Re: Verizon now offering Visual Voicemail for TP
Yall just got to keep calling. I just used the same script every time after a while.
Me: Hi, do you have experience with visual voicemail? Then: Yes = continue No = Hang up Me: Okay, here is the deal. I have purchased 6 Touch pros for my company (make one up) and I have successfully installed visual voicemail on each device. It is a hastle though because on your end you must manually provision the account for visual voicemail... your drop down menu system will simply be grayed out and most reps arent familiar with manual provision, Do you know how to manually provision accounts? Them: Yes = Great then lets give this a shot. I have the cab installed and ready to go, you set up the account and let me know when you are done and hopefully everything goes through. No = No worries friend, I will try someone else. (DO NOT LET THEM TRANSFER YOU TO A MANAGER! They are not allowed to even discuss this anymore). Wait for them to do their thing... click the program... boom, visual voicemail. Good luck folks.
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Re: Verizon now offering Visual Voicemail for TP
if anybody is still following this thread, could someone that currently has had verizon manually provision this to their account, could you private message me your #. Long story short, finally got on with a tech, and he wants to be able to pull up the account that has it provisioned to see how it was done.
Re: Verizon now offering Visual Voicemail for TP
any updates. I am sick of my phone always starting me off listening to my old voicemail even though I press 1 for new only.
Re: Verizon now offering Visual Voicemail for TP
I spoke with a rep yesterday, and was told to be patient... They are currently working on getting the visual voicemail to work on the TP's. I was told to call back in 1-2 weeks...
Re: Verizon now offering Visual Voicemail for TP
So the Diamond now comes with the ability for Visual Voicemail so it should easily work on the TP as well but I have called 5 times and each time everyone tried telling me that it is not compatible with the TP which is a joke.
Re: Verizon now offering Visual Voicemail for TP
Here's the update. I am the one that started this thread and I still have Visual Voicemail working. If you want, PM me and I will give you my number to let the tech look at my account to see how it's setup. It does work. And I have had no issues with it.
My Device:VZW Droid X
My ROM of choice: Stock ROM for now If I have helped you in anyway, please click Thank You. |
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