to the line for the $2.99 per month charge. So awaiting a trouble ticket for a feature I (thanks to this forum) helped them get working but because they couldnt charge me right away they couldnt leave it on there. Nice Verizon.
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Re: Verizon now offering Visual Voicemail for TP
anyone?? I just screamed at like 10 people and they all called me an idiot (i didnt really scream and they didnt really call me an idiot but you get the idea). I would really love to have this feature.
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Re: Verizon now offering Visual Voicemail for TP
Okay, FINALLY found someone willing to activate it on not only my TP but my old vx6800 that I sold to my co-worker. I did have a weird error message after using it for about an hour that would cause the program to not load. I had to hard reset, which is okay because I needed to set things up proper then do a backup, but I am still nervous that if I get a voicemail while the program is closed and then open it it will break again (this is the scenario the first time). Has anyone had any problems with this program becoming unrecoverable or do you think this was just a fluke? Thanks.
Re: Verizon now offering Visual Voicemail for TP
Doesn't matter. It wasn't on the site when I called. I just told the last guy I talked to (had to call like 10 times) that I've done this a few times now with the TPs in my office and no everyone is knowledgeable enough to do it but hopefully you are (a little peter sucking). Then told him that his drop down would be grayed out and he would have to manually provision my account for the visual voicemail and I would do the rest. He was super eager to try and click click click, no problem. I then said "Hey! wanna try something really different, lets see if this works on a vx6800" He clicked away and sure enough it did. This was on Monday.
Re: Verizon now offering Visual Voicemail for TP
Well you are lucky you got yours working. I still get the same runaround after 3 calls telling me its not available. I went thought the manually provision the VM but instead I get a response that theoreitically its possible but then it wont match the billing and then I ultimately wont have it...blah blah blah! So I have gotten nowhere. Anyone have a name or person or an extension we can refer to on the verizon end who has some knowledge and interest?
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